Hello, readers! As summer is in full swing with its warmth and sunshine, we hope this message finds you thriving and eagerly anticipating the adventures ahead. We invite you to read our quarterly newsletter to learn about all the latest news from the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD), Kennedy Krieger Institute and the community.
Summer is a time for relaxation and adventures. The Learning Disabilities Association of America posted a blog, “Summer Activities for Children with Learning Disabilities,” which includes fun ways to keep children engaged and learning throughout the summer months. Additionally, the All Belong Center for Inclusive Education published an article, “10 Summer Activities for Kids with Disabilities.” Do not forget to also explore your local library and your county’s department of recreation and parks for other fun activities for the whole family.
The MCDD remains actively engaged with the Cincinnati University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) and a collaborative coalition of organizations to support the ongoing initiatives of The National Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality. The center’s recent work features an article, “Maryland’s Open Captioning Bill Passed and Signed Into Law,” which discusses the passing and signing into law of Maryland’s open captioning bill, ensuring equitable access to captioning for individuals with hearing loss. Additionally, the team released its first newsletter in May 2024, which can be read on this website.
The MCDD’s Community and Professional Development Training Program continues to host the 2024 Annual Learning Series, which began in April and will conclude in October. The series consists of three-hour continuing education virtual and in-person workshops with interdisciplinary topics focused on working with individuals with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities and their families. Visit the webpage for a comprehensive list of available options and details on how to register.
Effective July 1, 2024, Maryland Medicaid will deny all pharmacy claims for unenrolled prescribing practitioners. Doctors can enroll as Ordering, Referring or Prescribing (ORP) Providers only, so Medicaid can cover the prescriptions they issue. Maryland Medicaid began to deny non-behavioral health prescriptions on January 1, 2024. Some people received letters notifying them that they are being disenrolled from the Medicaid waiver effective June 30 or July 3 because they were over the asset limit of $2000. If you have received a notice of imminent Medicaid disenrollment for being over assets, you should file a written appeal within 10 days and notify The Arc Maryland at akolp@thearcmd.org. View this document to learn more.
July is Disability Pride Month! The Arc published an article, “Why and How to Celebrate Disability Pride Month,” which includes ideas for acknowledging and celebrating the achievements and contributions of individuals with disabilities. Another great article from User Way, “Disability Pride Month: Celebrating Inclusivity – Now and Always,” discusses the importance of disability inclusion. Let us continue to embrace and celebrate the diversity within our communities!
This quarter’s newsletter features program updates from Autism Research and Engagement Core and People On the Go Maryland, a roundup of relevant resources and profiles of the MCDD’s summer trainees. We hope you find the resources in this newsletter helpful as we continue to work together to help individuals with disabilities learn, grow and thrive.
Take care and stay safe.
In gratitude,
Maureen van Stone, Esq., MS
Assistant Vice President, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Director, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Founding Director, Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law)