RITA-T Online Training

Access the RITA-T Kit

The RITA-T kit is intended to be purchased either in conjunction with the online training, or after completing the training. It does not contain any information on the scoring or interpretation of the RITA-T, and only contains the material to administer the test. If you have not yet completed the training, please do so prior to purchasing the kit.

An Interactive Autism Screening Tool for Early Childhood Providers

Currently the average age of diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the US is close to 4 years of age, although signs can be seen as early as 12 months of age.  

It is important to think of a new system and new ways to identify ASD early. Early Identification leads to early intensive intervention which can change the course of the disorder and significantly reduce its impact.

This is an urgent public health need not only in the US, but globally. Roula Choueiri, MD, is the co-developer of the Rapid Interactive Screening Test for Autism in Toddlers (RITA-T). The RITA-T allows the screening and identification of toddlers as early as 18 months of age.  Its integration in practice improves early identification and early access. It has been integrated within primary care centers, early intervention programs and tertiary care centers, to improve access and early identification.

The integration of the RITA-T within different clinical models has allowed improved wait time, and earlier identification of ASD in young children!

Application and Validation of the RITA-T (Rapid Interactive screening Test for Autism in Toddlers) in Children 3-5 years Old

The goal for this project is to evaluate the psychometrics of the RITA-T in children 3-5 years old and see how this interactive measure works at this age.

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Train to Administer the RITA-T

Date: Thursday, April 17, 9 am-1 pm EST

This Special Live Session includes:

  • Overview & introduction of the RITA-T
  • Training for administering & scoring the RITA-T
  • Different uses of the RITA-T in Early Intervention and Primary Care (Screening and Diagnosis)
  • Access to online training (CME/CEU)

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What is the RITA-T Screening Test

The RITA-T is a new Level 2 screening tests: it is to be administered on young children identified at risk for ASD, or who scored positive on a Level 1 screening test, or providers are worried about.

Rita-T Training Course

We have developed an online training program to improve access, while providing at the same time educational material on early signs of autism, different models that have integrated the RITA-T.

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If you are an early childhood or health care provider who wants to learn how to administer the RITA-T, click below to register for our training course.
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