In honor of Spina Bifida Awareness Month, we invite you to meet Liza, a Festival of Trees ambassador and an accomplished adaptive athlete. Liza has spina bifida, which is caused by the failure of the spine to close properly during the first month of pregnancy, and results in paralysis.
Liza’s diagnosis doesn’t slow her down. Liza loves basketball and plays the sport as a member of the Bennett Blazers wheelchair basketball team, right here at Kennedy Krieger.
“It is her home away from home,” her mom, Amy, says.
Liza has competed in Move United's Junior Nationals four times for track, field and swimming. At the most recent competition in Alabama this past summer, Liza and her Blazers teammates placed first, beating out 44 teams from 35 states. Governor Wes Moore, the Maryland General Assembly, and the Baltimore Orioles all recognized Liza and her fellow Blazers when they returned to Maryland.
In addition to sports, Liza loves to sing and listen to music. She is very social, enjoys hanging out with friends, laughing and making others laugh. She is a loyal friend, empathetic and kind—“and she is not afraid to try something new,” Amy says.
Liza, we are glad your latest “something new” is serving as a Festival of Trees ambassador. We’ll see you there! For more information about Festival of Trees, please visit the Festival of Trees website.