Program Overview
The Southern Maryland Campus of Kennedy Krieger School Programs serves students in grades K-8 who are working toward a high school diploma and students aged 5-21 who are seeking a certificate of completion.
We are a nonpublic special education day program. We operate on an 11-month program schedule.
Transportation is provided by the Local School System (LSS).
NCASES Accreditation
All five Kennedy Krieger School Programs are accredited by the National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services (NCASES). Accreditation is based on compliance to fifty standards covering the range of processes, procedures, and practices critical to the functioning of a special education setting.

Instruction focused on building essential skills based on standards and curricula identified by the Maryland State Department of Education. Students receive ongoing instruction in reading/English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, health, music, fine arts and career development.
- Interventions: Instruction provided using evidence-based interventions, including but not limited to TEACCH, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), discrete trial, incidental learning, Pivotal Response Training (PRT), augmented communication, picture exchange communication, sensory diets and vocational training.
- Assessment of Progress: Students participate in the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) assessments in English Language Arts and Literacy, Mathematics and Social Studies, Maryland Integrated Science Assessments (MISA), and the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. Additionally, benchmark assessments note progress on curriculum goals and on individualized education program (IEP) goals. The IEP review takes place at least quarterly, and is included in the quarterly report card shared with the student and the family.
Related Services
We deliver related services identified on each student’s IEP in pullout, push-in or consultative formats. These include, but are not limited to the following:
- Speech/ Language Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Expressive Therapy (Art or Music)
- Counseling/Mental Health Services
Positive Behavior Intervention
Dedicated behavior services staff work closely with the classroom and related services staff to integrate skill development as a primary component of successful behavior management. Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) are used to develop Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) focusing on proactive strategies. In addition, all staff members receive training in safe crisis management procedures.
The school employs a multidisciplinary team approach to program design and implementation. Team members have regular opportunities to collaborate on individual students. Social workers assist in team coordination and liaise with the family as case managers.
Student Life
Students participate in various extracurricular activities throughout the year to enhance their school experiences. Examples include musical performances, school-wide career days, community-based trips, and holiday or theme-related activities and assemblies.