All families enrolled in the Early Childhood Development and Education Center's program have access to our Toy Lending Library, which lends the latest adaptive switch toys to families to help stimulate their children’s development.

PACT Toy Lending Library

The Library also maintains a collection of typical toys, books and games for young children.

PACT Toy Therapy

Play Opportunities at Home

The Toy Lending Library was started with a generous gift from the Stainman Family in memory of their son, Benjamin, who received services at the Early Childhood Development and Education Center, as well as the memory of their parents who were strong supporters and advocates for children with special needs. To honor the memory of their parents and to help children with disabilities similar to those of Benjamin, Stuart and Ted Stainman and their wives, Bonnie and Barbara, established an endowment to benefit the Early Childhood Development and Education Center.  The income generated by this endowment was used to establish and maintain the Toy Lending Library in Memory of Benjamin David Stainman.

A woman and a little girl walk a dog as part of pet therapy session.

The Early Childhood Development and Education Center Pet Therapy

Animal-assisted therapy is a new addition to our program. One day a week, children at WOC have the benefits of interacting with a trained dog and her owner. Animal-assisted therapy has many benefits for children, such as pain or stress reduction, increased confidence, and opportunities to develop language and coordinated motor movements. Children enjoy the comfort of an animal’s soft touch and calming presence while developing new skills.