IDDRC Publications 2020-2021
- Adamek JH, Luo Y, Ewen JB. Using Connectivity to Explain Neuropsychiatric Conditions: The Example of Autism. In: Thakor N (ed.), The Springer Handbook of Neuroengineering. Springer (in press). (Core E)
- Al Dhaheri N, Wu N, Zhao S, et al. KIAA1217: A novel candidate gene associated with isolated and syndromic vertebral malformations. Am J Med Genet A. 2020;182(7):1664-1672. PMCID: 32369272. (Core C)
- Arockiaraj AI, Liu D, Shaffer JR, Koleck TA, Crago EA, Weeks DE, Conley YP. Methylation data processing protocol and comparison of blood and cerebral spinal fluid following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Front Genet. 2020 Jun 26;11:671. PMCID: PMC7332758. (Core C)
- Battacharjee S, Kashyap R, O’Brien BA, McCloskey M, Oishi K, Desmond JE, Rapp B, Chen SHA. Reading proficiency influences the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation: Evidence from selective modulation of dorsal and ventral pathways of reading in bilinguals. Brain Lang. 2020;210:104850. (Core D)
- Baudendistel ST, Schmitt AC, Roemmich RT, Harrison I, Hass CJ. levodopa facilitates improvements in gait kinetics at the hip, but not the ankle, in persons with Parkinson’s Disease. J of Biomech (in press). (Core E)
- Beck DB, Petracovici A, He C, et al. Delineation of a Human Mendelian Disorder of the DNA Demethylation Machinery: TET3 Deficiency. Am J Hum Genet. 2020;106(2):234-245. PMCID: PMC7010978. (Core C)
- Bembea MM, Felling RJ, Caprarola SD, et al. Neurologic outcomes in a two-center cohort of neonatal and pediatric patients supported on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ASAIO J. 2020;66(1):79-88. PMCID: PMC7765760. (Cores D, E)
- Brašić JR, Nandi A, Russell DS, et al. Cerebral expression of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 in idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and fragile X syndrome: A pilot study. Int J Mol Sci. In press. (Core E)
- Brašić JR, Nandi A, Russell DS, et al. Reduced cerebral expression of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 in men with fragile X syndrome. Brain Sci. 2020;10(12):899. PMCID: PMC7760509. (Core E)
- Browne MG, Smock CS, and Roemmich RT. The human preference for symmetric gait often disappears when one leg is constrained. J of Physiol. 2021;599(4):1243-1260. (Core E)
- Cao D, Kang N, Pillai JJ, Miao X, Paez A, Xu X, Xu J, Li X, Qin Q, van Zijl PCM, Barker P, Hua J. Fast whole brain MR imaging of dynamic susceptibility contrast changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (cDSC MRI). Reson. Med. 2020;84(6):3256-3270. (Core D)
- Carvalho DR, Speck-Martins CE, Brum JM, Ferreira CR, Sobreira NLM. Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with elevated plasma lysosomal enzymes caused by homozygous variant in MBTPS1. Am J Med Genet A. 2020;182(7):1796-1800. (Core C)
- Castilla-Vallmanya L, Selmer KK, Dimartino C, et al. Phenotypic spectrum and transcriptomic profile associated with germline variants in TRAF7. Genet Med. 2020;22(7):1215-1226. (Core C)
- Cecil KM, Brunst KJ, Horowitz-Kraus T. Greater reading gain following intervention is associated with low magnetic resonance spectroscopy derived concentrations in the anterior cingulate cortex in children with dyslexia. Brain Res. 2021:147386. (Cores D, E)
- Chen C, Rosh KS, Crocetti D, Seymour KE, Mahone EM, Mostofsky SH. Sex effects on mirror overflow during finger tapping in children with ADHD. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2021. (in press). (Core D)
- Chin EM, Lenz C, Ye X, et al. Clinical factors associated with chronic pain in communicative adults with cerebral palsy: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers. (Core E)
- Choe AS, Tang B, Smith KR, Honari H, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS, Pekar JJ. Phase-locking of resting-state brain networks with the gastric basal electrical rhythm. PLOS ONE. 2021;16(1):e0244756. PMCID: PMC7785240. (Core D)
- Chudnovets A, Liu J, Narasimhan H, Liu Y, Burd I. Role of inflammation in virus pathogenesis during pregnancy. J Virol. 2020 Dec 22;95(2):e01381-19. (Core C)
- Coslick AM, Chin KE, Kalb LG, Slomine BS, Suskauer SJ. Participation in Physical Activity at Time of Presentation to a Specialty Concussion Clinic Is Associated With Shorter Time to Recovery. PM R. 2020;12(12):1195-1204. PMCID: PMC32578944 (Core E)
- Crasta JE, Zhao Y, Seymour KE, Suskauer SJ, Mostofsky SH, Rosch KS. Developmental trajectory of subtle motor signs in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A longitudinal study from childhood to adolescence. Child Neuropsychol. 2021;27(3):317-332. Epub 2020 Nov 26. (Core D)
- DeRonda A, Zhao Y, Seymour KE, Mostofsky SH, Rosch KS. Distinct patterns of impaired cognitive control among boys and girls with ADHD across development. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol. 2021 Mar 1. Epub ahead of print. (Core D)
- Dyment DA, O’Donnell-Luria A, Agrawal PB, et al. Alternative genomic diagnoses for individuals with a clinical diagnosis of Dubowitz syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2021;185(1):119-133. (Core C)
- Ewen JB, Levin AR. Neurobehavioral Biomarkers: An EEG Family Reunion. J Clin Neurophysiol (in press). (Core E)
- Ewen JB, Potter WZ, Sweeney JA. Biomarkers and Neurobehavioral Diagnosis. Biomark in Neuropsychiatry (in press). (Core E)
- Falligant JM, Hagopian LP. Further extensions of precision medicine to behavior analysis: A demonstration using functional communication training. J Appl Behav Anal. 2020 Sep;53(4):1961-1981. (Core E)
- Falligant JM, Kranak MP, McNulty MK, Schmidt JD, Hausman NL, Rooker GW. Prevalence of renewal of problem behavior: Replication and extension to an inpatient setting. J Appl Behav Anal. 2021;54(1):36773. (Core E)
- Falligant JM, McNulty MK, Kranak MP, Hausman NL, Rooker GW. Evaluating Sources Of Baseline Data Using Dual‐Criteria And Conservative Dual‐Criteria Methods: A Quantitative Analysis. J Appl Behav Anal. 2020;53(4):2330-2338. (Core E)
- Fichtman B, Harel T, Biran N, Zagairy F, Applegate CD, Salzberg Y, Gilboa T, Salah S, Shaag A, Simanovsky N, Ayoubieh H, Sobreira N, Punzi G, Pierri CL, Hamosh A, Elpeleg O, Harel A, Edvardson S. Pathogenic variants in NUP214 cause “plugged” nuclear pore channels and acute febrile encephalopathy. Am J Hum Genet. 2019 Jul 3;105(1):48-64. PMCID: PMC6612515. (Core C)
- Galaro JK, Celnik P, Chib VS. Motor cortex excitability reflects the subjective value of reward and mediates its effects on incentive-motivated performance. J Neurosci. 2019;39(7):1236-1248. PMCID: PMC6381239. (Core E)
- Giorgio E, Sirchia F, Bosco M, et al. A novel case of Greenberg dysplasia and genotype-phenotype correlation analysis for LBR pathogenic variants: An instructive example of one gene-multiple phenotypes. Am J Med Genet A. 2019 Feb;179(2):306-311. PMCID: PMC6349533. (Core C)
- Gould RA, Aziz H, Woods CE, et al. ROBO4 variants predispose individuals to bicuspid aortic valve and thoracic aortic aneurysm. Nat Genet. 2019 Jan;51(1):42-50. PMCID: PMC6309588. (Core C)
- Gowans LJJ, Cameron-Christie S, Slayton RL, et al. Missense Pathogenic variants in KIF4A Affect Dental Morphogenesis Resulting in X-linked Taurodontism, Microdontia and Dens-Invaginatus. Front Genet. 2019;10:800. PMCID: PMC6764483 (Core C)
- Guillen Sacoto MJ, Tchasovnikarova IA, Torti E, et al. De Novo Variants in the ATPase Module of MORC2 Cause a Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Growth Retardation and Variable Craniofacial Dysmorphism. Am J Hum Genet. 2020;107(2):352-363. (Core B)
- Gujral S, Aizenstein H, Reynolds CF 3rd, Butters MA, Grove G, Karp JF, Erickson KI. Exercise for depression: A feasibility trial exploring neural mechanisms. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019;27(6):611-616. PMCID: PMC6511318. (Core C)
- Haddock JN, Hagopian LP. Competing stimulus assessments: A systematic review. J Appl Behav Anal. 2020;53(4):1982-2001. (Core E)
- Hagen K, Porter C, Martin R, Dean J, Salorio C, Sadowsky C. Improvements in function following inpatient activity-based therapy for children with acute flaccid myelitis. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2020;26(4):275-282. PMCID: PMC7831282. (Core E)
- Hagopian LP, Frank-Crawford MA, Javed N, Fisher AB, Dillon CM, Zarcone JR, Rooker GW. Initial outcomes of an augmented competing stimulus assessment. J Appl Behav Anal. 2020;53(4):2172-2185. PMCID: PMC7578101. (Core E)
- Harris A, Gilbert D, Horn P, Crocetti D, Cecil K, Edden RA, Huddleston D, Mostofsky SH, Puts N. Relationship between GABA levels and task-dependent cortical excitability in children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clin Neuropsychol. (in press). (Core D)
- He JL, Wodka E, Tommerdahl M, Edden RAE, Mikkelsen M, Mostofsky SH, Puts NAJ. Disorder-specific alterations of tactile sensitivity in neurodevelopmental disorders. Commun Biol. 2021;4(1):97. PMCID: PMC7822903. (Core D)
- Helman G, Takanohashi A, Hagemann TL, et al. Type II Alexander Disease Caused by splicing Errors and Aberrant Overexpression of an Uncharacterized GFAP Isoform. Hum Mutat. 2020;41(6):1131-1137. (Core B)
- Hogan PS, Chen SX, Teh WW, Chib VS. Neural mechanisms underlying the effects of physical fatigue on effort-based choice. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):4026. PMCID: PMC7424567. (Core E)
- Hogan PS, Galaro JK, Chib VS. Roles of ventromedial prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate in subjective valuation of prospective effort. Cereb Cortex. 2019;29(10):4277-4290. PMCID: PMC6735256. (Core E)
- Holingue C, Volk H, Crocetti D, Gottlieb B, Spira AP, Mostofsky SH. Links between parent-reported measures of poor sleep and executive function in childhood autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sleep Health. 2021:S2352-7218(20)30326-0. (Core D)
- Hoorntje ET, Posafalvi A, Syrris P, et al. No major role for rare plectin variants in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. PLoS One. 2018;13(8):e0203078. PMCID: PMC6117038 (Core C)
- Horowitz-Kraus T, DiFrancesco M, Greenwood P, et al. Longer screen vs. reading time is related to greater functional connections between the salience network and executive functions regions in children with reading difficulties vs. typical readers. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2020:10.1007/s10578-020-01053-x. PMCID: PMC7930153. (Cores D, E)
- Islam F, Htun S, Lai LW, et al. Exome sequencing in patients with microphthalmia, anophthalmia, and coloboma (MAC) from a consanguineous population. Clin Genet. 2020;98(5):499-506. (Core C)
- Jelin AC, Sobreira N, Wohler E, et al. The utility of exome sequencing for fetal pleural effusions. Prenat Diagn. 2020;40(5):590-595. PMCID: PMC7383284. (Core C)
- Jin SC, Lewis SA, Bakhtiari S, et al. Mutations Disrupting Neuritogenesis Genes Confer Risk for Cerebral Palsy. Nat Genet. 2020;52(10):1046-1056. (Core B)
- Kashyap R, Bhattacharjee S, Arumugam R, Oishi K, Desmond JE, Chen SHA. i-SATA: A MATLAB based toolbox to estimate current density generated by transcranial direct current stimulation in an individual brain. Neural Eng. 2020;17:056034. (Core D)
- Kazuki Y, Gao FJ, Li Y, et al. A non-mosaic transchromosomic mouse model of down syndrome carrying the long arm of human chromosome 21. Elife. 2020;9:e56223. PMCID: PMC7358007. (Core C)
- Kranak MP, Falligant JM, Bradtke P, Hausman NL, Rooker GW. Authorship Trends in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: An Update. J Appl Behav Anal. 2020;53(4):2376-84. (Core E)
- Kurtz PF, Leoni M, Hagopian LP. Behavioral Approaches to Assessment and Early Intervention for Severe Problem Behavior in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2020:67(3):499-511. (Core E)
- Lance EI, Barron-Casella E, Everett AD, Casella JF. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in pediatric sickle cell disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020;67(2):e28076. PMCID: PMC7171877. (Core E).
- Lee-Barber J, English TE, Britton JF, et al. Apparent Acetaminophen Toxicity in a Patient with Transaldolase Deficiency. JIMD Rep. 2019;44:9-15. PMCID: PMC6323034 (Core C)
- Levin AR, Ewen JB. Bridges through the Cloud: Towards Clinical Biomarkers of Cognitive Neurophysiology. J of Clin Neurophysiol (in press). (Core E)
- Li Q, Mathena RP, Eregha ON, Mintz CD. Effects of early exposure of isoflurane on chronic pain via the mammalian target of rapamycin signal pathway. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(20):5102. PMCID: PMC6834214. (Core B)
- Li Q, Mathena RP, Xu J, Eregha ON, Wen J, Mintz CD. Early postnatal exposure to isoflurane disrupts oligodendrocyte development and myelin formation in the mouse hippocampus. Anesthesiology. 2019;131(5):1077-1091. PMCID: PMC6800770. (Core B)
- Lidstone DE, Rochowiak R, Mostofsky SH, Nebel MB. A data driven approach reveals that anomalous motor system connectivity is associated with the severity of core autism symptoms. Autism Res. 2021. Epub ahead of print. (Core D)
- Mallack EJ, Turk BR, Yan H, et al. MRI surveillance of Boys with X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy Identified by Newborn Screening: Meta-analysis and Consensus Guidelines. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2020. Online ahead of print. (Core B)
- Martin EMMA, Enriquez A, Sparrow DB, et al. Heterozygous loss of WBP11 function causes multiple congenital defects in humans and mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2021;29(22):3662-3678. (Core C)
- Mawase F, Cherry-Allen K, Xu J, Anaya M, Uehara S, Celnik P. Pushing the rehabilitation boundaries: Hand motor impairment can be reduced in chronic stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2020;34(8):733-745. PMCID: PMC7457456. (Core E)
- McHugh LV, Miller AA, Leech KA, Salorio C, Martin RH. Feasibility and utility of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation combined with walking-based therapy for people with motor incomplete spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Ser Cases. 2020 Nov 25;6(1):104. PMCID: PMC7688947. (Core E)
- Mealy MA, Nam TS, Pardo SJ, et al. Familial monophasic acute transverse myelitis due to the pathogenic variant in VPS37A. Neurol Genet. 2018;4(1):e213. PMCID: PMC5820602. (Core C)
- Meri R, Farah R, Horowitz-Kraus T. Children with dyslexia utilize both top-down and bottom-up networks equally in contextual and isolated word reading. Neuropsychologia. 2020;147:107574. PMCID: PMC7554224. (Cores D, E)
- Meyer AN, Modaff P, Wang CG, et al. Typical achondroplasia secondary to a unique insertional variant of FGFR3 with in vitro demonstration of its effect on FGFR3 function. Am J Med Genet A. 2021;185(3):798-805. (Core C)
- Moreno CA, Sobreira N, Pugh E, et al. Homozygous deletion in MYL9 expands the molecular basis of megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome. Eur J Hum Genet. 2018;26(5):669-675. PMCID: PMC5945668. (Core C)
- Narasimhan H, Chudnovets A, Burd I, Pekosz A, Klein SL. Animal models of congenital zika syndrome provide mechanistic insight into viral pathogenesis during pregnancy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020;14(10):e0008707. PMCID: PMC7580937. (Core C)
- Niño DF, Zhou Q, Yamaguchi Y, Martin LY, Wang S, Fulton WB, Jia H, Lu P, Prindle T, Zhang F, Crawford J, Hou Z, Mori S, Chen LL, Guajardo A, Fatemi A, Pletnikov M, Kannan RM, Kannan S, Sodhi CP, Hackam DJ. Cognitive impairments induced by necrotizing enterocolitis can be prevented by inhibiting microglial activation in mouse brain. Transl. Med. 2018;10(471):eaan0237. (Core D)
- Osei-Owusu IA, Norris AL, Joynt AT, Thorpe J, Cho S, Tierney E, Schmidt J, Hagopian L, Harris J, Pevsner J. Characterization of an unbalanced translocation causing 3q28qter duplication and 10q26.2qter deletion in a patient with global developmental delay and self-injury. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2020 Dec 17;6(6):a005884. PMCID: PMC7784495. (Cores C, E)
- Padmanabhan P, Rao KS, Gulhar S, Cherry-Allen KM, Leech KA, Roemmich RT. Persons Post-Stroke Improve Step Length Symmetry by Walking Asymmetrically. J of NeuroEngineering and Rehab. 2020;17(1):105. PMCID: PMC7397591. (Core E)
- Pant DC, Dorboz I, Schluter A, et al. Loss of the sphingolipid desaturase DEGS1 causes hypomyelinating leukodystrophy. J Clin Invest. 2019;129(3):1240-1256. PMCID: PMC6391109. (Core C)
- Posey JE, O’Donnell-Luria AH, Chong JX, et al. Insights into genetics, human biology and disease gleaned from family based genomic studies. Genet Med. 2019;21(4):798-812. PMCID: PMC6691975. (Core C)
- Pritchard AE, Sweeney K, Salorio CF, Jacobson LA. Pediatric neuropsychological evaluation via telehealth: Novel models of care. Clin Neuropsychol. 2020;34(7-8):1367-1379. E (Core E)
- Pritchard AE, Zabel TA, Jacobson LA, Jones E, Holingue C, Kalb LG. Caregiver Perspectives on Informed Consent for a Pediatric Learning Healthcare System Model of Care. AJOB Empir Bioeth. 2020;26:1-9. Online ahead of print. (Core E)
- Qin CX, Yesantharao LV, Merkel KR, et al. Blood utilization and clinical outcomes in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation patients. Anesth Analg. 2020;131(3):901-908. PMCID: PMC7853404. (Cores D, E)
- Rafehi H, Szmulewicz DJ, Bennett MF, et al. Bioinformatics-based identification of expanded repeats: A non-reference intronic pentamer expansion in RFC1 causes CANVAS. Am J Hum Genet. 2019;105(1):151-165. PMCID: PMC6612533. (Core C)
- Raja AE, Shustorovich A, Robinson D, et al. Musculoskeletal ultrasound as a motivator for selecting a physical medicine and rehabilitation residency program. Am J of Phys Med & Rehab (in press). (Core E)
- Ramzan M, Bashir R, Salman M, et al. Spectrum of genetic variants in moderate to severe sporadic hearing loss in Pakistan. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):11902-020-68779-5. PMCID: PMC7368073. (Core C)
- Ramzan M, Idrees H, Mujtaba G, Sobreira N, Witmer PD, Naz S. Bi-allelic Pro291Leu variant in KCNQ4 leads to early onset non-syndromic hearing loss. Gene. 2019;705:109-112. PMCID: PMC7709079. (Core C)
- Reoli R, Cherry-Allen K, Therrien A, Keller J, Leech K, Whitt AL, Bastian A. Can the ARAT be used to measure arm function in people with cerebellar ataxia? Phys Thpy. 2021;101(2):pzaa203. PMCID: PMC7899061. (Core E)
- Risk BB, Murden RJ, Wu J, Nebel MB, Venkataraman A, Zhang Z, Qui D. Which multiband factor should you choose for your resting-state fMRI study? (in press). (Core D)
- Rodgin S, Suskauer SJ, Chen J, Katz E, Davis KC, Slomine BS. Very long-term outcomes in children admitted in a disorder of consciousness following severe traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2021;17:S0003-9993(21)00154-4. PMCID: PMC33609500 (Core E)
- Rodin RE, Dou Y, Kwon M, Sherman MA, D’Gama AM, Doan RN, Rento LM, Girskis KM, Bohrson CL, Kim SN, Nadig A, Luquette LJ, Gulhan DC; Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network, Park PJ, Walsh CA. The landscape of somatic mutation in cerebral cortex of autistic and neurotypical individuals revealed by ultra-deep whole-genome sequencing. Nat Neurosci. 2021 Feb;24(2):176-185. (Core C)
- Rooker GW, Hagopian LP, Becraft JL, Javed N, Fisher AB, Finney KS. Injury characteristics across functional classes of self-injurious behavior. J Appl Behav Anal. 2020;53(2):1042-1057. Erratum in: J Appl Behav Anal. 2020;53(3):1822. PMCID: PMC7384880. (Core E)
- Rubinstein YR, Robinson PN, Gahl WA, et al. The case for open science: rare diseases. JAMIA Open. 2020 Sep 11;3(3):472-486. PMCID: PMC7660964. (Core C)
- Said AS, Guilliams KP, Bembea MM. Neurological monitoring and complications of pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. Pediatr Neurol. 2020;108:31-39. PMCID: PMC7698354. (Cores D, E)
- Saleem G, Slomine B, Suskauer S. Task complexity affects postural control in children after concussion: A preliminary report. Arch of Phys Med and Rehab. 2020;101(11):e70-1. (Core E)
- Schirmer MD, Venkataraman A, Rekik I, et al. Neuropsychiatric disease classification using functional connectomics – results of the connectomics in neuroimaging transfer learning challenge. Med Image Anal. 2021;70:101972. Epub ahead of print. (Core D)
- Schmidt JD, Kranak MP, Goetzel AL, Kaur J, Rooker GW. A clinical demonstration of correlational and experimental analyses of precursor behavior. Behav Anal Pract. 2020;13(4):966-971. PMCID: PMC7666246. (Core E).
- Schnappauf O, Zhou Q, Moura NS, et al. Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2 (DADA2): Hidden Variants, Reduced Penetrance, and Unusual Inheritance. J Clin Immunol. 2020;40(6):917-926. PMCID: PMC7416912. (Core C)
- Sebold AJ, Day AM, Ewen JB, et al. Sirolimus treatment in Sturge Weber syndrome. Ped Neurol (in press). (Core E)
- Shappell HM, Duffy KA, Rosch KS, Pekar JJ, Mostofsky SH, Lindquist MA, Cohen JR. Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder spend more time in hyperconnected network states and less time in segregated network states as revealed by dynamic connectivity analysis. Neuroimage. 2021;229:117753. Epub ahead of print. (Core D)
- Sisk RA, Hufnagel RB, Laham A, Wohler ES, Sobreira N, Ahmed ZM. Peripheral cone dystrophy: Expanded clinical spectrum, multimodal and ultrawide-field imaging, and genomic analysis. J Ophthalmol. 2018;2018:2984934. PMCID: PMC6079493. (Core C)
- Song CN, Stenum J, Leech KA, Keller CK, and Roemmich RT. People can learn new walking patterns without walking. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):18628. (Core E)
- Sripathy SR, Wang Y, Moses RL, Fatemi A, Batista DA, Maher BJ. Generation of 10 patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to model Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome. Stem Cell Res. 2020;48:102001. PMCID: PMC7592084. (Cores B, C)
- Srivastava S, D’Amore A, Cohen JS, et al. Expansion of the Genetic Landscape of ERLIN2-related Disorders. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020;7(4):573-578. PMCID: PMC7187699. (Core B)
- Therrien AS, Statton MA, and Bastian AJ. Reinforcement signaling can be used to reduce elements of cerebellar reaching ataxia. Cerebellum. 2021;20(1):62-73. PMCID: PMC7927977. (Core E)
- Thorpe J, Frelin LP, McCann M, Pardo CA, Cohen BA, Comi AM, Pevsner J. Identification of a mosaic activating mutation in GNA11 in atypical Sturge-Weber syndrome. J Invest Dermatol. 2021;141(3):685-688. (Core C)
- Thorpe J, Osei-Owusu IA, Avigdor BE, Tupler R, Pevsner J. Mosaicism in human health and disease. Annu Rev Genet. 2020 Nov 23;54:487-510. (Core C)
- Tsou PY, Garcia AV, Yiu A, Vaidya DM, Bembea MM. Association of cerebral oximetry with outcomes after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Neurocrit Care. 2020 Oct;33(2):429-437. PMCID: PMC7842183. (Cores D, E)
- Umesh A, Kutten KS, Hogan PS, Ratnanather JT, Chib VS. Motor cortical thickness is related to effort-based decision-making in humans. J Neurophysiol. 2020;123(6):2373-2381. PMCID: PMC7311718. (Core E)
- von Buttlar AM, Zabel TA, Pritchard AE, Cannon AD. Concordance of the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, second and third editions. J Intel Disabil Res. 2021;65(3):283-295. doi: 10.1111/jir.12810. Epub 2021 Jan 6. (Core E)
- Wagner MA, Erickson KI, Bender CM, Conley YP. The influence of physical activity and epigenomics on cognitive function and brain health in breast cancer. Front Aging Neurosci. 2020;12:123. PMCID: PMC7225270. (Core C)
- White CJ, Lee J, Choi J, Chu T, Scafidi S, Wolfgang MJ. Determining the Bioenergetic Capacity for Fatty Acid Oxidation in the Mammalian Nervous System. Mol Cell Biol. 2020;40(10):e00037-20. PMCID: PMC7189099. (Core B)
- Wymbs N, Nebel MB, Ewen JB, Mostofsky SH. Altered Inferior Parietal Functional Connectivity is Correlated with Praxis and Social Skill Performance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cereb Cortex (in press). (Cores D, E)
- Xu J, Mathena RP, Singh S, et al. Early developmental exposure to repetitive long duration of midazolam sedation causes behavioral and synaptic alterations in a rodent model of neurodevelopment. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2019;31(1):151-162. PMCID: PMC6383783. (Core B)
- Xu J, Xu M, Wang Y, Mathena RP, Wen J, Zhang P, Furmanski O, Mintz CD. Anesthetics disrupt growth cone guidance cue sensing through actions on the GABAAα2 receptor mediated by the immature chloride gradient. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2019;74:106812. PMCID: PMC6650745. (Core B)
- Xue Y, Fue, Yi, Zhao F, Gui G, Li Y, Rivero-Hinojosa S, Liu G, Li Y, Xia S, Eberhart CG, Ying M, Frondoside A Inhibits a MYC-driven Medulloblastoma Model Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. (Core B)
- Zabel TA, Jacobson LA, Pritchard AE, Mahone EM, Kalb L. Pre-appointment online assessment of patient complexity: Towards a personalized model of neuropsychological assessment. Child Neuropsychol. 2021 Feb;27(2):232-250. (Core E)
- Zabel TA, Rao R, Jacobson LA, Pritchard AE, Mahone EM, Kalb L. An abbreviated WISC-5 model for identifying youth at risk for intellectual disability in a mixed clinical sample. Clin Neuropsychol. 2020;28:1-13. Online ahead of print. (Core E)
- Zahra Q, Çakmak Ç, Koprulu M, et al. Biallelic ZNF407 mutations in a neurodevelopmental disorder with ID, short stature and variable microcephaly, hypotonia, ocular anomalies and facial dysmorphism. J Hum Genet. 2020;65(12):1115-1123. (Core C)
- Zhao Y, Wang B, Mostofsky SH, Caffo BS, Luo X. Covariate assisted principal regression for covariance matrix outcomes. Biostatistics. 2019:kxz057. Epub ahead of print. (in press). (Core D)
- Zhu X, Zhou B, Pattni R, Gleason K, Tan C, Kalinowski A, Sloan S, Fiston-Lavier AS, Mariani J, Petrov D, Barres BA, Duncan L, Abyzov A, Vogel H; Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network, Moran JV, Vaccarino FM, Tamminga CA, Levinson DF, Urban AE. Machine learning reveals bilateral distribution of somatic L1 insertions in human neurons and glia. Nat Neurosci. 2021;24(2):186-196. (Core C)
- Zimmet AM, Cao D, Bastian AJ, and Cowan NJ. Cerebellar patients have intact feedback control that can be leveraged to improve reaching. Elife. 2020;7;9:e53246. PMCID: PMC7577735. (Core E)