Roemmich R.T., Bastian A.J. (2015). Two ways to save a newly learned motor pattern. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(10), 3519-3530.
Long A.W., Finley J.M., Bastian A.J. (2015). A marching-walking hybrid induces step length adaptation and transfers to natural walking. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(10), 3905-3914.
Therrien A.S., Bastian A.J. (2015). Cerebellar damage impairs internal predictions for sensory and motor function. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 33, 127-133.
Musselman K.E., Stoyanov C.T., Marasigan R., Jenkins M.E., Konczak J., Morton S.M., Bastian A.J. (2014). Prevalence of ataxia in children: a systematic review. Neurology, 82(1), 80-89.
Keller J.L., Bastian A.J. (2014). A home balance exercise program improves walking in people with cerebellar ataxia. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28(8), 770-778.
Bhanpuri N.H., Okamura A.M., Bastian A.J. (2014). Predicting and correcting ataxia using a model of cerebellar function. Brain, 137(Pt 7), 1931-1944.
Finley J.M., Bastian A.J., Gottschall J.S. (2013). Learning to be Economical: The Energy Cost of Walking Tracks Motor Adaptation. The Journal of Physiology, 591(Pt 4), 1081-1095.
Reisman D.S., McLean H., Keller J., Danks K.A., Bastian A.J. (2013). Repeated Split-Belt Treadmill Training Improves Poststroke Step Length Asymmetry. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 27(5), 460-468.
Gibo T.L., Criscimagna-Hemminger S.E., Okamura A.M., Bastian A.J. (2013). Cerebellar motor learning: are environment dynamics more important than error size? Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(2), 322-333.
Bhanpuri N. H., Okamura A. M., Bastian A. J. (2013). Predictive modeling by the cerebellum improves proprioception. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(36), 14301-14306.
Gibo T. L., Bastian A. J., Okamura A. M. (2013). Cerebellar ataxia impairs modulation of arm stiffness during postural maintenance. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(7), 1611-1620.
Charles S. K., Okamura A. M., Bastian A. J. (2013). Does a basic deficit in force control underlie cerebellar ataxia? Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(4), 1107-16.
Hoyer E. H., Bastian A. J. (2013). The effects of task demands on bimanual skill acquisition. Experimental Brain Research, 226(2), 193-208.
Kurtzer I., Trautman P., Rasquinha R. J., Bhanpuri N. H., Scott S. H., Bastian A. J. (2013). Cerebellar damage diminishes long-latency responses to multijoint perturbations. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(8), 2228-2241.
Fuentes C. T., Mostofsky S. H., Bastian A. J. (2011). No proprioceptive deficits in autism despite movement-related sensory and execution impairments. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(10), 1352-61.
Vasudevan E. V. L., Torres-Oviedo G., Morton S. M., Yang J. F., Bastian A. J. (2011). Younger is not always better: development of locomotor adaptation from childhood to adulthood. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(8), 3055-65.
Jayaram G., Galea J. M., Bastian A. J., Celnik P. (2011). Human locomotor adaptive learning is proportional to depression of cerebellar excitability. Cerebral Cortex, 21(8), 1901-1909.
Fuentes, C. T., Mostofsky S. H., Bastian A. J. (2010). Perceptual reasoning predicts handwriting impairments in adolescents with autism. Neurology, 75(20), 1825-1829.
Block, H. J., Bastian A. J. (2010). Sensory reweighting in targeted reaching: effects of conscious effort, error history, and target salience. Journal of neurophysiology, 103(1), 206-217.
Fuentes, C. T., Bastian A. J. (2010). Where is your arm? Variations in proprioception across space and tasks. Journal of neurophysiology, 103(1), 164-71.
Vasudevan, E. V. L., Bastian A. J. (2010). Split-belt treadmill adaptation shows different functional networks for fast and slow human walking. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(1), 183-191.
Torres-Oviedo G., Bastian A. J. (2010). Seeing is believing: effects of visual contextual cues on learning and transfer of locomotor adaptation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(50), 17015-17022.
Malone L. A., Bastian A. J. (2010). Thinking about walking: effects of conscious correction versus distraction on locomotor adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(4), 1954-62.
Criscimagna-Hemminger S. E., Bastian A. J., Shadmehr R. (2010). Size of error affects cerebellar contributions to motor learning. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(4), 2275-84.
Fuentes C. T., Mostofsky S. H., Bastian A. J. (2009). Children with autism show specific handwriting impairments. Neurology, 73(19), 1532-1537.
Zackowski K.M., Smith S.A., Reich D.S., Gordon-Lipkin E., Chodkowski B.A., Sambandan D.R., Shteyman M., Bastian A.J., Van Zijl P.C., Calabresi P.A. (2009). Sensorimotor dysfunction in multiple sclerosis and column-specific magnetization transfer-imaging abnormalities in the spinal cord. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 132(Pt 5), 1200-1209.
Choi J. T., Vining E. P. G., Reisman D. S., Bastian A. J. (2009). Walking flexibility after hemispherectomy: split-belt treadmill adaptation and feedback control. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 132(Pt 3), 722-733.
Kluzik J. A., Diedrichsen J., Shadmehr R., Bastian A. J. (2008). Reach adaptation: what determines whether we learn an internal model of the tool or adapt the model of our arm? Journal of Neurophysiology, 100(3), 1455-1464.
Bo J., Block H. J., Clark J. E., Bastian A. J. (2008). A cerebellar deficit in sensorimotor prediction explains movement timing variability. Journal of Neurophysiology, 100(5), 2825-2832.
Gidley Larson J. C., Bastian A. J., Donchin O., Shadmehr R., Mostofsky S. H. (2008). Acquisition of internal models of motor tasks in children with autism. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 131(Pt 11), 2894-2903.
Thakur P. H., Bastian A. J., Hsiao S. S. (2008). Multidigit movement synergies of the human hand in an unconstrained haptic exploration task. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(6), 1271-1281.
Bastian, A. J. (2008). Understanding sensorimotor adaptation and learning for rehabilitation. Current Opinion in Neurology, 21(6), 628-633.
Fuentes CT, Bastian AJ. 'Motor cognition' - what is it and is the cerebellum involved? Cerebellum. 2007;6(3):232-6. Review.
Choi JT, Bastian AJ. Adaptation reveals independent control networks for human walking. Nat Neurosci. 2007 Aug;10(8):1055-62. Epub 2007 Jul 1.
Tseng YW, Diedrichsen J, Krakauer JW, Shadmehr R, Bastian AJ. Sensory prediction errors drive cerebellum-dependent adaptation of reaching. J Neurophysiol. 2007 Jul;98(1):54-62. Epub 2007 May 16.
Reisman DS, Wityk R, Silver K, Bastian AJ. Locomotor adaptation on a split-belt treadmill can improve walking symmetry post-stroke. Brain. 2007 Jul;130(Pt 7):1861-72. Epub 2007 Apr 2.
Morton SM, Bastian AJ. Mechanisms of cerebellar gait ataxia. Cerebellum. 2007;6(1):79-86. Review.
Gordon LM, Keller JL, Stashinko EE, Hoon AH, Bastian AJ. Can spasticity and dystonia be independently measure din cerebral palsy? Pediatr Neurol., Dec;35(6): 375-81, 2006.
Bastian AJ. Learning to predict the future: the cerebellum adapts feedforward movement control. Curr Opin Neurobiol., Dec;16(6) 645-9, 2006.
Morton SM, Bastian AJ. Cerebellar contributions to locomotor adaptations during splitbelt treadmill walking. J Neurosci., Sep;26(36); 9107-16, 2006.
Wagner JM, Lang CE, Sahrmann SA, Hu Q, Bastian AJ, Edwards DF, Dromerick AW. Relationships between sensorimotor impairments and reaching deficits in acute hemiparesis. Neurorehabil Neural Repair., Sep; 20(3): 406-16, 2006.
Zackowski KM, Dubey P, Raymond GV, Mori S, Bastian AJ, Moser HW. Sensorimotor function and axonal integrity in derenomyeloneuropathy. Arch Neurol., Jan;63(1): 74-80, 2006.
Lang CE, Wagner JM, Bastian AJ, Hu Q, Edwards DF, Sahrmann SA, Dromerick AW. Deficits in grasp versus reach during acute hemiparesis. Exp Bran Res, Sept;166(1):126-136, 2005.
Reisman DS, Block HJ, Bastian AJ. Interlimb coordination during locomotion: What can be adapted and stored? J Neurophysiol, Oct;94(4): 2403-15, 2005.
Fatemi A, Smith SA, Dubey P, Zackowski KM, Bastian AJ, van Zijl PC, Moser,HW, Raymond GV, Golay X. Magnetization transfer MRI demonstrates spinal cord abnormalities in adrenomyeloneuropathy. Neurology, May 24;64(10): 1739-45, 2005.
Kelly VE and Bastian AJ. Antiparkinsons medications improve agonist activation but not antagonist inhibition during sequential reaching movements. Mov Disord, Jun;20(6): 694-704, 2005.
Dubey P, Fatemi A, Barker PB, Degaonkar M, Troeger M, Zackowski K, Bastian A, Smith SA, Pomper MG, Moser HW, Raymond GV. Spectroscopic evidence of cerebral axonopathy in patients with "pure" adrenomyeloneuropathy. Neurology, 25;64(2): 304-10, 2005.
Morton SM and Bastian AJ. Cerebellar Control of Balance and Locomotion. Neuroscientist, Jun;10(3):247-259, 2004.
Morton SM and Bastian AJ. Prism adaptation during walking generalizes to reaching and requires the cerebellum. J Neurophysiology. 92(4): 2497-509, 2004.
Mostofsky SH, Bunoski R, Morton SM, Goldberg MC, Bastian AJ. Children with Autism Adapt Normally during a Catching Task Requiring the Cerebellum. Neurocase, Feb;10(1): 60-64, 2004.
Zackowski KM, Dromerick AW, Sahrmann SA, Thach WT and Bastian AJ. How do strength, sensation, spasticity, and joint individuation relate to the reaching deficits of people with chronic hemiparesis? Brain, May;127:1035-46, 2004.
Thach WT and Bastian AJ. Role of the cerebellum in the control and adaptation of gait in health and disease. Prog Brain Res, 143: 353-66, 2004.
Bastian AJ, Kelly VE, Revilla FJ, Perlmutter JS, Mink JW. Different effects of unilateral versus bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation on walking and reaching in Parkinson disease. Movement Disorders, Sept;18(9): 1000-7, 2003.
Bastian AJ, Kelly VE, Perlmutter JS, Mink JW. Effects of pallidotomy and levodopa on walking and reaching in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, Sept; 18(9): 1008-17, 2003.
Bastian AJ. Cerebellar limb ataxia: abnormal control of self-generated and external forces. Ann N Y Acad Sci, Dec;978: 16-27, 2002.
Sanger TD, Delgado MR, Gaebler-Spira D, Hallet M, Mink J, & Task Force on Childhood Motor Disorders. Classification & definition of disorders causing hypertonia in childhood. Pediatrics, 111(1): 2003.
Morton SM and Bastian AJ. Relative contributions of balance and voluntary leg-coordination deficits to cerebellar gait ataxia. J Neurophysiology, Apr;89(4): 1844-1856, 2003.
Zackowski KM, Thach WT, Bastian AJ. Cerebellar subjects show impaired coupling of reach and grasp movements. Experimental Brain Research, Oct;146(4): 511-22, 2002.
Perlmutter JS, Mink JW, Bastian AJ, Zackowski KM, Hershey TA, Miyawaki E, Koller W, Videen TO. Blood flow responses to deep brain stimulation of thalamus. Neurology, May 14;58(9): 1388-94, 2002.
Zackowski KM, Bastian AJ, Hakimaian S, Mink JW, Perlmutter JS, Koller WC and Thach WT. Thalamic stimulation reduces essential tremor but not the delayed antagonist muscle timing. Neurology, Feb;12;58(3): 402-10, 2002.
Lang CE and Bastian AJ. Cerebellar damage impairs automaticity of a recently practiced movement. Journal of Neurophysiology, Mar;87(3): 1336-47, 2002.
Kelly VE, Hyngstrom AJ, Rundle MM, Bastian AJ. Interaction of levodopa and cues on voluntary reaching in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord, Jan;17(1): 38-44, 2002.
Morton SM, Lang CE, Bastian AJ. Inter- and Intra-limb generalization of adaptation during catching. Exp Brain Res, Dec;141(4):438-45, 2001.
Lang CE and Bastian AJ. Additional somatosensory information does not improve cerebellar adaptation during catching. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, May;112(5): 895-907, 2001.
Earhart GM and Bastian AJ. Selection and coordination of human locomotor forms following cerebellar damage. Journal of Neurophysiology, Feb;85(2): 759-69, 2001.
Earhart GM and Bastian AJ. Form switching during human locomotion: traversing wedges in a single step. Journal of Neurophysiology, Aug;84(2): 605-15, 2000.
Wittenberg GF, Bastian AJ, Dromerick AW, Thach WT and Powers WJ. Mirror movements complicate interpretation of cerebral activation changes during recovery from subcortical infarction. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 14: 213-221, 2000.
Brunstrom J, Bastian AJ, Wong M, and Mink JS. Motor benefit from l-dopa in spastic cerebral palsy. Annals of Neurology, May;47(5): 662-5, 2000.
Bastian AJ, Zackowski KM and Thach WT. Cerebellar ataxia: Torque deficiency or torque mismatch between joints? Journal of Neurophysiology, May;83(5): 3019-30, 2000.
Lang CE and Bastian AJ. Cerebellar subjects show impaired adaptation of anticipatory EMG during catching. Journal of Neurophysiology, Nov;82(5): 2108-19, 1999.
Mueller MJ, Salsich GB, and Bastian AJ. Differences in the gait characteristics of people with diabetes and transmetatarsal amputation compared with age-matched controls. Gait and Posture, May 1;7(3): 200-206, 1998.
Bastian AJ, Mink JW, Kaufman BA and Thach WT. Posterior vermal split syndrome. Annals of Neurology, Oct;44(4): 601-10, 1998.
Bastian AJ. Mechanisms of Ataxia. Physical Therapy, Jun;77(6): 672-675, 1997.
Bastian AJ, Martin TA, Keating JG, and Thach WT. Cerebellar ataxia: Abnormal control of interaction torques across multiple joints. Journal of Neurophysiology, Jul;76(1): 492-509, 1996.
Martin TA, Keating JG, Goodkin HP, Bastian AJ, and Thach WT. Throwing while looking through prisms: II. Specificity and storage of multiple gaze-throw calibrations. Brain, Aug;119: 1199-1211, 1996.
Martin TA, Keating JG, Goodkin HP, Bastian AJ, and Thach WT. Throwing while looking through prisms: I. Focal olivocerebellar lesions impair adaptation. Brain, Aug;119: 1183-1198, 1996.
Bastian AJ and Thach WT. Cerebellar outflow lesions: a comparison of movement deficits resulting from lesions at the levels of the cerebellum and thalamus. Annals of Neurology, Dec;38(6): 881-92, 1995.