Centers & Programs


Read, Imagine, Grow Program

Read, Imagine, Grow is a program from Kennedy Krieger Institute designed to increase reading literacy and access to books for our patients and students, with the goal of providing books to patient care areas and in our schools.

Refractory Epilepsy Clinic

Refractory epilepsy occurs when seizures persist despite adequate trials of two or more antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). This occurs in about 35% of patients, and those patients will continue to have sometimes debilitating seizures despite pharmacological treatment.

Rehabilitation Clinic

The Rehabilitation Clinic at Kennedy Krieger Institute provides comprehensive evaluation, treatment and follow-up for children and adolescents with a variety of functional deficits involving mobility, self-care, communication and adjustment.

Rehabilitation Medicine Center

Pediatric Rehabilitation Services at Kennedy Krieger Institute leads the way in rehabilitative care and research to help individuals restore movement and function for improved quality of life.

Research Administration

The Office of Sponsored Research Programs (OSRP) is responsible for reviewing and authorizing proposals for submission and for interpreting, negotiating, and accepting contracts and grants for sponsored projects funded by federal and state agencies, foundation, and other public and private sources. We help to identify funding opportunities for faculty, manage internal funding programs, and coordinate Institute applicant selection for limited submission programs.

Resource Finder

The Resource Finder is a project of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities and offers a person-centered service, helping people locate resources based on their individual needs.

Rett Syndrome and Related Disorders Clinic

Who We Are Rett syndrome (RTT) Rett syndrome, also known as RTT, is a neurological disorder that primarily affects girls, although boys with the disorder are increasingly being identified. It is characterized by normal early development during the first six to 18 months of life, followed by a period...