About CNCDP-K12

The program, a nationalized version of the former Neurological Sciences Academic Development Awards (NSADA) established in the early 1990s, supports early career development of committed, independent physician-scientists, regardless of their home institution.

We fund mentoring at the scholar’s home institution and by a national community of experts. We also support our applicants not selected for K12 funding through a year-long curriculum and through access to CNCDP faculty who provide career development advice. The CNCDP program succeeds when funded scholars and non-funded applicants alike attain individual K awards or equivalents.

Our Vision

We envision a world where disorders of development are reduced or eradicated by an expanded and diverse workforce of child neurology and neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD) trained physician-scientists.

Our Mission

We ensure that K12-level support is available to child neurology and NDD physician-scientists from U.S. institutions that previously did not have the NSADA award. We seek to enhance the diversity of successful scholars and endeavor to support the field, not the institutions, to enhance the pipeline and pathways of physician-scientists focused on pediatric neurological conditions. Such enhancement is essential to foster the necessary insights and discoveries to improve the lives of children and adults with disorders of the developing nervous system.

Meet our Leadership Team

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Program Coordinator, Amber Huggins Battle