Epic CareLink is a secure web portal that connects you to information stored in our electronic health record (EHR) for your referred patients. Epic CareLink offers view-only access to patient records.

When your patients receive care from Kennedy Krieger Institute, we’ll send you notifications and updates through Epic CareLink. You’ll have the information you need to plan your patients’ ongoing care and they’ll feel better, knowing that you’re up to speed on all the care they receive.


Mental Health Encounters are Now in Epic CareLink

Starting November 11, 2024, Kennedy Krieger will begin sharing mental health encounters via CareLink with a documented reason for access. Historical mental health encounters will be available with a release of information request.

What are the benefits of Epic CareLink?

Once you are enrolled, we will send you notifications and updates as your patients receive care from us. You will have the information you need to plan for patients’ ongoing care, and their families will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are apprised of the care your patients are receiving.

There are many benefits for you and your staff, including:

  • Allows you to easily refer patients to Kennedy Krieger
  • Prevents delays in referral processing, so your patients are seen as soon as possible
  • Provides 24-hour, real-time remote access for viewing nonsensitive medical records (e.g., procedure and clinic notes, medication lists and lab results)
  • Allows electronic release of information requests for sensitive clinical notes
  • Enables direct communication with your patient’s care team at Kennedy Krieger once your patient has been seen at the Institute
  • Reduces paperwork and waiting times
  • Centralizes notes in one location
  • Enables you to connect all your CareLink accounts in one easily accessible place via Happy Together
  • Is HIPAA-compliant

How can I request access to Epic CareLink?

Use the link below request access to Epic CareLink.  using our New Account Request form. Request access for your site and then for your users.

Access EpicCareLink

What kind of role should I select?

After registering your site, the roles to choose from are Provider, Clinician and Non-Clinician. Providers will be required to supply their NPI numbers. Choose the role that most closely matches your job description. Each site will have at least one site administrator. Site administrators can be designated during the request process. Their responsibilities include verifying that user accounts are current, deactivating the accounts of users who are no longer active at the site, and submitting requests to activate new user accounts.


How long does it take to get an account in Epic CareLink?

Once the new account request is submitted, generally it takes up to three weeks to process the request  Once processed, the user’s account information will be mailed to the address specified in the new account request form.

Once a request for an Epic CareLink account is made, what happens next?

Once the account request has been approved and processed, users will receive their username and password to the verified email address provided or by post mail. Please make sure to enter accurate mailing address information when requesting to ensure the receipt of your usernames and passwords.

How can the Epic CareLink password be reset?

Site administrations will have the ability to reset their site’s user’s passwords. Passwords can also be reset by contacting our helpdesk at (443) 923-4357. Please be prepared to supply identifying information.

I need Epic CareLink support.  How can I get it?

Upon log in, your home screen will have a “Quick Links” card. There you will find a quick start guide outlining  the steps needed to complete common tasks within Epic CareLink. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call our helpdesk at (443) 923-4357.

What URL should I use to log onto the system?

The URL needed to log in to Kennedy Krieger’s Epic CareLink portal is: EpicCareLink.kennedykrieger.org. 




Are you looking to refer a patient to Kennedy Krieger Institute?

We are here to help identify and provide information on appropriate clinical programs, handle referrals, obtain consultations within Kennedy Krieger Institute.


Click here to begin the referral process.