Selection of Recent Center Faculty Publications:

Carey, L., Legg, M., Cannon, A., Lance, E., Thornton, C. P., Ruble, K., Jacobson, L. A. (2023) Supporting mutual understanding of special education other health impairment eligibility [White paper]. Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Thornton CP, Ruble K, Jacobson L.A. Education for Children With Chronic Illness: Moving Forward in Online and Virtual LearningJAMA Pediatr. Published online January 04, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.5643

Carey, L. B., Ruble, K., Paré-Blagoev, J., Milla, K., Thornton, C. P., Henegan, S., & Jacobson, L. A. (2021). Childhood cancer survivors and distance education challenges: Lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.

Carey, L.B., Ruble, K., Paré-Blagoev, E.J., Jacobson, L.A. (2021) Advocating for immunocompromised children in the time of COVID-19: Learning from children with cancer [White paper]. Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Education, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Carey, L. B., Schmidt, J., Dommestrup, A. K., Pritchard, A. E., van Stone, M., Grasmick, N., Mahone, E. M., Denckla, M. B., Jacobson, L. A. (2020) Beyond learning about the brain: A situated approach to training teachers in mind, brain, and education. Mind, Brain, and Education. DOI:10.1111/mbe.12238

Carey, L. B., Jacobson, L. A., Pritchard, A. E. (2020, April) If you tweet it data will come: Using social media for education research. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (ACCE).

Carey, L. B., Sadera, W.A., Cai, Q., & Filipiak, S. Creating a community of practice for educators forced to transition to remote teaching. In Ferdig, R.E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R. & Mouza, C. (Eds). (2020). Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved June 15, 2020 from

Jacobson, L. A., & Carey, L. B. (2020, February 26). Addressing the divergence of the UDL guidelines from the developmental neuropsychology view of executive function. Retrieved from

Carey, L. B. & Jacobson, L. A. (2020, January 31). What is the L in UDL? Retrieved from

Carey, L. B. & Deshais, M. (2018, December 11). Using Classroom Behavior Interventions to Facilitate UDL. Retrieved from

Carey, L. B. (2018, September 14). Modeling Expert Learning: Letting Go of Knowing It All. Retrieved from

Berquist, E., Ralabate, P, Sadera, B., & Carey, L. B. Instructional coaching with professional learning communities. In E. Berquist (Ed.), (2017). UDL: Moving from exploration to integration. Wakefield, MA: CAST Publishing.

Carey, L. B., Stephan, C, & Pritchard, A. E. (2019) Preparing students for competent use of academic testing accommodations: Teachers’ belief, knowledge, and practice. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 24(1).

Goldberg, M. C., Spinelli, S., Joel, S., Pekar, J. J., Denckla, M. B., & Mostofsky, S. H. (2011). Children with high functioning autism show increased prefrontal and temporal cortex activity during error monitoring. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 1(1), 47-56.

Jacobson, L. A., & Mahone, E. M. (2012). Educational implications of executive dysfunction. In S. Hunter & E. Sparrow (eds.), Executive Function and Dysfunction: Identification, Assessment, and Treatment (pp232-246).  New York: Cambridge University Press.

Jacobson, L. A., Murphy-Bowman, S. C., Pritchard, A. E., Tart-Zelvin, A., Zabel, T. A., & Mahone, E. M.  (2012). Factor structure of a sluggish cognitive tempo scale in clinically referred children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 1327-1337. DOI 10.1007/s10802-012-9643-6.

Jacobson, L. A., Ryan, M., Martin, R. B., Ewen, J., Mostofsky, S. H., Denckla, M. B., et al. (2011). Working memory influences processing speed and reading fluency in ADHD. Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence. 17(3), 209-24.

Jacobson, L. A., Tarazi, R. A., McCurdy, M., Schultz, S., Levey, E., Mahone, E. M., & Zabel, T. A. (in press). The Kennedy Krieger Independence Scales-Spina Bifida Version (KKIS-SB): A measure of executive components of self-management in youth and young adults with spina bifidaRehabilitation Psychology.

Lee, R. W. Y., Jacobson, L. A., Pritchard, A. E., Ryan, M., Yu, Q., Denckla, M. B., Mostofsky, S. H., & Mahone, E. M. (2012). Jitter reduces response time variability in ADHD: An ex-Gaussian analysis. Journal of Attention Disorders. DOI 10.1177/1087054712464269.

Mahone, E. M., & Schneider, H. E. (2012). Assessment of attention in preschoolersNeuropsychology Review, 22, 361-383. DOI 10.1007/s11065-012-9217-y.

Papazoglou, A., Jacobson, L., Zabel, T. A. (2013). More than intelligence: Distinct cognitive/behavioral clusters linked to adaptive function in childrenJournal of the International Neuropsychological Society. doi:10.1017/S1355617712001191.  

Pritchard, A. E., Jacobson, L. A., Nigro, C., & Mahone, E. M. (2012). The role of neuropsychological assessment in the functional outcomes of children with ADHD.  Neuropsychology Review, 22, 45-68. DOI 10.1007/s11065-011-9185-7.

Pritchard, A. E., Koriakin, T. A., Carey, L. B., Bellows, A. D., Jacobson, L. A., & Mahone, E. M. (2016) Academic Testing Accommodations for ADHD: Do They Help? Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 2016; 21(2): 67-78. doi:10.18666/LDMJ-2016-V21-I2-7414

Schmidt, J. D., Drasgow, E., Halle, J., & Martin, C. (2014). Discrete-trial functional analysis and functional communication training for three individuals with autism with severe problem behaviorJournal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 16 (1), 44-55.

Schmidt, J. D., Shanholtzer, A. S., Kahng, S., Scherbak, B., & Mezhoudi, N. (2014). A preliminary analysis of the use of a brief experimental analysis of academics for problem behavior maintained by escape from demandsEducation and Treatment of Children, 37(2), 229-247.

Schmidt, J. D., Huete, J., Fodstad, J., Chin, M., & Kurtz, P. (2013). An Evaluation of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist for Children Under Age 5Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34 (4), 1190-1197.

Zabel, T.A., Jacobson, L., & Mahone, E.M. (in press). Hydrocephalus/Spina Bifida. In I.S. Baron, and C. Rey-Casserly (eds.). Pediatric Neuropsychology: Medical Advances and Lifespan Outcomes. New York: Oxford University Press.


Richmond, E. H., van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2017). Building the Bridge Between Neuroscience and Education for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers to Promote Inclusion for Students with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.

Daly, A. M., van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Do We Need Police to Keep Our Schools Safe? Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.

Eversole, R., van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Ending Early Elementary Suspensions in Maryland Schools. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.

Grow, J. L., van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Providing an Appropriate Education to English Language Learners with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.

Hardesty, S., Zablotsky, B., & van Stone, M. (2012). Facing the facts: Addressing problems with anti-bullying policies and surveillance systems in Maryland schools. Poster presented at the Association on University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.

Van Stone, M., Jensby, E., & Majewski, K. (2012). An innovative approach to addressing the medical and legal needs of individuals with disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.

Van Stone, M., Naugle, P., & McIntyre, H. (2012). Analyzing the legal and practical implications of appropriate transition planning for children with autism spectrum diagnosis. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.