Alter Schnur headshot.

Alter Schnur

University of Baltimore School of Law
Law Trainee
Summer 2024

“Working with Project HEAL was an incredibly rewarding experience. The team’s dedication to supporting families was truly inspiring. My time at Project HEAL allowed me to gain valuable insights into the intricacies of providing comprehensive care and support. Whether working in the office or visiting schools, I learned the importance of personalized attention to every client’s needs. The lessons and advice I received during my time there have not only enhanced my professional skills but deepened my commitment to spreading awareness and advocating for families in my future career.”

Laura Benjamin headshot.

Laura Benjamin

University of Baltimore School of Law
Law Trainee
Summer 2024

“I really enjoyed my internship at Project HEAL. I was given the opportunity to learn in a variety of different ways such as having one-on-one client interactions, attending meetings with attorneys, observing how they handle situations, and being able to talk with the attorneys about what I believed the next steps in a case to be and work through the process with them. Project HEAL has such a supportive and collaborative staff and that made my experience especially impactful.”

Isabella Borrero headshot.

Isabella Borrero

Franklin & Marshall College
Undergraduate Trainee
Summer 2024

“My time at Project HEAL introduced me to a group of attorneys eager to help families get the best medical and legal care. I learned of the origin story of a program built from the bottom up, while gaining legal insight on federally funded programs and disability rights in the United States. I was often invited to join presentations and tours, where I learned inclusive language and saw staff and patient relationships firsthand. I was given spaces to ask questions and be creative with opportunities to learn something new every day.”

Isabella Long headshot

Isabella Long

American University
Undergraduate Trainee
Summer 2024

“My time at Project HEAL provided invaluable insight into the intersection of law, disability services, and health equity. Each experience, from helping families navigate the complexities of IEPs and SSI/SSDI applications to collaborating with clinicians to provide culturally sensitive support as they worked through the legal system, deepened my understanding of how legal and healthcare systems intersect to shape the lives of underserved communities. Whether conducting client intakes, analyzing policy needs, or working with legislative stakeholders to support patients, I saw firsthand how effective advocacy can create meaningful change. This experience has not only strengthened my skillset but also reinforced my passion for advancing disability rights and equitable access to care for marginalized populations. I hope to take these lessons with me as I further my studies in disability advocacy and policy solutions.”

Ariannwyn Carver

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Law Trainee
Fall 2020

"My experience with Project HEAL has helped me get a much better understanding of the laws affecting children with disabilities in our country and the real ways these policies affect them. Every opportunity was a learning experience – whether it was working with a different department within the Institute, shadowing a Project HEAL staff attorney at an individualized education program meeting, conducting research on a legal question, or attending committee meetings with practicing attorneys in the field. Along the way, I felt like I was helping make a real world impact. More than anything, this experience has solidified that I want to focus on disability rights advocacy or policy."

Emma Barbato

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Law Trainee
Fall 2020

"Overall, working at Project HEAL was a very positive experience. I appreciate their mission and the role they play in families’ lives as they navigate the special education process. It was also helpful to see the myriad of other services families often need in conjunction with representation in special education matters. This ranged from providing resources for guardianship to Supplemental Security Income assistance. It was certainly difficult to get a feel for the culture of Project HEAL while working remotely, but it was clear how much energy and care both Alyssa and Mallory put into their work and their clients. I think that one of the most helpful aspects of my time at Project HEAL was simply how much one-to-one client interaction I was able to do. Through emails or phone calls, I spent quite a bit of time talking to clients and doing intakes. Over the semester my ability to spot issues and ask meaningful questions improved. While I was initially concerned at the amount of time I worked on intakes, I came to realize that clients are at the heart of the practice of law and the more experience I have interacting with a wide variety of them the better off I’ll be I the long run."


Madeline Carr

Gettysburg College
Law Trainee
Summer 2020

"This past summer’s internship with Project HEAL reinforced my desire to pursue a career in the legal field. I’ve always wanted to legally defend those who may not be able to defend themselves, and throughout my time with Project HEAL, I acquired invaluable knowledge pertaining to special education law. I especially enjoyed being a part of the virtual MCDD staff meetings as well as the informative webinars that the MCDD presented to various audiences. Although I was not able to intern in-person, training at a program like Project HEAL not only provided me with a different perspective regarding special education law, but also enhanced my research skills.

One of the most fulfilling research projects Hanna and I completed this summer was sponsored by the Coalition to Reform School Discipline, which is co-chaired by Project HEAL staff attorney Alyssa Thorn. I really enjoyed providing relevant research regarding school resource officers in Maryland to the coalition as that research attempts to support legislation in this area.

Additionally, I was thrilled to be a part of the Project SEARCH at Kennedy Krieger Institute program. Although I did not get to spend a lot of (virtual) time with Project SEARCH’s interns, I admired the joy and enthusiasm they brought to every meeting. This program was another reason why I have really enjoyed my time with the MCDD and Kennedy Krieger this summer. Seeing Project SEARCH ‘s interns on their graduation day was especially heartwarming.

As an aspiring lawyer in my senior year at Gettysburg College, I am grateful for the numerous opportunities I had to meet with lawyers who are established in their fields. These individuals have interesting backgrounds and show true passion for the children on whose behalf they advocate. Their advice and guidance are invaluable to me.

The time I spent with Project HEAL this summer, although remote, was everything I could have asked for. From sitting in on individualized education program (IEP) meetings to drafting proposals, I learned skills that will serve me as I pursue a law career. This has been some of the most fulfilling work I have ever been a part of, and for that, I am truly grateful!"

Hanna Leonard

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Law Trainee
Summer 2020

"Growing up, my grandmother frequently repeated to me that “To whom much is given, much is expected.” I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to attend law school. As a third-year law student at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, I am earning a certification/concentration in health law. Accepting the internship at Project HEAL for my summer experience was such a wonderful decision, not only for building connections and blazing my own career path, but also for recognizing my purpose within the legal field. This experience has allowed me to recognize the passion that I have for helping others.

During my internship, I most enjoyed the experiences that some would find tedious: making routine intake calls to new families, attending IEP meetings, and listening to the experiences of those working in the field. I loved feeling that I was making a difference, regardless of how small it may have seemed. Although it was difficult at times to communicate remotely, those small connections made the largest impact on my experience. I also enjoyed researching legal questions that were unique to the COVID-19 reality, including whether face masks should be mandated as a requirement for everyone, regardless of disability.

Working remotely was definitely a learning experience, but I am so glad to have gone through it with such a wonderful team. This is an experience that I am grateful to have been a part of."

Julie Gearty

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Law Trainee
Spring 2019

“This was the best internship I've had. I feel like I learned a lot and discovered new interests all while enjoying everyone I got the chance to work with. I would recommend working at Project HEAL to anyone with even the slightest interest. It was a really fantastic experience.”

Ndeye Mariam Ndiaye

Johns Hopkins University
Biological Sciences, Graduate Student Trainee
Fall 2018-Spring 2019

“I really enjoyed my time at MCDD and Project HEAL. It influenced my desire to pursue community health that includes people of all abilities and backgrounds through medicine. Through my time at Project HEAL, I learned that have a regular clinician is not the only factor of health, but health requires the balance of basic needs (food, shelter, electricity, etc), family support, and an appropriate (and perhaps enjoyable) education. As I apply to medical school this year, I hope to find a school at which I can influence the curriculum to teach future doctors to better listen to families and serve children with disabilities. Also, I hope to learn more about health policy and ways that I can influence disability policy, working alongside advocates of all backgrounds. I enjoyed meeting and working with everyone at MCDD and Project HEAL, and I hope to keep in touch with you all. Thank you!"

Holly Long

Towson University
Health Science, Undergraduate Trainee
Fall 2018

“I could not be more satisfied and thankful for my internship experience at the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD). My time spent with Project HEAL and Resource Finder has not only increased my knowledge on the field of disabilities but has personally impacted me in ways I did not expect. Maureen van Stone, Mallory Finn, Alyssa Navarrete, and Jenny Jones each ensured that I was exposed to a variety of unique learning experiences and they were always there to help me when I needed it. I have truly developed a stronger understanding and love for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and I am now 100% sure that I am meant to work in the disability field in some way. I am truly blessed to have been placed at the MCDD for my internship experience!!!”

Anjuli Rajprasad

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Law Trainee
Winter 2018-Spring 2019

"This semester was the best semester of my law school. The experience that I have gained over the last three months is something that I not only will treasure for life, but also it has provided a strong foundation for my career in special education and intellectual & developmental disabilities. The work environment was amazing and I congratulate Project HEAL for building a team with such integrity and strength. Everyone here is friendly and cordial and the team approach to everything makes the functioning more efficient. I always had a tremendous amount of respect for people working in public interest but doing with a smile on your face is what makes Project HEAL special. I feel truly privileged that I got to work with this wonderful team. I wish the team great success in their future endeavors and thank them for giving me an opportunity to work with them."

Alison Record

Community College of Baltimore County
Paralegal Intern Trainee 
Spring 2018

"Prior to my internship at Project HEAL, I had little knowledge about the issues that affect children with disabilities. I thoroughly enjoyed the collaborative, caring approach that I experienced by working with Project HEAL attorneys and trainees. I was able to attend several fascinating lectures, as well as experience the legislative process in Annapolis for Developmental Disabilities Day at the legislature. I was fortunate to experience real change in some of the clients' circumstances throughout the semester, and I felt satisfied every day with the knowledge I helped make a difference. Maureen, Mallory, and Alyssa are zealous advocates for their clients, and they have inspired me to continue to stay involved with this disability community. I met so many intelligent, interesting people from a variety of different disciplines. I have no doubt my experiences here will be useful for my career!"

Aaron Brown

Winston-Salem State University
Summer 2017

"Being a senior in undergrad studying biology and psychology, I knew little about public health laws and policy, and how they intersected with education. When I came to Kennedy Krieger Institute for my internship this summer and learned of my placement at Project HEAL, I was overly excited to learn more about this intersection. Not only did I receive confirmation about going into health policy, I got the chance to be an active participant in making a difference in a child’s educational journey. Through my experiences at Project HEAL, I got to actually work in the field of special education law. I was able to sit in on IEP meetings, visit different specialized schools around the state of Maryland, and see how a child’s health and environment impacts their education and vice versa. I’m deeply grateful to have had this opportunity at such a special place, witness and take part in all the miraculous work that Maureen and Mallory do."

Moyosore Koya

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
AmeriCorps JD
Summer 2017

"I have always wanted to help underserved patient populations and I knew an internship with Project HEAL would be a great way to develop the skills I would need to further my passion. As a rising second year law student, I am grateful that I had this opportunity to take some of the more abstract concepts from school and apply them to the real world setting of assisting parents who are dealing with issues as related to their child’s educational program and placement. As a law trainee, I was able to interact with clients on an almost daily basis and to see the progression of a client’s case history with Project HEAL. I was able to participate in several IEP meetings and witness firsthand the discussions that led to positive educational outcomes for children.

My favorite memory from the summer was the opportunity that I had to tour the Kennedy Krieger Middle School (Fairmount campus) with the family of a student who had recently been approved for a nonpublic placement by her IEP team. I felt incredibly lucky to shared that experience with the student and her family. Moments like that reminded that the work we were doing was directly benefitting a child and her family. I am walking away from this experience with such a great depth of knowledge about special education law and services in the state of Maryland, and,  more importantly, with a better understanding of what it means to advocate on behalf of another person." 

Carumey Stevens

Cornell University
Maternal and Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement, Scholar 
Summer 2017

"Working as a trainee at Project HEAL was an extremely unique, engaging experience for me. As a student primarily focused on the health and medical side of addressing the needs of children with disabilities, Project HEAL introduced me to the legal and educational side that are far too often separated. Project HEAL is a unique partnership that combines both medical and legal care for children who qualify for special education and related services. Through Project HEAL, I was able to see the bridge from medical care to the application of legal care and meeting children’s need in a broader context, like the school. I recommend this training experience to anyone interested in special education law and disability rights, and, not only those interested in pursuing legal careers because it is an integrated experience. Working with the passionate, dedicated attorneys was both inspiring and rewarding. I still can’t believe how much I have learned since I walked into Project HEAL on my first day. The attorneys at Project HEAL exposed me to every part of the special education legal process from literature and case studies to attending meetings and engaging with community stakeholders and leaders. I loved this experience, and I highly recommend!"

Brian Paxton

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
AmeriCorps JD
Summer 2016

"Project HEAL is not only one of the most successful medical-legal partnerships in the country, but also a springboard for law students interested in learning how to best advocate for an under-served community. I learned more about being a lawyer in one summer with this program than I did through three years of law school classes. Project HEAL afforded me the unique opportunity to dive head first into a fast-paced legal environment where I was not an observer but an active participant. Every day I left the office feeling as though my work created real change in the world. This was by far the most unique experience I had in law school and I would strongly recommend Project HEAL to any student no matter what area of law they would eventually like to practice. I am honored to have been even a small part of this program."

Andrew Siske

University of Baltimore School of Law
UBSPI Grant Recipient
Summer 2016

"Prior to law school, I studied neuroscience during my undergraduate studies. I was thrilled when I learned about Project HEAL at Kennedy Krieger Institute. It presented the perfect opportunity to combine my background in psychology & brain science with my goal of practicing of law. During my summer with Project HEAL, I worked with two incredibly passionate and talented attorneys who introduced me to the world of disability law and educational advocacy, and, who solidified my aspiration of becoming an education law attorney. The attorneys were keen to include me in meetings with parents and students (when appropriate), including intake interviews, attending Individualized Education Program and Section 504 meetings, and coalition or task force meetings that they attended.  I developed my communication skills by speaking with parents over the phone and during meetings, my writing skills by drafting state complaints to the Maryland State Department of Education and letters to school system attorneys, and my research skills by seeking answers to complex legal questions. It was an immensely rewarding and formative experience for me as both a person and a professional."

Margie Beltran

University of Baltimore School of Law
Spring 2015 & Fall 2015

"Upon entering law school, I had no idea how I wanted to apply my passion for mental health and disability advocacy. Project HEAL was the perfect organization to channel this passion and give back to the local community. The staff at Project HEAL is truly inspirational and no doubt one of the greatest resources to the educational community. As a part of the greater Kennedy Krieger Institute, Project HEAL also has access to leading experts in other interdisciplinary fields, making it an all-around exceptional experience for anyone who interacts with them. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Maureen van Stone and Mallory Finn at Project HEAL. My fulfilling and valuable experience has not only made me a better future attorney, but a more culturally competent individual and that is an irreplaceable gift I can apply to all future endeavors."

Kirsten Smulovitz

University of Baltimore School of Law
Law Trainee
Spring & Summer 2015

"Working with Project HEAL was my first opportunity to engage in a legal internship. Growing up, my father always encouraged me to participate in Best Buddies, since his sister had Down Syndrome and he understood the importance of helping others. I chose to intern with Project HEAL because I wanted to continue to engage in work that would be rewarding for me while helping clients through some very difficult times, and at the same time be given the opportunity to learn the legal aspect of work. After working with Project HEAL, I was able to understand the importance that Project HEAL has on clients’ lives and really reap in the pleasure of being able to help people who may not be able to help themselves."

Yu-Hsuan (Amy) Lai

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Summer 2015

"Project HEAL provided me with the opportunity to learn more about issues that children with disabilities and their families face on a daily basis. I enjoyed attending IEP meetings and touring schools and facilities that serve individuals with disabilities. I also appreciated the opportunities to participate in stimulating conversations with passionate professionals from various disciplines who support the work. Project HEAL also gave me the opportunity to apply program evaluation skills I gained in my academic training to a real-world program. My experience confirmed and furthered my passion for both education and public health, and also for working with underserved populations."

Michelle Dauksha

University of Baltimore School of Law
UBSPI Grant Recipient
Summer 2015

“I was really excited about interning with Project HEAL due to my aspiration of working in public interest, volunteer experience in special education classrooms, and having a sibling on the autism spectrum. I enjoyed being able to participate in the entire process of a special education matter. The highlight of my summer was participating in an IEP meeting where a third-grade student with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD, functioning significantly below grade level, was approved for a nonpublic placement, which was his mother’s goal for obtaining representation from Project HEAL. It was a rewarding experience, because I was in direct communication with clients and truly felt as though our services were making a difference in their lives.”

John Delaney

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
MPILP Grant Recipient
Summer 2015

"Before law school, I spent three years as a fourth grade teacher. I saw first-hand the challenges that families face when trying to navigate the special education process to get an appropriate education for a child with disabilities. During my summer at Project HEAL, I have engaged in many valuable experiences that helped to hone my skills as a future attorney, including: conducting client intakes, drafting state and due process complaints on behalf of students with disabilities, and participating in community advocacy efforts at the city, state, and national levels. The best part of this internship experience is hearing back from parents that their children are happy and receiving the quality of education they deserve because of the services and placement we advocated for."

Meera Rothman

Dulaney High School
Summer 2013 & 2014

“As a high school student, I was a trainee at Project HEAL for two summers. I helped develop an MCDD presentation on bullying, harassment, and intimidation of students with disabilities from a student perspective, and I conducted a literature review about extracurricular programs for students with disabilities, which I presented at the AUCD conference in Washington D.C. Ms. [Maureen] van Stone [the director of Project HEAL] and the other trainees were extremely encouraging and inspiring and made my internship a very positive experience. Working at Project HEAL was enriching, enlightening, and an amazing opportunity for me to learn more about advocacy and disabilities. I have used the knowledge and skills I gained in a peer buddy experience and as leader of my school's Autism Ambassadors club. I now hope to pursue a career in advocacy and/or public health.”

Caitlin Biggins

University of Baltimore School of Law
Law Trainee
Platinum Pro Bono Law Honoree
Fall 2013 & Spring 2014

"Working closely with the Project HEAL attorneys and the Kennedy Krieger health care professionals provided me with a strong appreciation of the holistic approach that Project HEAL employs to meet the complex needs of Kennedy Krieger’s children and families."

Lauren Peterson

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Legislative Intern, Health Law Extern, Law Trainee
Spring 2013, Fall 2013 & Spring 2014

“I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today without Project HEAL. In my second and third years of law school, I was fortunate enough to work for Project HEAL in a variety of capacities. As a legislative intern, I advocated on behalf of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, researched issues, prepared testimony, and attended Maryland legislative committee hearings. As a health law extern, I conducted client intakes, drafted letters and complaints to the Maryland State Department of Education, attended Individualized Education Program and Section 504 meetings, and due process hearings. Thanks to the support and guidance of Project HEAL attorneys and staff, I discovered and cultivated a passion for special education law as a career. I currently work for a special education law firm, supporting families of children with disabilities in New York and Connecticut.”

Lauren Wood

University of Baltimore School of Law
UBSPI Grant Recipient
Summer 2013

"My experience at Project HEAL was truly unlike any other. To be able to leave work every day with the gratification of making a difference in somebody's life is something that people search for throughout their entire career, and I was able to experience it at my first internship. The interdisciplinary relationship that exists with Kennedy Krieger's healthcare professionals provides firsthand experience to the benefits of collaboration in the practice of law. It allows for creative problem solving, as the staff at Project HEAL can draw from the knowledge of social workers, neuropsychologists, and behavioral psychologists to determine what is appropriate for their clients. At Project HEAL, you develop real relationships not only with the staff, but also with the families that you are assisting, and you learn lessons that are invaluable to becoming a great lawyer."

Hunter McIntyre

University of Baltimore School of Law
UBSPI Grant Recipient
Summer 2012

"Like most law students with an aspiration of working in public interest, one of my desires to work for Project HEAL came from the longing to have an impact on the community and help those who are less fortunate than I am. I was also attracted to Project HEAL because the director, Maureen van Stone, has such a positive impact not only on the special education community, but also on the students attending local law schools. Through countless interns, she has instilled attributes that will last for a lifetime and will have no small impact on the lives of future attorneys. Based on the example she set, I know I will not only be a better attorney, but a better contributing member of my community."

Pete Naugle

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Undergraduate Student Volunteer and MPILP Grant Recipient
Summer 2008 & Summer 2012

"During my time with Project HEAL, I was able to participate at every stage of the process for children needing legal services in pursuit of their right to a free appropriate public education. I enjoyed a great deal of direct client interaction by conducting client intake interviews. I wrote a number of letters to school administrators articulating the client’s concerns and requesting an IEP meeting to resolve them. I also drafted Maryland State Department of Education complaints for the more egregious instances of denial of services to the child. My time at Project HEAL is among the few cherished instances in my legal career where I have felt truly fulfilled by the difference I was able to make in the lives of those I sought to help."

Josh Greenfield

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Health Law Extern
Spring 2012

"I had a wide range of experiences during my time with Project HEAL that helped me better understand the working of a medical-legal partnership, the nuances of legislative advocacy, and both special education and health law. As an extern, I worked on a variety of cases involving public benefits, special education, family law, and other matters. I particularly enjoyed assisting with client intakes and then having the opportunity to work on a case from the onset and in some cases, see it through its resolution. I also had the opportunity to attend various conferences, IEP meetings, and other sessions. Overall, it was an eye-opening and gainful experience from which I know I will apply the knowledge and skills I gained to my continuing law practice endeavors."

Sara Cimino

University of Baltimore School of Law
UBSPI Grant Recipient and Attorney Practice Internship
Summer & Fall 2011

"Project HEAL was my first legal internship, and I was really enthusiastic about gaining legal experience. In fact, I enjoyed my first experience so much that I decided to come back to Project HEAL for an additional semester because I felt really good about the work I was doing. Ultimately, Project HEAL gave me to opportunity to gain meaningful experience that was also rewarding. I was able to observe and participate in the entire process of taking on a special education case from the initial intake to the closing letter. I liked being an advocate and knowing that my work was helping families and children in need."

Alexis Slater Storey

University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
MPILP Grant Recipient, Asper Fellow, and Law Clerk
Summer 2008, Fall 2009 & Summer 2010

"My experience with Project HEAL taught me the importance of creative lawyering and working with a variety of resources to meet clients’ needs. For most Project HEAL clients – whose problems are urgent and relate to their daily lives – the court system and its traditional legal remedies are ineffective methods for addressing their needs. At Project HEAL, I learned how to work closely with Kennedy Krieger clinicians and other community-based resources to come up with quick and effective solutions to clients’ legal problems."