As a teacher education program situated within a pediatric rehabilitation hospital, the Center for Innovation and Leadership in Special Education (CILSE) is proud to provide professional learning opportunities for the educators who support our patients on a daily basis.
The Center works with granting agencies and local school systems in order to create community outreach programs that provide professional learning related at no cost to schools and educators.
Current Projects:
Through generous grant funding, patients seen at Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Department of Neuropsychology, and who meet certain criteria, may now be referred to the Institute’s Hospital Education Liaison Program (HELP), which aims to translate clinical information into an educational setting.
Past Projects:
From 2014-2020, CILSE was involved in an extensive community outreach program, entitled Project UNITE (Uniting Neuroscience, Innovative Teaching, and Education). Through generous funding from Transamerica, Project UNITE partnered with two Baltimore City public schools per year to improve instructional practices for students with educational disabilities, as well as students who are struggling to learn and at risk for further intervention.
With permission from families, former fellow and current CILSE Assistant Director, Lisa Carey consulted with assessing clinicians and Baltimore City school staff to promote best practices in the classroom. Outcomes were assessed at the level of the individual student and teacher, as well as via the classrooms in which the interventions were made.