William Ide, MD

Dr. Ide began his fellowship in 2019 after completing his residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.

After rotating at Kennedy Krieger during my residency, I couldn’t wait to join the program as a fellow. In addition to being exceptionally knowledgeable and dedicated clinicians and researchers, the pediatric rehabilitation medicine faculty members have a genuine investment in the wellbeing and professional development of trainees. The support and flexibility to pursue my individual career and research interests in collaboration with expert subspecialists and therapists across multiple disciplines has been the opportunity of a lifetime.

Christina Kokorelis, MD

Dr. Kokorelis began her fellowship in 2017 after completing her residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

I chose the fellowship program at Kennedy Krieger because, while a resident at Johns Hopkins, I rotated at KKI and quickly learned that the resources, faculty, and the ample amount of time devoted to each patient is truly unparalleled.  I was immediately impressed with the faculty, their knowledge, commitment to research, and their love of teaching. At the same time, KKI and their providers really value the patient (especially the complex one!), and have a myriad of resources and a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer. I knew it would be a privilege to work here!

Amanda Morrow, MD

Dr. Morrow began her fellowship in 2017 after completing her residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore.

I chose the fellowship program at Kennedy Krieger due to the extensive clinical exposure to multiple interesting patient diagnoses, research and educational opportunities. The collaboration among pediatric rehabilitation medicine, neurodevelopmental medicine, orthopedics, neurosurgery, as well as the therapists provides many learning opportunities across multiple disciplines. In addition, the PRM faculty and other staff members at Kennedy Krieger are very supportive of the fellows in helping to shape their future careers

Previous Fellows


Melissa Trovato, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Fellowship Director, Interim Medical Director of Rehabilitation and Attending Physiatrist, Kennedy Krieger Institute


Scott Benjamin, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Orthopedics/Rehabilitation and Pediatrics, University of Vermont
  • Attending in Orthopedics/Rehabilitation, Fletcher Allen Health Care


Ewa Brandys, M.D.

  • Division Chief of Pediatric Rehab Medicine, Nemours Children’s Health System, Orlando, FL 


Olga Morozova, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, George Washington University
  • Director of Education & Fellowship Program and Attending Physiatrist, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington D.C.


Stacy Suskauer, M.D.

  • Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Director of Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Attending Physiatrist, Kennedy Krieger Institute


Aga Lewelt, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Florida College of Medicine–Jacksonville


Scott Schultz, M.D.

  • Gratis Appointment, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
  • Associate Director of the Rehabilitation Program, Children's Hospital New Orleans, LA


Marykay Nutini, D.O.

  • Attending Physician in Pediatric Medicine & Rehabilitation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Children's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA


Tobias Tsai, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Carolinas Health Care System
  • Attending physiatrist, Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, NC


Sathya Vadivelu, D.O.

  • Attending Physician  in Pediatric Medicine & Rehabilitation, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO 


Elana Katz, M.D.


  • Attending Physician in Pediatric Medicine & Rehabilitation, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Nancy Yeh, M.D.

  • Attending Physician in Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD


Christina Kokorelis

  • Attending Physician in Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD


Amanda Morrow

  • Attending Physician in Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine and Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital, Baltimore, MD