Jeanne Scheper—Delaware Autism Program, Brennen School
“Something really remarkable is happening when using the EA strategies.”

Gabrielle Simonette—Delaware Autism Program, Brennen School
“Planning has become so much easier."

Yvette Vincent—Christina School District, Delaware
“As a teacher, you can’t go back [to teaching the way you did before learning EA]."
Training days were effective and enjoyable
“I really enjoyed the training days. I think it was a nice balance of lecture focused on background information and training about the model, but then hands on. During the hands-on, we worked at books. We did different kids of activities. We wrote parts of book scripts together. That was very helpful. It was nice to link the information we got about Early Achievements model with actually work through the process of how we would use the instructional strategies in our classrooms with our students.”
Coaching is helpful
“My coaching experience through this process was very, very helpful. I don’t think I would have had the level of understanding that I do about the EA model and all that it encompasses without the coaching piece. Initially it did feel intensive. You know, that frequency of every week and the feedback every week seemed intensive because I never had that kind of training and coaching before, but it was very valuable in the beginning especially to help me make sure I had all the components in place, that the activities were appropriate, and that I was also doing the strategies effectively. So it was really a very valuable piece to the training."
Teacher will continue to use EA intervention
“I will continue to incorporate the Early Achievements model in my classroom because it has given me a valuable set of skills as a teacher to use with my students. I think the components of the model cover all the areas that my students need to work on. It provides a very structured way to plan for solid instructional activities, solid programming for my students, and they have absolutely benefited from what the EA model has provided during Book Share. I’ve seen the growth and the learning in my students across the board and, as a teacher, you just, you can’t go back to the way you taught before learning EA! Once you know you have something that works you can’t stop using it”

Melissa Fields, Baltimore County Public Schools
“It has made me look at my profession in a different way.”
You can do this
“The first thing I would tell teachers who are just starting the Early Achievements process is don’t be scared. It will be okay. Don’t be overwhelmed. It will be okay. Of course at first it’s scary. It is overwhelming, but when it all comes together and you see the changes in the students and you see that you can do this, then it’s all worth it."
Growing confidence
“As I became more comfortable with the Early Achievements model and more confident in my ability to implement it, I was able to start planning and adapting my own books, creating my own activities and lessons. From there, I was able to target my students’ specific IEP goals and learning needs."
Child improvements
“Overall, the most powerful change I have seen in my students is their engagement and attention during lessons, during activities, during conversations. It has been amazing seeing some of my students become more of a shared communicator with me."
EA training hits home and helps teachers understand their students
“Learning from Dr. Landa and the whole … [Early Achievements] team was really an eye opening experience. I have been to tons of professional developments and trainings but this one hit home with me. I was also learning why I was implementing the model. I was able to look at myself as a teacher and wonder why I am doing the things that I am doing as a teacher. Should I really be doing them? How is this helping the students? It really helped me take a look at each individual student and see what they really needed.
Importance of coaching
“The coaching sessions were really important in my ability to implement the Early Achievements model, I was able to take what I was learning in the training, try it out on my own, and then have my coach come in to work out the kinks."
EA is empowering
“As a professional, the EA training has been really absolutely eye opening. It has really made me look at my profession, and my job, in a different way. It has made me feel even more powerful than how I felt before."
Will continue to use EA because students improve
“I’ll continue to incorporate the Early Achievements model in my classroom because I believe in it. Because of the changes I’ve seen in my students. Because of the changes I know I’ll see in my future students. It has helped me become a more confident teacher. It helps me give a little bit more structure to my teaching and year after year, class after class, student after student, I am becoming more and more comfortable. And I am finding myself having even more creativity within the model.”