The Center for Synaptic Disorders focuses on the care of children and adults with medical, neurologic, cognitive and behavioral diagnoses that result from changes in genes that function at synapses, sites of neuronal communication. 

Changes in these genes can cause a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders that can include childhood-onset epilepsy, developmental delays, intellectual challenges, sleep disorder, movement disorders and autism spectrum disorder. The symptoms experienced and the severity of the disorder can vary widely.

We provide comprehensive interdisciplinary care. Our team is comprised of specialist in epilepsy, neurology, neuropsychology, GI, bone health, feeding and nutrition, behavioral psychology and clinical social work. In addition to our expertise in these disorders, our interdisciplinary resources mean that our patients’ needs can be met at one location. It is our goal to help our patients and their families gain a better understanding of their condition and access appropriate medical care and therapeutic interventions to improve their overall health and quality of life.

Our Mission: To improve the lives of individuals with rare synaptic disorders through comprehensive interdisciplinary care.

Our Vision: To develop quantitative performance metrics, biomarkers, and novel therapeutics with shared context of use. In addition, we aspire to combine clinical services and research to promote the well-being of individuals and their families by providing innovative evidence-based care.

Primary Diagnoses Served

Request an Appointment

To schedule an appointment or for more information about a referral or evaluation, please email us at or call 443-923-2778.