Dr. Ernest Carter

Director of Research and Innovation
Center for Excellence in Public Health Leadership

Kennedy Krieger Institute
716 N. Broadway
Baltimore, Maryland 21204
Email: CarterEL@KennedyKrieger.org


Dr. Ernest Carter is the director of research and innovation in the Center for Excellence in Public Health Leadership at Kennedy Krieger Institute.  Dr. Carter has a joint appointment with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He will develop health equity accountability procedures and metrics in collaboration with Institute clinical teams.  In addition, he will support, design and create policies for Health Equity initiatives at the Institute. 

Dr. Carter is the former health officer for Prince George’s County, Maryland, with 40+ years of experience in direct patient care, 29+ years of experience in telemedicine and health IT, and 10+ years in public health and population health management. At the Prince George’s County Health Department, he oversaw the divisions of Family Services, Behavioral Health, Assessment and Planning, Health & Wellness, Environmental Health and all clinical providers. In addition, he has been responsible for the design, implementation, and management of PGC Health Enterprise Zone, a population health project; the PGC Public Health Information Network (PHIN), Health Information Exchange (HIE) and  the Consent2Share project, the first demonstration of the use of electronic patient privacy consent and data segmentation over an HIE; PreventionLink, a CDC program targeted at innovations in diabetes and hypertension prevention.  At Westat, he was a senior physician informaticist. At Howard University, Dr. Carter was director of the Telehealth Science and the Advanced Technology Center, creating telemedicine applications for domestic and international use.  He was also an assistant electrical engineering professor and Howard’s Material Science Research Center of Excellence associate director. In private business, he owned retail-based clinics in four states. In addition, Dr. Carter was chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Washington Adventist Hospital and Mercy Philadelphia Hospital.  


Dr. Carter has an AB degree in Physics from Harvard College, an MD from Harvard Medical School, and a PhD in bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania.