Home Patient Care Faculty & Leadership Miya Asato, MD
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Dr. Miya Asato is a pediatric neurologist and the vice president of training at Kennedy Krieger Institute. She is faculty in the departments of neurology and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Asato also directs the nationally recognized Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities Program (LEND), which provides graduate level, interdisciplinary training to clinicians with a focus on neurodevelopmental disabilities. Dr. Asato holds The Arnold J. Capute, MD, MPH Endowed Chair in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Her research interests focus on the developmental impact of neurological disease in children.
She joined the Institute from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics, where she was the director of their Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities program and served as program director for the neurodevelopmental disabilities residency and was the associate director of the pediatric neurology residency at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. She was also a professor of pediatrics and clinical and translational science at the school.
She sees patients in the Neurology program and oversees the NDD residency continuity clinic.
Dr. Asato completed her undergraduate education at Tufts University in Boston, before receiving a pre-medical certificate from Goucher College in Towson, MD and her medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. She completed residency in pediatrics and fellowship in child neurology at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and a clinical research fellowship at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic.
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Smidt SE, Lu F, Rao SR, Asato M, Handen BL. Primary caregiver education level and sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Sleep Res, 2019, epub October 2019. PMID 31589359.
Ashcraft LE, Asato M, Houtrow A, Kavalieratos D, Miller E, Ray K. Parent empowerment in pediatric health care settings: A systematic review of observational studies. Patient. 2019, 12(2):199-212.
Obeid R, Sogawa Y, Naik M, Goldstein A, Gropman A, Asato M. A newborn with hyperlactatemia and epileptic encephalopathy. Semin in Pediatr Neurol, 2018, 26:104-107. PMID 29961496
Devinsky O, Asato MR, Camfield P, Geller E, Kanner AM, Keller S, Kerr M, Kossoff EH, Lau H, Kothare S, Singh BK, Wirrell E. Delivery of epilepsy care to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Neurology, 2015; 85(17): 1512-21. PMID 26423430.
Asato MR, Goldstein AC, Schiff M. Autism and inborn errors of metabolism: how much is enough? Opinion/Commentary, Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015, 57(9):788-9. PMID 25873003.
Beck M, Peterson JF, McConnell J, McGuire M, Asato M, Lossee J, Surti U, Madan-Khetarpal S, Rajkovic A, Yatsenko SA. Craniofacial abnormalities and developmental delay in two families with overlapping 22q12.1 microdeletions involving the MN1 gene. Am J Med Genetics, 2015; 167(5):1047-53. PMID 25810350.
Triplett RL, Asato MR. Brief cognitive and behavioral screening in children with new-onset epilepsy: A pilot feasibility trial. Pediatric Neurology, 2015; 52(1): 49-55. PMID 2543909.
Triplett RL, Velanova K, Luna B, Padmanabhan A, Gaillard WD, Asato MR. Investigating inhibitory control in children with epilepsy: An fMRI study. Epilepsia, 2014, 55(10): 1667-76. PMID 25223606.
Asato MR, Caplan R, Hermann BP. Epilepsy and comorbidities – What are we waiting for? Epilepsy Behav, 2014, 31:127-128. PMID 24397916.
Simmonds D. Hallquist MN, Asato M, Luna B. Developmental stages and sex differences of white matter and behavioral development through adolescence: A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) study. Neuroimage, 2014, 92:356-68. PMID 24384150.