The Kennedy Krieger Institute's Child and Family Support Center and the Baltimore Infants and Toddlers Program have partnered to provide outreach, training and service in the Baltimore City Latino/Hispanic Community for young children who are eligible for Baltimore City Infants and Toddlers' Services.

The first three years of a child's life are the most critical time for learning. To assist families in focusing on a child's developmental needs and capitalizing on his or her natural ability to learn, Baltimore Infants and Toddlers Program has a family-centered system of early intervention services for young children who may be experiencing a delay in development or who have a diagnosed condition that has a high probability of delay.

An early intervention service coordinator at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, who speaks Spanish and is familiar with the Baltimore Latino Community, provides assistance to families in securing early intervention services in areas of the child's and family's identified needs.

These services may include:

  • Service Coordination
  • Family education, counseling and support
  • Special instruction
  • Speech pathology
  • Audiology
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Psychological services
  • Medical services for diagnosis
  • Health services related to other early intervention services
  • Other services may be available as appropriate

In addition, the program offers training in "Providing Services to Spanish-Speaking Baltimore" to provider and community agencies who wish to learn more about working with this population.

Contact Us:

For more information about the program, or to make a referral to Primeros Pasos, please contact one of our planning coordinators at (443) 923-3809.

To make a referral to the Baltimore City Infants and Toddlers Program, you may call (410) 396-1666.


Primeros Pasos: Coordinación de Servicios de Intervención Temprana

¿Está preocupado(a) por el desarrollo de su hijo?

Primeros Pasos ofrece coordinación de servicios de intervención temprana para familias latinas que viven en la ciudad de Baltimore y cuyo hijo(a) califica para recibir servicios de intervención temprana.

Primeros Pasos es un proyecto del Kennedy Krieger Institute y del Programa para bebes y niños pequeños de la ciudad de Baltimore (Baltimore City Infants and Toddlers).

  • Diseñado específicamente para las familias latinas de la ciudad de Baltimore
  • Coordinadoras de servicios bilingües
  • Se proporciona transporte
  • Evaluaciones y servicios gratuitos para niños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años
Si las familias desean recibir más información o solicitar una cita, que llamen a Melissa Cercado al (667) 210-8351 o a Yessie Lovos al (443) 681-8351.