Facilities: Bruker MRI/NMR 750 MHz
Magnet and Console
The Bruker 750MHz (17.6T) MRI/NMR System is capable of performing micro-imaging, in vivo imaging, solution NMR spectroscopy and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The bore size of the magnet is 89 mm. The Ascend series of Bruker compact NMR magnets features advanced superconductor technology with a significant reduction in physical size and magnetic stray field. The magnet equipped with both wide bore (WB) and standard bore (SB) Bruker orthogonal shim systems, which provide excellent magnet field homogeneity. Vibration isolation posts are installed to reduce the effect of floor vibrations. A magnet stand with 1.05 m length offers easy access to the magnet bore.
Three actively shielded gradient assemblies are provided: Mini 0.5 (0.75 G/cm/A), Micro 2.5 (2.5 G/cm/A) and Micro 5 (5 G/cm/A).
The AVANCE III console provides highest speed RF generation and data acquisition with a highly modular and scalable transmitter and receiver channel architecture. Four transmitters (One proton and three X-nuclei) and four receivers are available for this MRI scanner. The system contains four 1H preamplifiers, one 2H preamplifier, and one preamplifier for X-nuclei.