The F.M. Kirby Research Center High Field Animal Imaging Facility is a clean facility and thus procedures to minimize infections will be strictly followed. Rodents can be transferred from the adjacent Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (BRB or Ross) clean holding facilities and can be returned to their assigned High Risk Return Area in Ross after the completion of the imaging procedures.

  • There is no animal holding space associated with this facility.
  • Disposable gowns, shoe covers and gloves should be worn at all times.
  • Hair covers, sleeve guards and masks will be worn for animal preparation.
  • All equipments that is brought in by the users will be disinfected upon entrance to the facility.
  • Surgical equipment brought in by the users should be autoclaved beforehand.

The animal preparation room is equipped with a biosafety hood that holds gas anesthesia induction chambers and isoflurane vaporizer for anesthesia induction and for perfusion of specimen). There are 3 stainless steel benches equipped with surgical lights and isoflurane vaporizer setups for performing surgeries and preparing the animal for imaging. In addition, there is a blood gas analyzer to tests for blood pH, PCO2, Hb, glucose levels etc. Both the Bruker Biospec 11.7T and the Bruker Micro-Imaging 17.6T are equipped with physiological MRI monitoring systems (SA instruments) that include ECG, respiration and temperature as well as MRI compatible heating system.

Bruker Biospec 11.7 T


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