Welcome to the very first e-newsletter of the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress. The goal of this e-newsletter is to increase communication and engagement with our community.
This e-newsletter will be sent out every season and will share important information such as available community resources, new groups or other therapies we are offering, and updates on events and activities happening at the Center.
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Welcome Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King!

We are excited to welcome Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King to the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress as our new Vice President!
Dr. Briggs-King is a psychologist who comes to us from Duke University in North Carolina, where she was the associate director of diversity, equity and inclusion and network relations. She was also the co-director of the data and evaluation program for the UCLA-Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, which is the coordinating center for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN).
Dr. Briggs-King is also the director of research for the Center for Child and Family Health, a non-profit, NCTSN site in Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Briggs-King is president of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children and is on the executive committee of the board of directors for the National Children’s Alliance.
We are excited to have her knowledge and experience as we work to expand our reach to our community. Welcome Dr. Briggs-King!
Summer Resources from Our Case Managers:
- Pools and Activities in the Parks
- Family events both free and low cost
- Oriole’s free tickets for kids under 9 with a paying adult
- Enoch Pratt Free Library summer programming
What’s happening at the Center:

Hygiene Assistance: The Center can provide sanitary pads, tampons and other period products as well as a variety of hygiene items to clients in need. More information is available at our front desk or your therapist.
Backpack “Raffle”- Patients can enter a drawing for a chance to win one of 8 backpacks filled with school supplies. Patients may enter the drawing in our community room or by asking their therapist during their telehealth sessions. Participation is free. The raffle will run from Monday, July 8 to Friday, August 9.
Therapy Spotlight
Strengthening Families’ Coping Resources (SFCR)
Strengthening Families’ Coping Resources or SFCR is a multi-family group therapy for families who have experienced trauma. This group supports families with processing their trauma, developing coping skills, and encouraging routine and family rituals. This trauma-focused intervention helps families living in traumatic situations reduce symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related disorders. Skills learned in group help families feel safer, function more stably, better regulate their emotions and behaviors, improve communication, and increase their understanding of their experiences. SFCR activities include storytelling and narration to create a family trauma narrative.
Participating families are served dinner and are provided opportunities to connect with others who may struggle with similar stressors.
Families who are interested in participating in this group in the fall should reach out to their child’s therapist.
If someone you know might benefit from our services, please follow this link to make a referral.