Introducing the KIND curriculum

KIND Curriculum is instruction for professionals who support individuals who have or are at risk for neurodevelopmental disorders.

The KIND curriculum consists of chapters focused on specific topics that contain a series of modules which are about 15 minutes in length. Each module provides specific, succinct content on the course subject matter. The module topics are arranged by editors from introductory, general information to more specific information about evaluation and treatment. Modules are the basic building block of the course and include videos, interactivities, assessment and supplementary materials to provide a comprehensive overview of the course topic.

Current Courses include the following with additional forthcoming:

  • Trauma
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Special Education Law (Maryland, USA)
  • Communication Disorders
  • Disruptive Behavior Disorders
  • Medical Complexity
  • Genetics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I take this for Continuing Medical Education credit?

A: We are actively preparing to offer CMEs associated with these courses, and anticipate that option in 2024.


Q: Who is the KIND Curriculum intended for?

A: The primary audience for the KIND Curriculum are medical professionals (pediatricians, family practice doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, medical specialists and sub-specialists) that work with children with or at risk for neurodevelopmental disorders.  Allied professionals like psychologists, teachers, social workers and therapists, will find many of the topics relevant to their practices.

Q: How long does each chapter take?

A: People learn at different paces and will explore in greater or less depth. However, on average, users report it taking about 20 minutes to complete a given module/topic. Each course has about 20-25 topics. Thus, on average, you may expect an entire course to take about 6-8 hours if you were to explore all modules/topics and their components.


Q: What is each topic/module?

A: Each topic/module contains a succinct topic delivered via professional video and interactive components (e.g., interactive digital tools, infographics). Additional resources and references are generally provided. Further, self-checks enable learners to check their understanding before and after learning.

Choose a chapter and start your KIND Curriculum Journey today!
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