Hybrid P41 joint CEST/MRS journal club: Weekly journal club organized by Helge Zoellner. The following topics have been discussed.
- 9-Jul Georg Oeltzschner: Quantification of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data using a combined reference: Application in typically developing infants
- 17-Sep Chongxue Bie: Glutamate Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (GluCEST)Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pre-clinical and Clinical Applications for Encephalitis
- 8-Oct Steve Hui: In vivo 1H MR spectroscopy with J-refocusing
- 15-Oct Anna Li: Role of chemical exchange on the relayed nuclear Overhauser enhancement signal in saturation transfer MRI
- 29-Oct Helge Zöllner: Measuring transverse relaxation rates of the major brain metabolites from single-voxel PRESS acquisitions at a single TE
- 19-Nov Peter van Zijl: A history of saturation transfer related to the CEST field 3-Dec Risto Grkovski Decreased benzodiazepine receptor and increased GABA level in cortical tubers in tuberous sclerosis complex
- 17-Dec Saipavitra Murali Manohar: Results and interpretation of a fitting challenge for MR spectroscopy set up by the MRS study group of ISMRM
- 14-Jan Yulu Song: Age-related parietal GABA alterations in children with autism spectrum disorder
- 28-Jan Kexin Wang: CEST
- 11-Feb Nirbhay Narayan Yadav: Can Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST MRI) be used as biomarker of disease progression in Prion Disease?
- 25-Feb Richard Edden: Optimization fo spectrally selective 180 radiofrequency pulse timinings in J-difference editing MEGA of lactate
- 11-Mar Hye Young Heo: An end-to-end AI-based framework for automated discovery of rapid CEST/MT MRI acquisiton protocols and molecular parameter quantification (AutoCEST)
- 25-Mar Peter Barker: SLOW: a novel spectral editing method for whole-brain MRSI at Ultra High Magnetic Field
- 22-Apr Georg Oeltzschner: The influence of cystathionine on neurochemical quantification in brain tumor in vivo MR spectroscopy
- 20-May Jiadi Xu: Average saturation efficiency filter (ASEF) for CEST imaging
- 3-Jun Dillip Senapati: Repeatability and reliability of GABA measurements with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in healthy young adults
- 17-Jun Munendra Singh: Linear projection-based chemical exchange saturation transfer parameter estimation
- 1-Jul Chris Jenkins: Uncertainty in denoising of MRSI using low-rank methods
- 15-Jul Kathleen Hupfeld: 1 H MR spectroscopy biomarkers of neuronal and synaptic function are associated with tau deposition in cognitively unimpaired older adults
- 29-Jul Michael Schär: Rapid, B1-insensitive, dual-band quasi-adiabatic saturation transfer with optimal control for complete quantification of myocardial ATP flux.
Upcoming Topics
- 1/13/23 CEST Kexin Wang
- 1/27/23 SPEC Steve Hui
- 2/10/23 CEST Valentina D'souza
- 2/24/23 SPEC Yulu Song
- 3/10/23 CEST Munendra Singh
- 3/24/23 SPEC İpek Özdemir
- 4/7/23 CEST Yiqing Shen
- 4/21/23 SPEC Helge Zöllner
- 5/5/23 CEST Jingpu Wu
- 5/19/23 SPEC Saipavitra Murali Manohar
- 6/16/23 SPEC Richard Edden
- 6/30/23 CEST Hye Young Heo
- 7/14/23 SPEC Peter Barker
- 7/28/23 CEST Julia Stabinska
- 8/11/23 SPEC Georg Oeltzschner
- 8/25/23 CEST Zinia Mohanta
- 9/8/23 SPEC Dillip Senapati
- 9/22/23 CEST Qing Zeng
- 10/6/23 SPEC Kathleen Hupfeld
- 10/20/23 CEST Aline Thomas
- 11/3/23 SPEC Aaron Gudmundson