
Masking: To contain the spread of influenza, clinicians and other medical personnel are required to wear masks during patient sessions, until further notice. Patients are not currently required to wear masks.

Hygiene assistance: Hygiene items such as period products, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste are available to families in need. These items are accessible through a patient’s treating therapist.

Winter hats and gloves: These items are also available to patients and families in need via a patient’s treating therapist. 

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Psychiatry Is Accepting New Patients

Psychiatry services are available to children and teens. Psychiatrists can assess patients, prescribe medication and monitor progress. Interested caregivers should consult their child’s or teen’s therapist. 

Group Therapy Opportunity

There’s a new group for teens and young adults transitioning to adulthood, and it’s called TAG—You’re It!

TAG is short for Transitioning Into the World of Adulting Group, and it helps teens and young adults, ages 17 to 21, prepare for adulthood. The group aims to create a cool, educational environment where participants can process their own experiences and learn “how to adult.”

Assistance with job readiness—including resume writing, financial literacy and learning advocacy skills—is offered. Participants also have the opportunity to have professional head shots taken, which can be used on job networking apps. Anyone interested should contact their therapist, who can make a referral. 

When: Every Monday for six weeks, February 10–March 17, 3–4:30 p.m.

Where: On-site at the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress (1741 Ashland Avenue, Third Floor, Baltimore)

For: Teens and young adults ages 17–21 looking to learn more about developing adulting skills 

Three women wearing professional attire stand and for a group photo.

Our 40th Anniversary!

On September 18, the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress proudly celebrated its 40th anniversary! The center was established in 1984 as the Family Center, whose small but dedicated team initially focused on providing mental health services and support to children in foster care. Over the past four decades, the center has grown significantly, expanding its mission to serve children and adolescents from birth to age 21 who have experienced trauma. Today, the center provides care to over 500 families each week, offering psychiatry services and 12 specialized treatment modalities.

We Are Accepting New Patients!

We are now accepting new patients. If you know anyone who may need services, please share our intake phone number (443-923-5980). Individuals may also begin the referral process online.

We are looking forward to another 40 years of providing high-quality, trauma-focused mental health services to children, teens, young adults and families in our community.