Wee Cuddle & Grow
Wee Cuddle & Grow is a hands-on guidebook chock full of practical interventions for professionals working with young children and their caregivers in early childhood settings (teachers, childcare workers, program directors, clinical and medical professionals, community support workers, researchers, students, and life-long learners). Melding research-based clinical practice into a grass-roots community approach, the authors offer clear, useful tools based on their decades of experience working with families. Applying reflective practice and a respect-driven approach, Wee Cuddle & Grow blends attachment theory and mindful compassion into trauma-informed care.
The Wee Cuddle & Grow program is thoughtfully directed toward growing and supporting the capacity for each parent to focus on care and connection with their child. The guide offers time-tested methods targeting the healthy attachments that are the building blocks for future social-emotional health. The authors detail effective and widely applicable techniques to support family stability and growth through topics such as: separation, family meal time, routines and rituals, family engagement, and strategies to address trauma. By providing Helpful Hints and How Tos, vignettes describing intervention use with real families, background theory, resources, and more, Wee Cuddle & Grow will soon be your go-to guide for staying in the hard place in your work with young children and their families, no matter your setting.