Check out the latest roundup of resources for individuals with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities.
Caregiver Action Network: “10 Tips for Family Caregivers”
Autism Society Maryland: “911 Address Flagging Program”
The Parents’ Place of Maryland: “Alternate Education Framework”
Understood: “Are You Wondering Why Your Child is Struggling? Take N.O.T.E.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Become a Disability A.L.L.Y. - Information for Healthcare Providers”
Frederick’s Child: “Behavior Analyst: The Importance of Siblings on the Autism Journey”
Down Syndrome Association of Maryland: “Disability Awareness Toolkit”
Exceptional Parent Magazine: “Estate Planning for College Students with Special Needs 101”
Housing and Services Resource Center: “Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator”
Brain & Life: “How Do Seasonal Weather Changes Affect People with Neurological Disorders?”
Child Mind Institute: “How to Make the Most of Your IEP Meeting”
Howard County Maryland: “Howard County Opens ‘Trailblazing’ New Sensory Trail Loop at Centennial Park North”
ADDitude Magazine: “First-Ever Adult ADHD Guidelines Forthcoming”
Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center: “Let’s Explore the Emergence of Artificial Intelligence Work Tools”
Bookshare: “Lifelong Learning with Bookshare”
Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy Center for Children and Families: “Medicaid Enrollment is Down by Five Million Including Two Million Children”
Child Mind Institute: “Pathological Demand Avoidance in Kids”
Pathfinders for Autism: “PFA Tips: Moving to or From Maryland with Benefits and Disability Services”
The National Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality: “Spotlight on Authors with Disabilities”
Association for Autism and Neurodiversity: “The Autistic Experience of Early Childhood”
ADDitude Magazine: “The College Survival Guide for Students with ADHD”
Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH): “The Housing ACCESS Act: A Pathway to Supportive Housing”
ADDitude Magazine: “The Key to ADHD Emotional Regulation? Cultivating Gratitude, Pride & Compassion”
The Arc Maryland: “Together We’re Better Diversity Celebration Toolkit”
Autism Society: “Vaccine Education Initiative”
American Academy of Pediatrics: “Young Adults with Epilepsy Share Their Story”