This workshop will provide educators and other school professionals with practice elements aimed at promoting more effective interventions for students with or at-risk of emotional and behavioral problems (EBP). Practical strategies resulting in more effective outcomes in the prevention and management of students with EBP will be presented. Tools on how to develop effective communication and build home-school-community connections and how to bring the needs and capabilities of families of students with EBP into alignment with the demands and resources of the social system in which they are embedded will be discussed.
Training Format/Duration: Classroom/Full-day
Target Populations:
- Educators
- Paraprofessionals
- Support and other school staff
- Psychologists
- Social workers
- Counselors
- Speech/language therapists
- Occupational therapists
- Physical therapists
This workshop is designed to help you:
- Recognize ways to support the positive growth of students with/or at-risk of EBP.
- Implement practical strategies for working with children with EBP and their families.
- Develop effective communication and build home-school-community connections resulting in more positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes.