Brain Injury Awareness Day is March 20!

In recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Day on March 20, Kennedy Krieger Institute invites you to #SportYourHelmet to help raise awareness of brain injuries and the importance of protecting your head by wearing proper safety gear when participating in sports and activities. Whether it is when you are cycling on the weekend, at work on the baseball field, out practicing lacrosse with your kids, join us in our #SportYourHelmet Challenge!



1.    Between March 1st – 20th, take a child-friendly selfie or film a :15 – :30 second video sharing why you’re “sporting your helmet,” while wearing a helmet

2.    Upload to Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram

3.    Copy and paste one of the sample posts below

4.    Don’t forget to tag Kennedy Krieger Institute (Please see below for our social media tags).

5.    Challenge three of your friends, family, teams or organizations to take the challenge by tagging them.

6.    Then, on March 20th, have fun “sporting your helmet” to work and show everyone via your social media channel/s on Brain Injury Awareness Day.


Rather Donate than wear your helmet?

Now is a great time to support Kennedy Krieger and our Brain Injury Programs. 

Image removed.


#SportYourHelmet SAMPLE POSTS


Facebook –

Why do you #SportYourHelmet? I’m joining @KennedyKrieger in counting down to Brain Injury Awareness Day on March 20th by wearing my helmet when I….(Please an example of when you wear your helmet and the reason why you feel it’s important). I’m challenging ….(Insert 3 tagged friends, family, teams or organizations) to join me in raising awareness on the importance of protecting your brain when you work and play. Join the challenge today

(On March 20th) It’s Brain Injury Awareness Day, and I’m joining @KennedyKrieger for their #SportYourHelmet Challenge as I sport mine – all to raise awareness on the importance of protecting your noggin’. Join the challenge today by posting a photo while wearing your helmet along with the #SportYourHelmet hashtag. Don’t have a helmet? Support the challenge with your donation -

Twitter –

#SportYourHelmet w/ @KennedyKrieger when you …(insert activity) in support of #BrainInjuryAwareness Day on March 20th! I challenge (tag 3 friends/family/etc.) to take the #SportYourHelmet Challenge!

(On March 20th) It’s #BrainInjuryAwarenessDay and I took the @KennedyKrieger #SportYourHelmet Challenge by sporting mine. Join the challenge today! Don’t have a helmet? Support the challenge with your donation -

Instagram –

Why do you #SportYourHelmet? I’m joining @KennedyKrieger in counting down to Brain Injury Awareness Day on March 20th by wearing my helmet when I….(Please an example of when you wear your helmet and the reason why you feel it’s important). I’m challenging ….(Insert tagged friends, family, teams or organizations) to join me in raising awareness on the importance of protecting your brain when you work and play. #health #healthylifestyle #safetyfirst

(On March 20th) It’s Brain Injury Awareness Day, and I’m joining @KennedyKrieger for their #SportYourHelmet Challenge as I sport mine – all to raise awareness on the importance of protecting your noggin’. Join the challenge today by posting a photo while wearing your helmet along with the #SportYourHelmet hashtag. Don’t have a helmet? Support the challenge with your donation!