Home Patient Care Faculty & Leadership Erika Augustine, MD, MS
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Dr. Erika Augustine is the associate chief science officer and director of the Clinical Trials Unit at Kennedy Krieger Institute. At Kennedy Krieger, Dr. Augustine partners to develop the Kennedy Krieger clinical and translational research strategy and oversee research operations. Dr. Augustine is responsible for the development, growth, structure and financial management of Kennedy Krieger clinical trials functions. She directs the Institute’s clinical trials unit, is the primary liaison with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR), and works closely with the Office of Human Research Administration on human subjects trials oversight and regulatory compliance.
Her clinical research program focuses on advancing therapeutic development for rare pediatric neurological disorders, with emphasis on comprehensive clinical phenotyping and trial design. Her NIH-funded work examines trial readiness of clinical outcome measures in the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs, Batten diseases). She has published extensively on the research topics related to drug development in rare disease, natural history of the NCLs, and clinical trials in Parkinson disease.
Dr. Augustine has a longstanding commitment to education and mentoring in clinical research. In 2017, she launched the Minority Research Scholars Program, a collaborative initiative between the Child Neurologist Career Development Program and the Child Neurology Society dedicated to fostering diversity in the next generation of clinician-scientists.
She currently serves as an Associate Editor for Annals of Neurology, Neurology Director for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and member of the Board of Directors for the American Brain Coalition.
Augustine received her A.B., Biological Anthropology from Harvard College, and her Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Rochester and then trained in Pediatric Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital, serving as Chief Resident. She returned to the University of Rochester for parallel fellowships in movement disorders and experimental therapeutics. She is regarded highly as a clinician, scientist, mentor, and leader.
Awards and Honors
2023 Recipient of the Sidney Carter Award in Neurology.
One of the American Academy of Neurology’s premier lectures, this award recognizes outstanding work in the field of child neurology/developmental neurobiology. This award salutes Dr. Sidney Carter for his work as one of the premier child neurologists in the United States.
Related Links and Research
PubMed Link
U01NS101946 (PI: Augustine)
Meaningful Outcomes and Multi-Site Readiness for Clinical Trials in Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
This project will validate sensitive measures of how patients feel and function, validate neuroimaging biomarkers of disease progression, and prepare these tools for multi-site use to set the stage for rigorous and efficient clinical trials in CLN3 disease.
Role: Principal Investigator
U24NS134009 (PIs: Augustine, Mowry)
Kennedy Krieger Institute - Johns Hopkins University NeuroNEXT Site
The Network for Excellence in Neuroscience Clinical Trials (NeuroNEXT) supports advancement in the development of new treatments for people with neurological conditions. The KKI-JHU NeuroNEXT site also supports a training fellowship program in experimental therapeutics.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Batten Disease Support, Research, and Advocacy Foundation
Batten Disease Center of Excellence Program
This designation recognizes and supports the comprehensive Batten Disease care and research center at Kennedy Krieger Institute.
Role: Director
K12 NS098482 (PI: Schlaggar)
Child Neurologist Career Development Program
The overarching goal of this national program is to provide support for training talented, young, child neurologists interested in pursuing a clinical research career.
Role: Executive Committee, Lead – Minority Research Scholars Program
P50HD103538 (PI: Schlaggar)
Kennedy Krieger Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDRC) Clinical Translational Core
The overall objective of the Clinical Translational Core (CTC) is to provide Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC)-supported investigators access to resources that are critically important for the effective and efficient conduct of translational research of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Role: Co-Director