Kennedy Krieger Institute served a record number of patients and students in the past year—over 27,000. Our inpatient hospital, outpatient clinics, special education schools and professional training programs expanded their services to reach more patients, students and families in need. And telehealth allows us to meet more families “where they are.”
As you’ll read in this newsletter, we’re growing our footprint, too, to serve more patients and students, including those in the critical early childhood years. From a new school in southern Maryland, to a new clinic for children, teens and adults with spinal cord injuries in White Marsh, to a new model early childhood education program that will serve young children with intellectual or developmental disabilities, as well as those who are typically developing, we are growing!
We know your need to refer patients to receive our special services continues to grow, too. We are focused on meeting the needs of the children and families you serve so that together, we can help them pursue all that’s possible in their lives.
We are grateful for the trust you put in us to help the patients and families you serve, and we value your suggestions and feedback. You may reach me directly at CEO@KennedyKrieger.org and please be sure to read the latest edition of our Kennedy Krieger Magazine.
Warm regards,
Bradley L. Schlaggar, MD, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Zanvyl Krieger Faculty Endowed Chair
Kennedy Krieger Institute