The MRI Resource for Physiologic, Metabolic and Anatomic Biomarkers provides multiple resources for magnetic resonance data acquisition and analysis. We have facilities for the most advanced MRI data acquisition, including state of the art 7 Tesla and 3 Tesla Philips MRI scanners. Our resource also includes Johns Hopkins University facilities of the Department of Radiology (3 Tesla Prisma scanner), and the computational facilities of the Department of Biomedical Engineering with its Center for Imaging Science (CIS) and the Department of Biostatistics in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.  

The development of technology is only useful if it positively impacts the research of others and advances approaches for the clinic, which in our case of biomarker development relates to the way in which diseases are diagnosed and how their treatment is evaluated. Our Center therefore shares all of the novel technologies that we develop. Once new MR pulse sequences have been tested and analysis approaches have reached sufficient maturity to allow use by non-experts, we will make our technologies available to other researchers and clinicians in the country and worldwide. For our data acquisition approaches, reaching maturity generally would be once we have completed repeatability (test-retest) and reproducibility studies. For software, maturity would mean that the product has reached sufficient milestones such as reliable performance and additional capabilities or superior performance in comparison with existing tools. Some software is available as freeware through github, and may be improved further by others. Please see the below links for the available resources.