Call For Proposals Window: February 17 – March 31, 2025.

Join the collaborative conference that brings together a community that is committed to improving employment outcomes for the neurodiverse workforce. For our 2025 Neurodiversity in the Workplace National Conference, we invite submissions that focus on workforce training and development, with an emphasis on enhancing recruitment, management, and retention strategies for the neurodiverse workforce. Additionally, we are seeking presentations on employment outcome research, best practices from adult service providers, service implementation, successful transition strategies to adulthood, lived experiences, collaboration, and other relevant research.
We invite proposals for presentations that inspire meaningful conversations, drive change and foster collaboration. We encourage educators, policymakers, subject matter experts and community providers, as well as neurodiverse individuals and their families, to share their insights and diverse perspectives. Submissions are welcome from all, and prior presentation experience is not necessary. Multiple proposals may be submitted.
Please note: Presenters are responsible for their own registration.
Registration Pricing
Conference Registration opens June 4, 2025.
Early Bird
Rate: $530
General Admission
8/1/2025 - 10/21/2025
Rate: $580
Late Registration
Rate: $650
Learn more about our presenter sponsorship option for discounted registration along with other sponsorship perks.
*Presenter Sponsorships are only available to accepted presenters
Who should submit?
- Nonprofit, for-profit and higher education leaders (HR, EDI and senior management)
- State and federal elected officials, policymakers and staffers
- Agency administrators
- Adult service providers
- Medical providers
- Neurodivergent community
- Individuals with disabilities
- Family members of individuals with disabilities
- Disability advocates
- Educators
- Representatives of UCEDD organizations
- Researchers
- Members of the business community
Program Format
Presentations should use educational, networking, debate, multimedia or resource-sharing methods in one of the formats below. Multiple submissions are welcome. Presentations that explicitly promote products or services will be rejected.
- Dynamic Discussion (60 minutes) – This roundtable format allows presenters to facilitate interactive discussions between session attendees.
- Presentation (60 minutes) – An interactive presentation on an identified topic.
- Panel (60 minutes) – A panel discussion with subject matter experts who engage and interact with attendees.
All break-out sessions last 60 minutes, with the expectation of 10-15 minutes for questions and answers.
Review Process and Timeline
The submission period begins Monday, February 17, 2025, and ends Monday, March 31, 2025, at 6 p.m. EDT. Proposals will be reviewed beginning April 1, 2025, and acceptance notices will be sent to the Lead Presenter via email no later than Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Need additional information?
Please visit the conference website or email