Referrals can be made by doctors, parents, acute care discharge planners, or community providers. We work quickly to gather and review medial and insurance information, and formulate a plan that is best for the child and family.

Parents and Family Members:

For more information or to make an outpatient appointment, please call 443-923-9400, or toll-free at 888-554-2080.

TTY: 443-923-2645 or Maryland Relay 711


Inpatient Referrals:

For more information about an inpatient admission, please call 443-923-9416 or contact us online by clicking the button below. 

Contact Us

Physicians & Healthcare Professionals:

To make a referral, call our Physician Referral Line at 443-923-9403 or contact us online by clicking the button below: 

Contact Us

Mailing Address:

707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205

Request an Appointment

Schedule by Phone

Call: 888-554-2080

Schedule Online

Request an Appointment