Staff members provide evaluations, as well as ongoing treatment in outpatient, inpatient and day treatment settings.

Each of the department's inpatient and outpatient programs provides the following clinical services: modifying the nutrient composition and consistency of a diet, prescribing/specifying food and nutrient intake, translating nutrition prescriptions into meal plans, food choices and preparation techniques, fostering behavior change by educating, counseling, motivating and advising, providing complete or supplemental nutrients through food and enteral support and referring to other service providers when necessary. The following services enhance the delivery of clinical services: education and training of staff, research and outcome evaluation, community outreach and advocacy.

Inpatient Programs:

Nutritionists are consulted for individuals admitted to the inpatient unit based on identified nutrition need and/or risk across all the protocols.

Food services provided through the Nutrition Department for inpatients are available every day of the week, holidays included.

Outpatient Programs:

The Nutrition Department provides consultations to multiple Kennedy Krieger outpatient clinics, including but not limited to:

Families can request consultations with nutritionists at Kennedy Krieger Institute by speaking with their primary health care providers.

Professional Training:

Kennedy Krieger's Nutrition Department participates in the Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND) training program.


The Nutrition Department works in the area of growth and energy needs in children with cerebral palsy. For information on current research projects related to this area check out the Cerebral Palsy and Behavior and Feeding Disorders research areas of this site.

Professional Certifying Organizations:

  • Commission on Dietetic Registration for the American Dietetic Association (RD and CS)
  • National Board of Nutrition Support Certification, Inc. for ASPEN (CNSD)


  • Registered Dietitian (RD)
  • Certified Nutrition Support Dietitian (CNSD)
  • Certified Specialist in Pediatrics (CS)

Staffing (Licensure):

All staff are licensed in the state of Maryland as licensed dietitians (LDN). Currently, all staff hold master's degrees and are both RD and LDN certified.

Upcoming Family Webinars:

There are currently no future webinars scheduled.

Past Family Webinars:

Webinar & Resources – Live Cooking Demonstration: Fun in the Kitchen!

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Webinar & Resources – Cooking Healthy Meals While Staying at Home: Tips for Creating Quick, Healthy and Inexpensive Meals

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Webinar & Resources – Healthy Eating for the Different Ages and Stages in your Family

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Webinar & Resources – Super Snacks for You and Your Child: Tips for Snacking Success

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