Kennedy Krieger In the News, 2025
(updated 01-28-2025)
Health Tech World: The One-Minute Video Game that Can Diagnose Autism, 1/28/25
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Research Is Guiding New Suicide Prevention Strategies, 1/26/25
Medical Xpress: Universal Suicide Screening Crucial for Children with Developmental Disorders, 1/22/25
The Baltimore Banner: Why Do We Drop New Year’s Resolutions? Blame Your Brain, 1/11/25
Baltimore’s Child: Vaccine Hesitancy, 1/1/25
Yahoo News: It’s Kindertime Toy Drive Brings Holiday Cheer to Kennedy Krieger Institute, 12/23/24
ABC Baltimore: 26th Annual ‘It’s Kindertime’ Toy Drive and Parade Bring Holiday Cheer to Kennedy Krieger Institute, 12/23/24
The Baltimore Sun: Senator Ferguson: Maryland Must Continue to Invest Regardless of Budget Woes, 12/10/24
The Daily Record: Maryland Legislators Tout State Investment in Kennedy Krieger Facility Upgrades, 12/9/24
The Daily Record: Icon Awardee, Dr. Gary Goldstein, 12/9/24
AARP Magazine: What is Occupational Therapy: Everything Caregivers Need to Know, 12/10/24
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Holds 35th Annual Festival of Trees, 11/30/24
NBC Baltimore: 35th Annual Festival of Trees Dazzles Families for Christmas, 11/29/24
FOX Baltimore: ‘Tis the Season: A Look into Kennedy Krieger Institute’s 35th Annual Festival of Trees, 11/29/24
CBS Baltimore: Festival of Trees in Maryland Celebrates 35th Year of Benefitting Kennedy Krieger Institute Patients, Students, 11/27/24
FOX Baltimore: Festival of Trees Returns to Baltimore, Aiding Kennedy Krieger Institute Patients, 11/27/24
The Avenue News: Eastern Tech Students Design Lego-Themed Tree to be Featured at Festival of Trees, 11/26/24
Baltimore Fishbowl: Mark Your Calendars for December Events, 11/25/24
NBC Baltimore: 11 TV Hill—Festival of Trees, 11/24/25
Archbishop Curley News: Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees, 11/24/24
Vice: Study Uncovers Promising Treatments for Tourette Syndrome, 11/21/24
Audacy Spotlight on Maryland: Kennedy Krieger’s Festival of Trees, 11/21/24
What’s Up? MEDIA: Festival of Trees, 11/20/24
FOX Baltimore: Festival of Trees Station Winners, 11/19/24
Citybiz: Second Annual Maryland Youth Suicide Prevention Summit Unites Attendees in Efforts for Innovative Solutions, 11/14/24
Science Blog: New Spinal Stimulation Treatment Helps Paralyzed Children Walk Again, 11/13/24
CBS Baltimore: ‘Where’s Marty?’ Features Believable Foundation, 11/13/24
Baltimore Fishbowl: Breakthrough at Kennedy Krieger Helps Children with Rare Spinal Disease Walk Again, 11/12/24
Baltimore’s Child: How to Talk to the Kids about the Election, 11/1/24
CBS News: Last-Minute Tips for Coping with Election Stress and Anxiety, According to Experts, 11/5/24
WTOP News: How to Talk to Young Children About the Presidential Election, 11/1/24
EurekAlert!: F.M. Kirby Research Center Honors 25 Years of Pioneering Brain Imaging Research, 10/31/24
WAMU FM: Prince George’s County Sees Dramatic Rise in Vaccination Rates through Targeted Outreach, 10/30/24
World Today News: Many Adolescents with Long Covid Suffer from Dizziness or Orthostatic Intolerance, 10/29/24
ABC Baltimore: A Trunk-or-Treat for the Adaptive Athlete, 10/27/24
NBC Baltimore: Several Adaptive Sport Athletes Prepare for Baltimore Running Festival, 10/17/24
ABC Baltimore: Perry Hall Family Collecting Screams and Donations for Halloween, 10/15/24
HealthMedicinet: Research Initiative Successfully Combats COVID-19 Vaccine Disparities, 10/15/24
CBS Baltimore: Understanding Bullying’s Impact and Detecting Warning Signs, 10/14/24
Baltimore’s Child: Inclusive Communities, 10/10/24
Tinybeans: 7 Quirky Toddler Behaviors and Why They Are Important, 10/9/24
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger Institute Recognized as One of the Best Children’s Hospitals by U.S. News & World Report, 10/9/24
Patch: Kennedy Krieger Named One of the Best Children’s Hospitals, 10/9/24
U.S. News & World Report: Best Children’s Hospitals for Behavioral Health, 10/8/24
Education Week: How Teachers Can Motivate and Engage Neurodiverse Students, 10/7/24
CBS Baltimore: Baltimore Health Leaders Urge Children to Get Updated COVID-19 Vaccination, 9/23/24
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Offers Free Gun Locks to Help Prevent Child Injuries, 9/20/24
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kennedy Krieger Giving Out Free Gun Locks in Safe Storage Campaign, 9/20/24
FOX Baltimore: Fall Fête Fashion Show Supports Kennedy Krieger with Local Flair, 9/18/24
MSN Medical News: Study Reveals High Incidence of Orthostatic Intolerance in Children with Long COVID, 9/17/24
WBAL Radio/Jayne Miller: Staying Cool in these Overheated Political Times, 9/14/24
CityBiz: Forbes Names Kennedy Krieger Among Top Ten Maryland Employers, 9/4/24
NBC News: What a Paralympian Wishes Audiences Knew, 8/30/24
The Baltimore Banner: Paralympic Star Daniel Romanchuk is Giving Back to Baltimore, 8/30/24
Baltimore Sun: Mt. Airy Native Daniel Romanchuk Gives Back to Kennedy Krieger Institute, 8/28/24
NBC Baltimore: Paralympian, Maryland Native Tatyana McFadden Looking to Add More Medals in Paris, 8/28/24
CBS Mornings: Paralympian Daniel Romanchuk Strives to Give Back, 8/28/24
I95 Business: Gwena Herman, Co-Director of Bennett Blazers, Receives Award for Her Work, 8/27/24
ABC Baltimore: Toyota Dealers in Baltimore Will Donate $500 to Kennedy Krieger for Every Ravens Touchdown, 8/22/24
WIYY-FM/Maryland Perspectives: Kennedy Krieger Department of Family and Community Intervention, 8/11/24
Health Day: How Likely Is It That Autism Recurs in One Family, 8/9/24
ABC Baltimore: New Kennedy Krieger Study Confirms High Autism Recurrence Rate in Families, 8/7/24
Neuroscience News: 20% Increased ASD Risk for Kids with Autistic Siblings, 8/7/24
ABC Baltimore: Experts Talk About Drowning Risk for Kids with Autism, 8/6/24
FOX DC: Fun Family Crafts for the Last Weeks of Summer, 8/1/24
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kids Learn About Spinal Cord Injuries with Free Booklets from Kennedy Krieger and Reeve Foundation, 7/31/24
ABC Baltimore: Second Annual MoveNow Summer Camp Returns to Baltimore, 7/31/24
WBAL Radio/Jayne Miller Show: Asking for Education Accommodations in College, 7/27/24
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Athletes Head to 2024 Paralympics in Paris, 7/25/24
The Baltimore Banner: Maryland Olympian Tracker, 7/25/24
Forbes: What Should You Do If You Think Your Child Has Autism?, 7/1/124
Business Wire: Kennedy Krieger Institute’s New Inclusive and Accessible Logo, 6/28/24
Comcast Newsmakers: Interview with Sarah, Ryan, Assistant Vice President of Engagement, 6/24/24
Best Life: Medication Shortages May Soon Get Worse, CDC Says in Warning, 6/20/24
The Daily Record: Rebecca Colangelo Named a 2024 Leading Woman, 6/20/24
FOX Baltimore: Special Olympics Maryland and Kennedy Krieger Team Up for Toddler Health Screenings, 6/18/24
The Afro: Kennedy Krieger Names Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King to Lead Department for Family and Community Interventions, 6/12/24
Washington Business Journal: People on the Move, Dr. Ernestine Briggs-King, 6/12/24
Baltimore Sun: Hall of Fame, Patricia M.C. Brown, 6/7/24
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Launches New Social Media Mental Health Awareness Campaign, 5/31/24
WBAL Radio: Jayne Miller Interviews Dr. Bushra Rizwan about Kids and Social Media, 5/25/24
MSN: New Research Reveals Urgent Need for Integrated Care in Pediatric Epilepsy, 5/25/24
FOX Baltimore: How to Address Social Media with Children, 5/20/24
The Baltimore Sun: Inspired by His Brother, Calvert Hall Goalie Alex Schwartz Making the Most of Standout Senior Year, 5/9/24
Global Health Now: Autism and Suicidal Thinking, ‘Alarming’ New Insights, 5/7/24
The Daily Record: Maureen van Stone Named a Top 100 Woman, 5/6/24
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Gives High School Students Immersive Look into Healthcare Field, 4/30/24
Baltimore’s Child: Believing You Can, Landon Brown’s Growth Through Adaptive Sports Has Set Him on a Path for Success, 4/30/24
The Afro: Autism in the Black Community, Moving from Awareness to Acceptance, 4/30/24
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s ROAR for Kids Celebrates 20th Anniversary at the Maryland Zoo, 4/20/24
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Annual 5K Race Raises $160K for Kids with Neurological Diseases and Disorders, 4/20/24
Newsweek: Schools Are Killing My Son’s Autism Support under the Veil of Equity, 4/18/24
CBS Baltimore: ROAR for Kids 5K Helps Fund Research, Programs at Kennedy Krieger, 4/16/24
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kennedy Krieger’s 20th Annual ROAR for Kids 5K at Maryland Zoo, 4/16/24
Disability Scoop: Suicidal Thoughts Alarmingly Common Among Young Kids with Autism, Survey Finds, 4/16/24
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger’s ROAR for Kids Celebrates 20th Anniversary, 4/14/24
FOX News: Unique Therapy Helps Some Young People with Autism Interact Better with Others, 4/13/24
The Baltimore Sun: Bullying Reports Are Up in Baltimore Schools, 4/15/24
ABC Baltimore: Defying the Odds, Baltimore Hand Cyclist Prepares for Boston Marathon, 4/12/24
ABC Baltimore: Bennett Blazers Will Put Their Championship History to the Test, 4/3/24
WFMZ-TV, Lehigh Valley: Local Hand Cyclist Heading to Boston Marathon, 4/11/24
Good Morning America Digital: Twelve-Year-Old Describes 4-Year Battle with Long COVID, 4/10/24
WBAL-Radio: Jayne Miller Interviews Sarah Gardner with Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, 4/6/24
Chesapeake Family: Alarming Number of Suicidal Thoughts Among Children with Autism, 4/4/24
ABC Baltimore: Study—Alarming Number of Young Children with Autism Have Suicidal Thoughts, 4/4/24
NPR: These Identical Twins Both Grew Up with Autism, But Took Very Different Paths, 4/4/24
The Baltimore Banner: Don’t Swear Off Bridges. Overcome Your Fear This Way, 4/4/24
The Baltimore Sun: ‘It’s Terrifying,’ Will Key Bridge Collapse Increase Fear of Crossing Spans, 4/2/24
News Medical: Kennedy Krieger Sheds Light on Autism Management in Pediatric Clinics Journal, 4/1/24
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s ROAR for Kids Fundraiser is April 20, 4/1/24
The Baltimore Sun: The Baltimore Sun Hall of Fame, 3/31/24
CBS Baltimore: Psychologist Offers Advice for Children’s Mental Health After Key Bridge Collapse, 3/30/24
FOX Baltimore: Dealing with Mental Roadblocks in the Aftermath of the Key Bridge Disaster, 3/29/24
I-95 Business: Making Strides: Cell Phone Video Technology Unveils New Method For Analyzing Walking And Gait, 3/28/24
FOX Baltimore: Creative Therapies Can Enhance Recoveries, 3/22/24
The Daily Record: Off the Record’s Sloane Brown Interviews Dr. Brad Schlaggar, 3/20/24
The Baltimore Sun: For Marylanders with Spinal Gunshot Injuries, Financial and Emotional Costs Run High on Road to Resilience, 3/18/24
WBAL-Radio: Jayne Miller Talks with Dr. Erika Augustine, 3/16/24
Baltimore’s Child: Kennedy Krieger Study Helps Prevent Infant Seizures, 3/15/24
CBS Baltimore: The Inspiring Journey of Kennedy Krieger’s Chief Nursing Officer Shellie Williams, 3/13/24
I-95 Business: Grant From Centers for Disease Control Allows Kennedy Krieger to Expand Important Public Health Fellowship Program, 3/7/24
The AFRO: Devan Southerland: A voice for Parents with Children on the Autism Spectrum, 3/7/24
The Orange County Register: Study: About a Third of Children Hospitalized with COVID-19 Experience Persistent Symptoms, 3/1/24
CBS Baltimore: What is Rare Disease Day?, 2/29/24
ABC Baltimore: Baltimore Woman Living with ‘Earth-Shattering Pain’ Inspired to Help Others, 2/29/24
The Baltimore Sun: Kennedy Krieger: About a Third of Children Hospitalized with COVID-19 Experience Persistent Symptoms, 2/28/24
ABC Baltimore: Study Says Kids Who Battled COVID-19 Are Still Struggling to Recover, 2/27/24
Baltimore Fishbowl: Photo Gallery—2024 Wheelchair Basketball East Coast Championship, 2/26/24
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Hosts Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, 2/25/24
WBAL-Radio: Jayne Miller Talks with Dr. Michelle Melicosta, 2/24/24
FOX Baltimore: Straighten Up for Success; How to Improve Your Posture, 2/20/24
WYPR: Dating Can Be a Rollercoaster. For People with Disability, There is Often Added Complexity, 2/14/24
Patient Worthy: Pre-Symptomatic Sturge Weber Syndrome Reduced Seizures for Young Girl, 2/14/24
Forbes: America’s Best Midsize Employers, 2/13/24
ABC Baltimore: New Technology Under Study to Revive Mobility to Those with Spinal Cord Injuries, 2/13/24
The New York Times: New Report Raises Concerns About Long COVID in Children, 2/7/24
FOX DC: How to Get Better Desk Posture at Work, 2/7/24
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Autism Center Renamed the Center for Autism Services, Science and Innovation, 2/1/24
I95 Business: Renowned Autism Center at Kennedy Krieger Institute Unveils New Name: The Center for Autism Services, Science and Innovation, 2/1/24
The Augusta Chronicle: Mark of a hero: Columbia County boy helps advance research into rare childhood disorder, 1/29/24
WBAL Radio: The Jayne Miller Show Podcast, 1/27/24
Yahoo! US: Local family benefits from groundbreaking research on treatment for rare childhood seizure disorder, 1/24/24
ABC Augusta, GA: Local family benefits from groundbreaking research on treatment for rare childhood seizure disorder, 1/24/24
FOX York, PA: York County girl receives groundbreaking treatment for rare disease, 1/17/24
CBS Harrisburg, PA: Medical breakthrough improves quality of life for York girl, 1/14/24
Health Tech World: Researchers uncover new treatment to reduce seizures in infants, 1/12/24
ABC Baltimore: New study identifies genetic marker that causes seizures in infants, 1/11/24
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger researchers uncover new treatment for infants with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, 1/11/24
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s New Facility Offers Ground-Breaking Therapy to Treat Spinal Cord Injuries, 1/4/24
ABC Baltimore: Toys Donated Across Baltimore in 25th ‘It’s Kindertime’ Toy Drive, 12/21/23
The Baltimore Banner: Homicides Are Down, But Baltimore’s Young People Are Being Shot at a Historic Rate, 12/21/23
Reader’s Digest: I Swam Every Day for a Year—Here’s What Happened, 12/18/23
Baltimore Style: Kennedy Krieger Receives 3 Readers’ Choice Awards, 11/30/23
ABC Baltimore: Weekend Events Bring In the Holiday Cheer Leading Up to Christmas, 11/24/23
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s 34th Annual Festival of Trees Kicks Off at Maryland State Fairgrounds, 11/24/23
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Festival of Trees Returns to Maryland State Fairgrounds This Weekend, 11/24/23
Baltimore Business Journal: Ravens, Chick-fil-A and More Join Kennedy Krieger’s Festival of Trees, 11/22/23
NBC Baltimore: Festival of Trees at the Timonium Fairgrounds, 11/22/23
CBS Baltimore: Annual Festival of Trees to Raise Funds for Programs at Kennedy Krieger, 11/22/23
Chesapeake Family: Festival of Trees Ambassador, 11/22/23
FOX Baltimore: Make Your Door Festive with a Personalized Wreath, 11/22/23
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kennedy Krieger’s Festival of Trees Returns for Its 34th Year, 11/21/23
CBS Baltimore: Where’s Alexus? Getting Ready with Kennedy Krieger for Festival of Trees, 11/20/23
The Baltimore Sun: Things to Do in Baltimore, Nov. 24-30, 11/20/23
NBC Baltimore: Wreath Maker Prepares for Annual Festival of Trees Coming to Fairgrounds, 11/20/23
WYPR’s On the Record: Local Athletes Overcome Obstacles On the Field and Off, 11/20/23
The Baltimore Sun: Explaining Aging to My Grandhchildren, Lessons from An Iguana, 11/15/23
Audacy Radio: Spotlight on Festival of Trees, 11/10/23
Associated Press: COMBINEDBrain Announces the Launch of Project FIND-OUT, 11/8/23
Baltimore Magazine: The Feel Good—Hope for Spinal Injuries, 10/31/23
Yahoo News: Kennedy Krieger Long COVID Clinic Expanding Services With Grant Funding, 11/1/23
Baltimore’s Child: October Roundup—Bennett Blazers Named Champions, 10/31/23
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger Institute Unveils New Endowed Research Fun Focused on Down Syndrome Care Across the Lifespan, 10/24/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Institute Unveils New Endowed Research Fund for Down Syndrome, 10/24/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Receives $5M Grant to Expand Pediactric Long COVID-19 Clinic, 10/23/23
Maryland Matters: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Receive $5 Million Grant to Expand Care for Pediatric Cases of Long COVID, 10/20/23
The Baltimore Sun: Kennedy Krieger Gets $5 Million to Expand Pediatric Long COVID Clinic in Baltimore, 10/20/23
CBS Baltimore: SECU Donates 1K Pumpkins to Create Pop-Up Pumpkin Patches at Kennedy Krieger Institute, 10/18/23
CBS Baltimore: Dr. Bradley Grant from Kennedy Krieger Talks Bullying, Mental Health, Long-Term Impacts, 10/18/23
Baltimore’s Child: Too Sick for School? Why Pediatric Specialists Should Play a Bigger Role in Their Patients’ Education, 10/18/23
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kennedy Krieger Receives $5 Million to Research and Support Children with Long Covid, 10/17/23
FOX Baltimore: Have a Happy, and Sensory Safe, Halloween, 10/17/23
NBC Baltimore: Eileen Finishes 5K Six Months After Spinal Cord Injury, 10/14/23
ABC Baltimore: Raising Money for Down Syndrome Research, 10/13/23
FOX D.C.: Tips for Having a Sensory-Safe Halloween, 10/12/23
All Sports Today: Get to Know Therapist Dr. Nia Wallace Ward, 10/9/23
CBS Baltimore: Associate Director of the Brain Injury Clinical Research Center Has Tips on How to Stay Safe This Fall, 10/5/23
Latin Opinion Baltimore: El Gobernador Moore Visita el Insituto Kennedy Krieger, 9/26/23
Disability Scoop: Projects Helps Faith Leaders Makes Houses of Worship More Inclusive, 9/26/23
CBS News: As Younger Children Increasingly Die by Suicide, Better Tracking and Prevention Are Sought, 9/19/23
The Baltimore Sun: Kennedy Krieger Project Helps Baltimore-Area Faith Leaders Make Houses of Worship More Inclusive of People with Disabilities, 9/11/23
98 Rock, Maryland Perspectives: National Suicide Prevention Week, 9/10/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Getting a Boost from Ravens, Baltimore Area Toyota Dealers, 9/7/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Festival of Trees Returns in November, 8/30/23
FOX D.C.: Supporting Neurodiverse Students, 8/30/23
The Daily Record: The Daily Record Announces Inaugural Empowering Women Winners, 8/29/23
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Festival of Trees Returning This Year to Maryland State Fairgrounds, 8/28/23
FOX Baltimore: Mental Health Expert on the Dangers of ‘Bed Rotting,’ 8/24/23
NBC Baltimore: Baltimore Scientists Seek to Identify Mental Health Risk Factors Linked to Concussions, 8/24/23
Maryland Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Gets $2.5M Grant to Develop Clinical Tool to Predict Mental Health Concerns, 8/22/23
CBS Baltimore: How to Cut Back on the Kids’ Screen Time As They Head Back to School, 8/21/23
FOX Baltimore: Neurodivergent Classmates—What It Means and How We Can Support Them, 8/17/23
The Baltimore Banner: Being Polite Is Gendered. It’s Time for Women to Get Rude, 8/14/23
JMORE: Howard County’s Jewish Community to Host Program About Inclusion, 8/10/23
FOX Baltimore: How to Achieve Healthy Sleep Hygiene in Your Kids So They Are Ready for School, 8/3/23
Baltimore’s Child: Supporting Mental Health Amid Gun Violence, 8/1/23
The Afro: Celebrating Inclusivity During Disability Pride Month, 7/24/23
The Baltimore Sun: Baltimore’s Youth Being Shot At Highest Rate in a Decade as New Type of Violence Takes Hold, 7/21/23
NPR: Studying the Link between the Gut and Mental Health is Personal for this Scientist. 8/8/23
FOX Baltimore: Dr. Slomine on Preventing Brain Injury—‘It’s Really Important to Wear a Helmet,’ 6/29/23
NBC Baltimore: How to Keep Kids in a Routine and Engaged in the Summer Months, 6/25/23
The Baltimore Sun: Baltimore Sun’s 2023 Business and Civic Hall of Fame honoree: Richard W. ‘Dick’ Cass, 6/9/23
The Baltimore Sun: Baltimore Sun’s 2023 Business and Civic Hall of Fame honorees: Michael and Patricia Batza, 6/9/23
FOX Baltimore: Keeping Kids Structured During the Summer, 6/7/23
NBC Baltimore: Wearing Orange Means More Than Just Support for the O’s This Weekend, 6/2/23
The Daily Record: Hats & Horses Raises More than $340K for Kennedy Krieger Program, 6/2/23
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger Appoints Dr. Michelle Melicosta as Associate Chief Medical Officer, 5/30/23
I-95 Business: Kennedy Krieger Appoints Dr. Michelle Melicosta as Associate Chief Medical Officer, 5/30/23
The Daily Record: Movers and Shakers—Dr. Michelle Melicosta, 5/30/23
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Advocates for Youth Mental Health Awareness, 5/29/23
Gray TV: Lawmakers in Washington Taking Action to Address Growing Concerns Over Youth Social Media Use, 5/26/23
WEAA’s Two Way Talk: Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health, 5/26/23
ABC Baltimore: Determination from Quadriplegic Student Is Getting Him a Bachelor's Degree, 5/25/23
NBC Baltimore: Maryland’s Peace of Mind—Kennedy Krieger’s Women’s Initiative Network, 5/22/23
WYPR: Loneliness Is On the Rise. What Can Men Do to Feel Connected?, 5/15/22
Maryland Inno: Maryland Gives Out $14 Million in Grants to Fuel Stem Cell Research, 5/11/23
The Washington Informer: 23 Years Later, Two Mothers Carry On Healing Journey, 5/10/23
CheckRare: Rett Syndrome Is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder, 5/9/23
Costco Connection: Wade a While: Aquatic Motion Can Help with Pain or Mobility Issues, May 2023
The Baltimore Sun: New Pediatric Guidelines Aim to Treat Obesity Without Stigma, 4/30/23
CBS Baltimore: ROAR for Kids Fun Run Raises Thousands of Dollars for Kennedy Krieger Institute, 4/29/23
CBS Baltimore: Oregon Ridge to Host ‘ROAR for Kids’ Fundraiser Benefitting Kennedy Krieger, 4/28/23
NBC Baltimore: Family Hopes to Spread Autism Awareness to Help Families of Color, 4/28/23
Chesapeake Family Life: Autism Awareness and Acceptance, 4/24/23
The Baltimore Banner: When Are You Having Kids?, 4/24/23
Comcast Newsmakers: Michele Mueller Director of Special Events at Kennedy Krieger, 4/21/23 Fact Check—Feeding Babies Solid Food, 4/21/23
Baltimore’s Child: Benefits of Early Diagnosis for Children on the Autism Spectrum, 4/21/23
Authority Magazine: Neurodiversity in the Workforce—Stacey Herman, 4/19/23 Tips for Parents Trying to Manage Challenging Autism Behaviors, 4/17/23
The Washington Post: Amid ADHD Med Shortage, Parents Fear Sending Unmedicated Kids to School, 4/17/23
U.S. News & World Report: Hospitals Intensify Efforts to Treat Long COVID in Kids and Teens, 4/11/23
Baltimore Business Journal: 8 Things You Need to Know, 4/4/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger to Open Special Education School in St. Mary’s County, 4/3/23
CityBiz List: Kennedy Krieger to Open Special Education School in Southern Maryland For Students, Kindergarten to High School, 4/3/23
Southern Maryland News: Kennedy Krieger Set to Open Special Education School in St. Mary’s This Year, 4/3/23
I95 Business: Kennedy Krieger to Open New Special Education School in Southern Maryland for Students, Kindergarten to High School, 4/3/23
The Daily Record: Healthcare Power List, Dr. Brad Schlaggar, 3/31/23
Baltimore Business Journal: Kennedy Krieger Gets $1M in Federal Funding to Expand Pediatric Long COVID Clinic, 3/29/23
The Baltimore Banner: Amanda Bynes and the Evolution of How We Talk about Mental Health, 3/27/23
Chesapeake Family Life: Symptoms, Treatment and Concussion Prevention, 3/24/23
ABC Washington, D.C.: MD Farm Employing People with Disabilities Hopes to Inspire Change, 3/19/23
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s Bennett Blazers Preparing for Wheelchair Basketball National Tournament, 3/17/23
FOX Washington, D.C.: Red Wiggler Farm, 3/15/23
FOX Baltimore: The Importance of Hiring Neurodiverse People, 3/14/23
WYPR-FM: Neurodiversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, 3/13/23
The Johns Hopkins News-Letter: Looking Into the ADHD Medication Shortage, 3/8/23
NBC Baltimore: Maryland Peace of Mind—March is Self-Injury Awareness Month; 3/6/23
Washington Business Journal: Viewpoint—Neurodiverse Employees Play Role in Today’s Workplaces, Too, 3/3/23
CDC: A Black History Moment—HBCUs and Their Influence on CDC’s Health Equity Journey, 2/28/23
Baltimore’s Child: What Is Rare? D.C. and Baltimore Families Share Their Journey with Rare Diseases, 2/28/23
NBC Baltimore: Baltimore Is Home To Premier Facilities That Treat Rare Diseases, 2/28/23
FOX Baltimore: Understanding Rare Diseases, 2/28/23
Baltimore’s Child: Wow, You’re Really Flexible: What Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Is (And Isn’t), 2/28/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Institute Receives $100K in Memory of Former Chief Medical Officer, 2/27/23
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger Receives $100,000 Gift In Memory of Former Chief Medical Officer, 2/27/23
MedPage Today: Evaluating and Treating Children with Long COVID, 2/27/23
Perry Hall Patch: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Open Spinal Cord Injury Facility in Baltimore County, 2/26/23
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kennedy Krieger to Open Spinal Cord Injury Facility in White Marsh, 2/24/23
POLITICO: Caring for the Littlest Long-Haulers, 2/23/23
Baltimore Business Journal: Kennedy Krieger to Expand with Third Suburban Clinic, 2/23/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Institute Give Spinal Cord Injury Patients More Access to Care, 2/21/23
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger Institute Will Open a White Marsh Location for Its Innovative International Center for Spinal Cord Injury, 2/21/23
American Neurological Association: Black History Month Member Interview, Wilfreda Lindsey, 2/21/23
11 TV Hill, NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Opens Early Childhood Learning Center, 2/12/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger to Host Workforce Diversification Conference, 2/9/23
I95 Business: Kennedy Krieger Institute Announces National Neurodiversity in the Workplace Conference, 2/9/23
Jmore: Great Strides, 2/8/23
The Jewish Times: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Open New Early Childhood Center, Putting Inclusion at Forefront, 2/8/23
Lancaster Online: Wheelchair Basketball Program Brings Communities Together, 2/6/23
Baltimore Business Journal: New Board Member Patricia J. Mitchell, 2/3/23
The Daily Record: New Board Member Patricia J. Mitchell, 2/2/23
The Everymom: Autism Spectrum Disorder—An Expert Explains Everything Parents Should Know, 2/1/23
Maryland Peace of Mind, NBC Baltimore: The Mental Health Consequences of Bullying, 1/30/23
Spectrum: Autism Research at the Crossroads, 1/25/23
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Be Honored For Work with Special Olympics Maryland, 1/25/23
ABC Baltimore: SPARK Study Helps Families Understand the Challenges of Autism, 1/24/23
The Everymom: Everything Parents Should Know About Dyslexia in Kids, 1/20/23
WEAA FM, Two Way Talk: Kennedy Krieger, Turning Disabilities into Abilities, 1/13/23
The Baltimore Sun: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Launch New Early Childhood Learning Center in July in Baltimore County, 1/12/23
The Everymom: Everything Parents Should Know about OCD in Children, 1/11/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger to Open Early Childhood Learning Center, 1/5/23
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Awards Endowments to 2 Pediatric Specialists, 1/4/23
Baltimore Fishbowl: Kennedy Krieger Receives $11 Million for Program Supporting groups Underrepresented in Public Health Careers, 1/4/23
CityBiz: Kennedy Krieger Receives $11 Million for Program Supporting Groups Underrepresented in Public Health Careers, 1/4/23
The Everymom: Can We Pass Down Our Anxiety to Our Children? An Expert Weights In, 1/3/23
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Treats Patients to Lights, Santa and Holiday Joy, 12/22/22
ABC Baltimore: The Kindertime Toy Drive Returns, Giving Toys to Children in Need, 12/22/22
CBS Baltimore: ‘Snoasis’ Inside Kennedy Krieger Institute Gives Patients, Families Holiday Shopping Experience, 12/19/22
Jmore: Acme Paper & Supply Donates Toys to Needy Children During Holiday Season, 12/19/22
The Daily Record: Amid Budget Surplus, Hogan Recommends Final Spending Plan, 12/15/22
Southern Maryland News: Bailey, Crosby Talk Next Legislative Session, 12/12/22
WYPR’s On the Record: After a Mild Infection, A High School Athlete Developed Long COVID, 12/5/22. Listen to the podcast.
Southern Maryland News: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Lease at Higher Ed Center in California, 11/29/22. Read the story.
FOX Baltimore: Celebrating the Holiday Season While Supporting at Good Cause, 11/27/22. Watch the segment.
Baltimore Business Journal: Greater Baltimore Businesses Deck the Halls at Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees, 11/25/22. See the photos.
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees Returns in Person Friday, 11/25/22. Watch the preview.
CBS Baltimore: Where’s Marty?, 11/23/22. See the segment.
Yahoo! News: The Festival of Trees Will Raise Funds for Kennedy Krieger, 11/22/22. Learn more.
The Everymom: New Pediatric Long COVID Guidelines and What Parents Need to Know, 11/22/22. Read the article.
Baltimore Fishbowl: Festival of Trees Returns to In Person, 11/22/22. Find out more.
CBS Baltimore: Ballet Chesapeake to perform ‘The Nutcracker’ at Festival of Trees, 11/21/22. Watch the segment.
NBC Baltimore: Festival of Trees Kicks Off in Person for the First Time Since Pandemic Started, 11/21/22. See the story.
The Frederick New-Post: See FCPS Educator’s Holiday Tree at This Year’s Festival of Trees, 11/21/22. Check out this story.
CBS Baltimore: Maryland Child Diagnosed with TBCK Syndrome to Serve as Festival of Trees Ambassador, 11/18/22. Learn about TBCK. Hockey Joyful for U.S. Paralympian after Fight with Bone Cancer, 11/16/22. Read the interview.
NBC Baltimore: Pediatric Treatment for Long COVID Can Involve a Big Team. Here’s How It Works, 11/16/22. Find out more.
Baltimore Business Journal: Kennedy Krieger Institute to Expand to Southern Maryland, 11/15/22. Read about it.
CBS Baltimore: Truist Supports Kennedy Krieger and Festival of Trees, 11/14/22. Watch the interview.
GRID: What Does Long COVID Treatment Look Like for Kids?, 11/10/22. Learn about the treatment.
The Daily Record: Most Admired CEO, Brad Schlaggar, 11/3/22. Read the write-up.
Parents: Halloween Tips for Kids with Sensory Issues, 10/25/22. Check out the tips.
MetroKids: What Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Is (And Isn’t), 10/24/22. Learn more.
NBC Baltimore: What Is Acute Flaccid Myelitis? Doctor Explains Why AFM Is So Dangerous to Children, 10/20/22. Watch the story.
The Baltimore Banner: Baltimore Running Festival: 2 First-Timers Talk About Why They’re Hitting the Streets this Weekend — Something They Thought They’d Never Do, 10/14/22. Read their stories.
NBC Baltimore: Injured Officer to Compete in Hand Cycling Portion of Baltimore Running Festival, 10/13/22. See the interview.
Baltimore Business Journal: Kennedy Krieger to Build New Neuroscience Hub Focused on the Impact of Inequality, 10/13/22. Find out more.
NBC Baltimore: Injured Officer to Compete in Hand Cycling Portion of Baltimore Running Festival, 10/14/22. Watch the story.
The Everymom: What Is Considered ‘Normal’ When It Comes to Aggression in Toddlers?, 10/11/22. Read the story.
Maryland Daily Record: Fall Fête Raises More Than $50K for Kennedy Krieger Programs, 10/9/22. Find out more.
The Washington Post: What’s a Concussion? How Many Are Too Many? What If I Hit My Head on a Door?, 10/4/22. Learn about concussions.
Maryland Daily Record: Featured Mover, Dr. Stacy Suskauer, 10/4/22. See the article.
ABC San Antonio: Do You Know What Long Covid Symptoms to Look for In Your Child?, 10/3/22. Watch the story.
MedScape: Physiatrists Group Issues First Guidelines for Long COVID in Children, 9/29/22. Learn more.
ABC News: New Guidance Released on Diagnosing, Treating Long COVID Symptoms, 9/28/22. Watch the story.
The Baltimore Sun: With Help from Maryland Families, Scientists Find Overlooked Genes for Autism, 9/26/22. Find out more.
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Raises Money at Their Fourth Annual Fall Fête Fashion Show, 9/24/22. Watch the recap.
NBC Baltimore: Autism Research Looking Closely at DNA, Making Some Discoveries, 9/23/22. Meet those involved.
CBS Baltimore: Ready for the Holidays, Festival of Trees Will Return in Person for the First Time in Three Years, 9/21/22. Mark your calendar.
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees Back this Holiday Season as In-Person Event, 9/21/22. Details here.
WYPR’s On the Record: Understanding the Spectrum of Autism through DNA, 9/21/22. Listen to the interview.
Inside Edition: CDC Issues Alert for Uptick in Rare Polio-Like Disease Affecting Kids, 9/19/22. Learn more.
Good Morning America: CDC Warns Rare Condition in Kids Could Be on the Rise This Fall, 9/13/22. Find out more.
CNN: Nearly 1 in 4 Young Adults in U.S. Treated for Mental Health During Pandemic, CDC Survey Finds, 9/7/22. See the story.
Politico: Doctors Are Taking It on Themselves to Figure Out Long COVID, 9/7/22. Read the interview.
NeurologyLive: Changes in Practice, Perspective on Developmental Milestones for Children with Paul Lipkin, MD, 9/3/22. Listen here.
Chesapeake Family: The Impact of Violence at Maryland Schools, 9/1/22. Find out more.
Washington Family: The Tough Questions, How to Rebuild Trust Amid National Violence, 9/1/22. Read the story.
The Everymom: How to Look for Signs of PTSD in Children, 8/29/22. Learn more.
FOX Baltimore: Back to School, Dealing with Long COVID, 8/25/22. Watch the interview.
Washington Family: Why Children Fake Being Sick and What to Do About It, 8/23/22. Read here.
FOX Baltimore: Back to School, Easing Your Child’s Fears and Anxieties, 8/17/22. See the story.
FOX Baltimore: Back to School, Tackling Learning Loss, 8/10/22. Watch here.
NBC Baltimore: Pair of Teen Siblings Use Special Talents to Benefit Other Children, 8/9/22. Be inspired.
FOX Baltimore: Back to School, Meeting a Child’s Needs with an IEP, 8/3/22. See the interview.
The Baltimore Banner: Way to Go, Mom! Why It’s Better to Encourage Those Going through a Public Meltdown, 8/3/22. Read the column.
WebMD: Science Lags Behind Kids with Long-COVID, 7/22. Learn more.
Baltimore Business Journal: This Program Can Help Businesses Hire More People With Disabilities, 7/22/22. Check it out.
The Everymom: The New 988 Lifeline Is Available in the U.S.—An Expert Shares What Parents Need to Know, 7/18/22. Learn more.
FOX Baltimore, Health Expert Recommends Resources for Mental Wellbeing, 7/18/22. Here’s what she says.
CBS Baltimore: Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Plays ‘Toy Story’ Tunes for Donations, 7/17/22. See more.
FOX Washington D.C.: New Suicide Prevention Hotline Launches Saturday, 8/16/22. Watch the story.
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger’s Hats & Horses Raises More Than $400K for PediaCORE, 7/10/22. Read more.
Comcast Newsmakers: The Impact of Long COVID in Children, 7/6/22. Watch the interview.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Program Helps People with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Get Work Experience, 6/28/22
Alumni from Kennedy Krieger’s Project SEARCH program explain how it helped them find the jobs they have now. See the story.
The Everymom: The COVID Vaccine for Children Under 5 Has Been Approved: What Now?, 6/29/22
Dr. Mahim Jain shares what parents of the smallest children should know about the COVID-19 vaccine. Read what he says.
The AFRO: Project SEARCH at Kennedy Krieger Aims to Break Down Employment Barriers for People with Disabilities, 6/26/22
Nygil Sims, a rehabilitation technician at the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury, talks about this experience with Project SEARCH. Read more here.
NBC Baltimore: Pediatricians Want Parents to Know This about COVID-19 Vaccines, 6/26/22
Dr. Mahim Jain details what parents need to know about COVID-19 vaccines. Watch his interview.
The Baltimore Banner: How Long Is Too Long to Grieve?, 6/24/22
Columnist Leslie Gray Streeter shares her experience with grieve along with input from Dr. Daniel Hoover, a clinical psychologist at the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress. Read her column.
The Everymom: Understanding the Difference Between Expectations and Standards with Kids, 6/23/22
What is reasonable for parents to expect from their children? Dr. Kristi Phillips, a clinical psychologist with the Child and Family Therapy Clinic, explains developmentally appropriate standards for kids. Learn more.
Education Week: Thousands of Students Will Face Long COVID. Schools Need to Plan Now. 6/20/22
Nurse educators from the Specialized Health Needs Interagency Collaboration (SHNIC) detail the steps that schools can take to help students with long COVID return to the classroom. Read the story.
The Everymom: How Fidget Toys Can Help Kids with ADHD and Anxiety, 6/12/22
Are fidget toys really helpful? Dr. Kristi Phillips, a clinical psychologist with the Child and Family Therapy Clinic, explains the ways they can be useful. Here’s the story.
Parents Magazine: Remote Learning Accommodations for Long COVID Could Help Kids With All Disabilities Thrive, 6/8/22
This article shares resources for children with long COVID, including information from Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic. Learn more.
FOX Baltimore: Healing from Traumatic News, 6/3/22
Dr. Dan Hoover, psychologist, talks about the ways that parents can talk about the recent mass shootings with their children. Watch the interview.
FOX Baltimore: Job of the Day, 6/3/22
Kennedy Krieger Institute was featured on “Job of the Day.”
Baltimore’s Child: A Compassionate Response to a Caregiving Crisis, 5/31/22
Melissa Hanna, a foster care parent with Kennedy Krieger’s Therapeutic Foster Care Program, shares how she got involved with the program and what her family has gained from the experience. Read the story.
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger’s Hats & Horses Raises More than $400,000 for PediaCORE, 5/31/22
Hats & Horses was back in person for the first time since 2019, and the popular event raised money for Kennedy Krieger’s PediaCORE program. Learn more.
10 Tampa Bay: Mom Credits Swimming Lessons for Helping Save 3-Year-Old Son’s Life, 5/26/22
The family of a former patient shares his story of recovery after a swimming accident. Here’s the story.
WYPR’s On the Record: How Does Long COVID Interrupt a Child’s Life?, 5/25/22
Pediatric neurologist Dr. Laura Malone, who co-directs Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID19 Rehabilitation Clinic, provides an update on how long COVID is affecting children. Listen to her interview.
Disability Rights Maryland: 2022 Breaking Barriers Ceremony, 5/16/22
Disability Rights Maryland recognized the work of Dr. Harolyn Belcher, vice president at Kennedy Krieger. Watch the ceremony.
FOX Baltimore: How Parents Can Take Action to Help Their Child’s Mental Health, 5/16/22
Dr. Matt Edelstein, a psychologist at Kennedy Krieger, addresses the mental health problems many kids are experiencing now and provides advice for parents. Watch the interview.
WEAA’s Two-Way Talk: Mental Health and Children, 5/12/22
Dr. Carmen Lopez-Arvizu, medical director of the Psychiatric Mental Health Program at Kennedy Krieger, explains why early intervention is so important when children face traumatic experiences. Listen to the segment.
FOX Baltimore: Supporters ‘ROAR’ for Kids at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, 4/29/22
ROAR for Kids, a family-friendly event benefiting a variety of programs at Kennedy Krieger, took place on April 20. Find out how it went!
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute’s ROAR for Kids 5K to Be Held in Cockeysville This Weekend, 4/28/22
This preview of ROAR for Kids explains what the event is about and why it is so much fun to participate. See the story.
CBS Baltimore: Talking Autism Acceptance Month with The Kennedy Krieger Institute, 4/27/22
Stacey Herman, assistant vice president of Neurodiversity and Community Workforce Development for the Kennedy Krieger Institute, explains what Autism Acceptance Month is and why it is so important to recognize. Watch here.
The Disability Scoop: Changes to CDC’s Developmental Milestone Checklists Met With Skepticism. 4/22/22
Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, explains Learn the Signs. Act Early, an updated developmental milestones checklist that initially was received with controversy. Read the story.
ABC Baltimore: Baltimore Man Featured on Food Network’s ‘Chef Boot Camp,’ 4/21/22
Dr. Matt Edelstein, a Kennedy Krieger psychologist, makes an appearance on this popular Food Network show. Watch here.
FOX Baltimore: ROAR for Kids, 4/20/22
Here’s a fun look at ROAR for Kids which returned to an in-person event for the first time since the start of the pandemic. Check it out.
The Washington Post: The Therapeutic Power of Scuba Diving, 4/11/22
A former Kennedy Krieger patient recounts how scuba diving helped her physically and mentally. Read this story.
The Baynet: Senator Bailey Announces Funding for Students with Special Needs in Southern Maryland, 4/8/22
Kennedy Krieger receives state funding to open a school serving students in Southern Maryland. Learn more.
Fox Baltimore: Autism Acceptance Month, 4/5/22
April is Autism Acceptance Month, and Dr. Ericka Wodka, clinical director for Kennedy Krieger's Center for Autism and Related Disorders, explains what autism is and some of the research happening at the Institute. Watch the interview.
NPR’s Here and Now: Will the CDC's New Developmental Guidelines Help Lead to Early Diagnosis for Children of Color? 3/28/22
Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, explains why early intervention is important to help kids with developmental delays, including children of color. Listen to the story.
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger—Meaningful Community & Employment Services, 3/29/22
In recognition of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, FOX Baltimore talks with Stacey Herman, assistant vice president for the Neurodiversity and Community Workforce Development, about employment initiatives for people with disabilities. Learn more.
The Everymom: The CDC Changed the Developmental Milestone Guidelines—Why Now?, 3/22/22
Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, breaks down the process behind Learn the Signs. Act Early., and the things that parents need to know about these developmental milestones. Read the story.
FOX Baltimore: Brain Injury Awareness, 3/22/22
Dr. Stacy Suskauer, co-director of the Center for Brain Injury Recovery at Kennedy Krieger, explains the symptoms of common brain injuries, including concussions. Watch her interview.
The Atlantic: The Pandemic After the Pandemic, 3/11/22
Dr. Laura Malone, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, shares insights about long COVID in children and the latest research on it. Read the story.
The Everymom: It’s Been 2 Years of Pandemic Parenting and I Have So Many Questions About My Child’s Development, 3/10/22
Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, answers questions about childhood development during the pandemic. Here’s the story.
ABC Baltimore: Local Doctor and Patient Featured on ABC’s The Good Doctor, 3/7/22
Dr. Jacqueline Harris, pediatric neurologist, recently served as a medical consultant for an episode of “The Good Doctor,” and provided advice about Kabuki syndrome. The episode also starred Mathew Horner, a Kennedy Krieger patient. See their interview with ABC.
NBC Baltimore: Bennett Blazers Helps Athletes Make Their Paralympic Dreams Come True, 3/4/22
Former Bennett Blazer Noah Grove heads to the Paralympics to compete with Team USA’s sled hockey. In Baltimore, current Blazers compete in their own match-ups. Watch the action.
NRV News: Bill Introduced to Aid with Long COVID, 3/2/22
Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia introduced legislation to provide more resources for people with long COVID. Dr. Laura Malone and Amanda Morrow, co-directors of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, worked with the senator on this legislation. Read more.
Baltimore’s Child: Rare Disease Day Q&A with Dr. Erika Augustine, 2/28/22
Dr. Erika Augustine, associate chief science officer and director of the Clinical Trials Unit, explains what a rare disease is and how researchers at Kennedy Krieger look for causes and treatments. See the interview.
FOX Baltimore: Rare Disease Awareness Day, 2/28/22
Dr. Jacqueline Harris, pediatric neurologist, explains why Rare Disease Day is recognized. Watch here.
NBC Baltimore: Medical Alert: Rare Disease Day Is Feb. 28, 2/27/22
In recognition of Rare Disease Day, Dr. Mahim Jain discusses rare diseases and how common they really are. Watch the story.
Baltimore Business Journal: Largest Health Care Systems in Greater Baltimore, 2/25/22
Kennedy Krieger is named one of the largest health care systems in metropolitan Baltimore. See the listings.
The Frederick News-Post: ‘Definitely Ready’: A More Veteran Leader, Urbana Grad Noah Grove Hopes to Help U.S. Para Hockey Win Gold Again, 2/24/22
Team USA sled hockey player Noah Grove talks about his return to the Paralympics as the hockey team prepares to defend their gold medal. Here’s what he said.
Mother Jones: Anti-Vaxxers Have a New Obsession: Keeping Your Kids From Seeing Their Doctors, 2/22
Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, explains Learn the Signs. Act Early., a public health campaign that helps parents talk to their child’s pediatrician about childhood development. Read more.
Southern Maryland News: Regional Superintendents Talk with Legislators, 2/23/22
Dr. Nancy Grasmick, president of Kennedy Krieger’s board of directors, shares the Institute’s hope of bringing an educational center to Southern Maryland. Read the story.
NBC Washington: D.C. Area Paralympians Prepare for Winter Games, 2/18/22
The Paralympics are coming, and former Bennett Blazer Noah Grove prepares to play again with Team USA sled hockey. Here’s how he is getting ready.
The Bump: CDC and AAP Have Updated Their Guidelines for Developmental Milestones, 2/15/22
Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, discusses Learn the Signs. Act Early., a public health campaign that explains early childhood milestones and how parents can talk about them with pediatricians. Learn more.
Motherly: CDC and AAP Just Changed Developmental Guidelines for the First Time in Decades, 2/11/22
What do parents need to lnow about the revisions to Learn the Signs. Act Early.? A Kennedy Krieger pediatrician weighs in. Read the story.
The Washington Post: Developmental Milestones Just Changed for the First Time in Years, 2/10/22
A parenting columnist interviews Dr. Paul Lipkin, developmental pediatrician, about the new changes to Learn the Signs. Act Early. Find out more.
Disability Scoop: CDC Revises Developmental Milestones for Young Kids, 2/10/22
Learn the Signs. Act Early. is a public health campaign that includes developmental milestones recently revised and updated with the help of one Kennedy Krieger pediatrician. Read this update.
Telemundo Washington: Especialista local cuenta cómo cuidar de tu salud mental durante la pandemia, 2/7/22
In this interview, conducted in Spanish, Dr. Carmen López-Arvizu, psychiatrist, explains the barriers to mental health care in the Hispanic community. Watch her interview.
The Guardian: ‘The Scariest Thing’: The Children Living with Long COVID, 2/2/22
Dr. Laura Malone, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, details what physicians know at this point about long COVID in children. Read the story. The Kids Are Not Alright: Data Suggests 10% of Children with COVID-19 Become ‘Long Haulers,’ 1/22/22
Dr. Amanda Morrow, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, describes what long COVID looks like in children. Learn more.
WYPR: Midday with Tom Hall Features Dr. Brad Schlaggar, 1/19/22
Kennedy Krieger’s president and CEO Dr. Brad Schlaggar discusses the ways that COVID has impacted children and what communities can do in response. Listen to his interview.
FOX Baltimore: Supporting Young Patients with Online Learning, 1/6/22
Dr. Lisa Jacobson, director of research for the Department of Neuropsychology, discusses the challenges with online learning faced by kids with chronic medical conditions or special education needs, and she offers a few solutions. Watch the story.
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger, UMB Get $2.9M Grant for Antiracist, Trauma-Informed Training, 1/5/22
Staff from Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress spearheads a new initiative to train service providers across the state in trauma-informed care. Read more.
CBS Baltimore: Elkridge Junk Removal Service Finds Toy Stockpile, Donates Them To Baltimore Children’s Hospital, 12/21/21
Kennedy Krieger’s patients and students were the beneficiaries of an amazing act of kindness after a junk removal company happened upon a treasure trove of toys. Read this good news story.
SerPadres: Los Niños con Autismo Tienen el Doble de Probabilidades de Tener Pensamientos Suicidas, 12/21/21
De acuerdo a un estudio publicado recientemente de Kennedy Krieger, los niños con autismo podrían tener el doble de probabilidades de tener pensamientos suicidas, muchísimo más de lo que se creía hasta ahora. Enlace.
FOX Baltimore: Supporting Youth Mental Health, 12/21/21
More children and teens are experiencing mental health issues as the result of the pandemic, and Dr. John Campo, vice president of Psychiatric Services, discusses the problem and how parents can help. Watch the interview.
Verywell Family: Kids Diagnosed with Autism Are Twice As Likely to Have Suicidal Thoughts, 12/15/21
Dr. Suzanne Rybczynski, associate chief medical officer, shares her recent research about suicidal ideation in children, including kids with autism spectrum disorder. Learn about this.
Baltimore Business Journal: Leaders in Health Care, Dr. Jacqueline Stone, 12/10/21
Congratulations to Dr. Jacqueline Stone, chief clinical officer, who was named a 2021 Leader in Health Care by the Baltimore Business Journal, which recognized her advocacy on behalf of the Institute’s patients and families. Here’s the story.
AP News: HJF Administering Study Seeking to Expand Specialized Care Across the Military Health System, 12/10/21
Kennedy Krieger Institute recently received a grant to investigate how telehealth can be used to train pediatricians treating children with special needs to better understand their unique requirements. Find out more.
Association of American Medical Colleges: ‘Scary and confusing’: When kids suffer from long COVID-19, 12/9/21
Dr. Laura Malone, co-Director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, shares the ways that long COVID can impact children. Read the story.
Neuroscience News: Youth with Autism Should Be Screened for Abnormal Cholesterol Levels, 12/7/21
New research from Kennedy Krieger reveals a prevalence of abnormal cholesterol levels in families with two or more children with autism spectrum disorder. The results prompted a new health recommendation for children. Learn more.
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute's Festival of Trees begins on Friday, 11/24/21
Michele Mueller, director of special events, provides a preview of this year’s Festival of Trees, and shares how the Institute innovated this beloved holiday event to be both pandemic safe and fun. Watch her interview.
CBS Baltimore: Festival Of Trees Returns This Holiday Season, 11/23/21
Local designers show off their festive creations for Festival of Trees, and reveal the inspiration behind them. See the trees.
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees Returns Virtually, 11/22/21
Dr. Brad Schlaggar, president and CEO, provides a preview of Festival of Trees and shares why it is so important that this event continues, in a hybrid style, despite the pandemic. Check out the interview.
Baltimore Business Journal: Kennedy Krieger’s Festival of Trees Is Going Virtual Again, 11/20/21
The beloved event is back: Festival of Trees returns and Kennedy Krieger staff explains what to expect and how the event has turned into a COVID-safe affair. Read more.
FOX Baltimore: A Doctor Answers Key Questions About COVID-19 and the Vaccine, 11/10/21
Kids under age 12 are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, and Dr. Brad Schlaggar, president and CEO, explains why getting one is essential to their health and the health of their family. Hear what he says.
JMORE: Baltimore’s Business & Professional Leaders, Orlee Kahn, 11/2/21
Meet Orlee Kahn, Kennedy Krieger’s planned giving director, who explains her work and why she is so passionate about it. Read the interview.
Baltimore’s Child: Bullying, Know the Signs and How to Prevent It, 10/30/21
Dr. Rashida Barner, child psychologist, explains the signs of bullying, both in person and online, and shares what parents can do to help their child recover from an incident of bullying. See the segment.
NBC National News: Family Advocates for Mental Health Resources Amid High Latino Depression Rates, 10/28/21
Dr. Carmen López-Arvizu describes the ways the pandemic has uniquely affected the Hispanic community as well as other barriers to mental health care that Latinos face. Watch here. The story also ran in Spanish on Telemundo. Watch it in Spanish.
Washington Family: Tips for an Autism-Friendly Halloween, 10/28/21
Dr. Matt Edelstein, child psychologist, advises parents of children with autism to prepare for Halloween events the best they can, but also have an escape plan if the activities start to overwhelm their child. Read his advice.
FOX Baltimore: The Often-Overlooked Toll Covid Is Taking on Children, 10/24/21
Dr. Brad Schlaggar, president and CEO, talks about the ways that COVID has affected children, including children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Watch the interview.
JMORE: Kennedy Krieger Develops Cutting-Edge Technology to Help Diagnose Autism, 10/13/21
Dr. Stewart Mostofsky, director of Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Neurodevelopmental and Imaging Research, details how Kinect Xbox motion-tracking technology can be used to help diagnose autism spectrum disorder and what’s next for his research in this area. Learn more.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Clinic Treats Patients with Long COVID Who Are Still Dealing with Effects from the Virus, 10/12/21
Kennedy Krieger patient Hannah Larson describes how long COVID affected her and explains the treatment she received at Kennedy Krieger that helped her return to the daily activities of her daily life. Watch her story.
NBC Baltimore: SECU Day of Kindness Treats Front-Line Workers in Baltimore, 10/11/21
Workers from SECU credit union, a supporter of Kennedy Krieger Institute, helped Kennedy Krieger beat the Monday blahs when they served bagels to hundreds of our staff members one morning as part of their month-long campaign to spread kindness. Watch this good news story.
FOX Baltimore: Spotting the Warning Signs of Bullying and How to Talk to Children About the Issue, 10/11/21
October is National Bullying Awareness Month and Dr. Daniel Hoover, a clinical child and adolescent psychologist with the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, explains the signs of bullying and offers tips for addressing the topic with children. Watch the segment.
NBC Baltimore: Team Kennedy Krieger Prepares for the Baltimore Running Festival, 10/9/21
Team Kennedy Krieger hand cyclists hit the C&D Trail to participate in this year’s Baltimore Running Festival in a COVID-safe manner. Hand cycling has “given me a new attitude and a new lease on life,” longtime racer Jerry Sersen says. Here’s what else he shared.
The Atlantic: A Peer-Reviewed Portrait of Suffering, 10/6/21
Two parents, who help patients recover from disease or injury, share their daughter’s own journey of recovery after a traumatic brain injury. Read more.
The Washington Post: As Students with Long-Haul COVID Return to School, Many Districts Don’t Fully Know How to Help, 10/3/21
Nurses from Kennedy Krieger’s Specialized Health Needs Interagency Collaboration help school staff recognize the symptoms of long COVID and develop learning accommodations for the long COVID patients who need them. This is the latest way that the Institute’s team is helping to identity and treat long COVID in children and teens. Learn about this work.
FOX Baltimore: Doctor Shares Insight on Suicide and Suicide Prevention, 10/4/21
Dr. John Campo, vice president of Psychiatric Services, shares some of the latest research on suicide prevention as well as suicide prevention tools. Watch the story.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Hosts Conference Aimed at Identifying Trauma in Children, 9/30/21
Danielle Gregg, director of training for Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, provides an overview of the center’s two-day conference on trauma and why it was so important for the event to address the concurrent struggles of the pandemic, ongoing violence, and systemic racism. Here’s the interview.
ABC Baltimore: 8-Year-Old Battles Post-COVID Syndrome, 9/29/21
Dr. Brad Schlaggar, president and CEO, and Dr. Amanda Morrow, co-director of the Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic, explain the work of the clinic and the effects of long COVID on children in this story about the recovery of an 8-year-old girl. Find out more.
NBC Baltimore: New Research: More Than a Third of COVID-19 Patients Become ‘Long Haul’ Cases, 9/29/21
Chloe Devore, a patient at Kennedy Krieger, describes her recovery from long COVID in this story which includes information about the latest research on post-acute COVID-19. Watch here.
FOX Baltimore: Concussion Symptoms and Treatment During Fall Sports Season, 9/29/21
Dr. Beth Slomine, co-director of the Center for Brain Injury Recovery, identifies concussion symptoms and discusses what parents should do if they think their child has a concussion. See the story.
WYPR, On the Record: Pediatric COVID Cases Surge, 9/20/21
Dr. Bradley Schlaggar is a pediatric neurologist, and president and CEO of Kennedy Krieger Institute. Here, he discusses COVID, the rise in pediatric cases, and how we can prevent another surge. Listen to the interview.
Chesapeake Family: Talking to Kids about Guns and Gun Safety, 8/27/21
Gun violence has increased during the pandemic and Dr. Abena Brown-Elhillali, a psychologist with Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, goes over the ways that parents can handle this tough topic with their children. Here’s the podcast.
WGN-TV Chicago, The Concern Over Long Haul COVID in Kids and Teens, 8/23/21
Dr. Laura Malone, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic, provides an update on long COVID as well as what clinicians know about children and the illness. Watch her interview.
FOX Baltimore, Back to School and IEPs, 8/22/21
Maureen van Stone, director for the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, explains what an IEP is and why a child might need one. Click here.
Chesapeake Family: Paralympians Get Their Start at Kennedy Krieger, 8/20/21
Let’s talk about the Paralympics! On this podcast episode for parents, Gwena and Gerry Herman, co-founders of Bennett Blazers, chat about this adaptive sports program for kids and share stories about the four Paralympians who were once Blazers. Watch or listen.
NBC Baltimore, Peace of Mind: Anxiety for Children Returning to School, 8/15/21
Dr. Kristi Phillips, a psychologist with Kennedy Krieger’s Child and Family Therapy Clinic, details the ways that anxiety can affect a child who is nervous about returning to school and the ways that families can respond. See the interview.
FOX Baltimore, Managing Your Child’s Emotions Ahead of Back to School, 8/15/21
The return to school can set off a range of emotions in children, says Anna Ditkoff Dorsey, a clinical social worker, who discusses the feelings kids might experience. Find out what she says.
NBC Baltimore, Back to School Presents Uncertainty for Some Children, 8/15/21
Uncertainty around the school year remains as the pandemic continues, and Dr. Souraya Torbey, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, relays how children may react to this. Learn more.
FOX News, CDC: Kids’ Long COVID Often Involves Fatigue, Headaches, 8/10/21
Dr. Laura Malone and Dr. Amanda Morrow, co-directors of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic, discuss long COVID and its treatment. Read the story.
CBS Miami, Doctors Learn More About Long COVID in Pediatric Patients, 8/9/21
Dr. Laura Malone, a pediatric neurologist, explains the symptoms of long COVID in children. Learn more.
WQNX-Radio, Los Angeles, More Kids With Long COVID Symptoms, 8/9/21
Dr. Laura Malone, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic, offers insights into long COVID and its incidence in children. Listen to the interview.
FOX Baltimore, Determining Whether Your Child Has a Learning Disorder, 8/8/21
What’s a learning disorder, and how do you know if your child has one? Dr. Gwendolyn Gerner, research scientist and neuropsychologist, explains the symptoms as well as what they mean for a child’s overall learning. Click here.
NBC Baltimore, Back to School Anxiety, 8/8/21
Psychiatrist Dr. Carmen Lopez-Arvizu provides parents with tips to help children anxious about returning to school this year. Watch the story.
Baltimore Sun: One Year after Deadly Blast, Lebanese Doctors in Baltimore Area Wear Invisible Scars, 8/4/21
Child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Souraya Torbey surveyed hundreds of Lebanese ex-patriots after last year’s explosion in Beirut. She and other researchers discovered some unexpected findings about traumatic stress. Learn more.
New York Times, ‘This Is Really Scary’: Kids Struggle With Long COVID, 8/8/21
What does long COVID look like in children? Two Kennedy Krieger physicians and a patient family share their experiences with the illness. Read the story.
FOX Baltimore, Dealing with ADHD Ahead of Going Back to School, 8/1/21
How does ADHD affect learning? Dr. Alison Pritchard, co-director of the department of neuropsychology at Kennedy Krieger, shares insights on the topic. Watch the interview.
FOX Baltimore, Talking to Kids About Violence in the World, 7/25/21
Violence has increased during the pandemic, and Dr. Abena Brown-Elhillali, a clinical psychologist with Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, explains how parents can talk about this difficult topic with children. Here’s her advice.
U.S. News & World Report. For Kids with Long COVID, Collective Help Can Be Hard to Find, 7/13/21
Treating long COVID involves a multi-disciplinary approach to the illness, says Dr. Laura Malone, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic. Learn more.
FOX Baltimore, Spinal Cord Injuries, 6/8/21
Dr. Rebecca Martin, manager of clinical education and training at the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury, discusses the safety tips that swimmers need to keep in mind this summer. Watch the interview.
Healthy Debate (Canada): Some young adults feeling long-term effects from mild cases of COVID-19 6/3/21
Dr. Amanda Morrow and Dr. Laura Malone, co-directors of Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic, discuss how symptoms of long COVID present in children and adolescents. Read the story.
FOX Baltimore: Talking to Your LGBTQ Child, 6/1/21
Dr. Kathryn Van Eck, clinical psychologist, provides tips for parents to support their LGBTQ+ child, particularly after immediately coming out. Watch the interview.
The Aegis: Abingdon Resident Tyler Bloom, 14, Blossomed at Adaptive Sports Program at Kennedy Krieger, 5/28/21
As a preschooler, Tyler Bloom was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He recovered at Kennedy Krieger Institute and continues to grow and build strength through Institute programs, such as Adaptive Sports. Read about him here.
Comcast Newsmakers: Kennedy Krieger Institute with Lisa Nickerson, 5/28/21
Lisa Nickerson, Assistant Vice President for Marketing, Communications and Public Relations, talks about the impact of the pandemic on Kennedy Krieger’s services and how the Institute’s team of clinicians and researchers pivoted to serve patients and students over the past year. Watch the interview.
Eureka Alert: NIH awards $4.7m to Kennedy Krieger Institute researcher for movement learning study 5/25/21
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Dr. Amy Bastian, the Institute’s Chief Science Officer and Director of the Motions Analysis Laboratory, $4.7 million to support a study examining movement learning mechanisms and how this process is affected by brain damage. Learn more.
CBS Baltimore: Vaccine Clinic, Kennedy Krieger’s Free, Drive-Through Vaccine Clinic Reaches the Disability Community, 5/23/21
This story, which includes vaccine outreach efforts throughout Maryland, shares how clinicians at Kennedy Krieger created a sensory-friendly, drive-through clinic specifically for the disability community. Find out about the clinic.
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s ROAR for Kids Fundraiser, 5/13/21
Michele Mueller, Director of Special Events at Kennedy Krieger Institute, describes this year’s ROAR for Kids 2021 fundraiser, what’s new for participants, and how families can get involved. Watch this interview.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute’s ROAR for Kids Fundraiser Goes Virtual, 5/12/21
Landon Brown, 10, is an all-around all-star as an athlete with the Institute’s Bennett Blazers program and a ROAR participant and fundraiser. Here he talks about his involvement in both.
FOX Baltimore: People with Disabilities and the COVID-19 Vaccine, 5/11/21
Maureen van Stone, the director of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD) at Kennedy Krieger Institute, shares some of the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created for people with disabilities. She also discusses a free, drive-through vaccine clinic that the Institute is offering the disability community. Learn more.
FOX Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger’s Therapeutic Foster Care Program, 5/5/21
Kennedy Krieger Institute is seeking therapeutic foster care parents, and Paul Brylske, director of the Institute’s program, explains how the program works. Find out about the program.
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Studies Lasting Effects of Brain Injuries on Children, 4/25/21
Kennedy Krieger researchers continue to work on a study of brain health after a concussion. Dr. Stacy Suskauer, co-director of the Center for Brain Injury and Recovery, explains what they have learned and what they hope to find out. Here’s what she says about the work.
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Operates Clinic Dedicated to Kids Coping with Long-Lasting Covid Symptoms, 4/16/21
Miya Walker, a teenager with long COVID, shares how it has impacted her life and how Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic has helped her recover. Watch the interview.
Capital News Service: A Look at a Family’s Journey Adopting Amid a Pandemic, 4/14/21
The pandemic’s upheaval also affects foster care. In this story, one family in Kennedy Krieger’s Therapeutic Foster Care program shares their experience as well as information about the program itself. Read the story here.
NBC Baltimore: Autism Acceptance Month, 4/12/21
April is Autism Acceptance Month, and Dr. Rebecca Landa, founder and director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), explains what autism is, how to recognize the signs of autism, and information about an upcoming webinar for families. Here’s more information.
Baltimore’s Child: Sports and Children with ADHD, 4/9/21
Sports can be beneficial for all children, including children with ADHD, says Gerry Herman, director of the Bennett Institute for Physically Challenged Sports Program at Kennedy Krieger Institute. In this article, he shares tips for a choosing a sport for a child with ADHD.
The Washington Post: These Children Had COVID-19. Now, They Have Long Haul Symptoms, 3/18/21
The number of children with lingering COVID-19 symptoms is growing, and physicians explain what they know about this condition. Read the story.
CBS Baltmore: ‘I Just Want to Be Back to Normal,’ Maryland Teen Shares Her Struggles with Long Covid, 3/10/21
Chloe Devore describes her recovery from the symptoms of long COVID, as Dr. Laura Malone, a pediatric neurologist, explains how Kennedy Krieger is helping children with long COVID. Watch their interviews.
NBC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Helps Kids in Need of Therapy after COVID-19 Diagnosis, 3/8/21
Dr. Amanda Morrow, rehabilitation physician, provides information about the Institute’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic, and patient Chloe Devore shares her journey to recovery. Watch the story.
ARLNow: Arlington Family Raises $400K to Research Cure for Daughter’s Disease, 3/8/21
Twelve-year-old Ellie McGinn and her family led an effort to raise $400,000 for LBSL research at Kennedy Krieger’s Moser Center for Leukodystrophies. Read about their effort.
Fox Baltimore: Brain Injury Awareness Month, 3/6/21
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and Dr. Stacy Suskauer, director of the Center for Brain Injury Recovery, discusses the warning signs of a brain injury, prevention tips and ways that injuries are treated. Watch the interview.
The Daily Record: Kennedy Krieger Raises $400K for Moser Center, 3/4/21
A Cure for Ellie, a foundation focused on finding a cure for a rare disease known as LBSL, raised $400,000 for medical research at Kennedy Krieger’s Moser Center for Leukodystrophies. Read more.
Spectrum News: Black autism researchers weigh in on field’s past, future, 3/3/21
Dr. Constance Smith-Hicks, medical director for the Center for Autism and Related Disorders, recalls a career influence and shares her hopes for the next generation of researchers. Read her remarks.
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt: Inside Clinic Studying Lingering Effects of COVID in Children, 3/2/21
Dr. Amanda Morrow, rehabilitation physician, discusses long COVID symptoms in children and the ways they are being treated at the Institute’s Pediatric Post-COVID-19 Clinic. Watch the story.
Fox Baltimore: Transitioning Students Back to School, 3/1/21
As many children return to the classroom for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, they may experience a range of emotions. Social worker Anna Ditkoff Dorsey explains how families can cope with this transition. Watch the interview.
The Business Monthly: Kennedy Krieger Gets Largest Single Contributions in Institute History, 2/15/21
Two modest but longtime supporters of Kennedy Krieger bequeathed a total of $6.6 million to the Institute, a reflection of a recent trend of women and giving. Read the story.
ABC Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Receives $6.6 million in donations, 2/11/21
Two women who gave a total of $6.6 million to Kennedy Krieger after their deaths are highlighted in this story. Learn more.
Education Week: Should Schools Become Vaccination Sites for Everyone? 2/4/21
This article in Education Week examines the role that schools can play in public health— and the greater community. Dr. Harolyn Belcher, vice president, weighs in on the issue. Read the article.
Fox Baltimore: Children’s Mental Health Week, 2/4/21
What are the ways the pandemic has affected the mental health of children and teens? Social worker Anna Ditkoff Dorsey shares some examples and provides tips for coping during an uncertain time. Here’s the interview.
Fox Baltimore: COVID-19 Vaccine Necessity for People with Disabilities, 1/30/21
Dr. S. Ali Fatemi, chief medical officer, explains why it is so important for people with disabilities, and those who care for them, receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Watch the interview.
NBC Baltimore: Baltimore Man with Autism Learns Broadcasting Skills through Kennedy Krieger Program, 1/24/21
John Good, a Project SEARCH intern, describes what it was like to create a podcast as part of a 10-month internship he completed at Kennedy Krieger. Hear what John has to say.
Fox Baltimore: Children and Mental Health in the New Year, 1/24/21
Dr. Carmen Lopez-Arvizu, medical director of the Psychiatric Mental Health Program, talks about the importance of mental health awareness for children and teens, and when a family needs to talk to a mental health professional. Here’s the interview.
NBC Baltimore: Isolation During Pandemic Particularly Tough for Children, Teens, 1/17/21
Dr. Rashida Barner, psychologist, shares ways that parents can help ease their children’s anxiety during the pandemic. Watch the interview.
CBS Baltimore: People with Disabilities Face Greater COVID Risks, 1/12/21
Dr. Bradley Schlaggar, president and CEO, discusses how people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been affected by COVID-19. Find out more.
Afro: Kennedy Krieger Creates Winter Wonderland, 12/24/20
Kennedy Krieger staff created a special light garden to bring cheer to patients in their Pediatric Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit. Here’s the story.
Spectrum News: Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions Put Autistic People at Risk for Self-Harm, 12/11/2020
Autistic people are at greater risk for self-harm and suicide, but a new study says that often is because of underlying psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety, depression or schizophrenia. Dr. Paul Lipkin, director of medical outpatient services, explains to readers what that means. Read the story here.
WYPR FM: The Puzzle of Lingering Covid Symptoms, 12/10/2020
Dr. Melissa Trovato, director of rehabilitation, discusses symptoms of long Covid in children and shares information about Kennedy Krieger’s Pediatric Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Clinic. Find out more.
In this opinion piece, Dr. Deepa Menon and Dr. Harolyn Belcher make the point that telehealth is one way to bridge disparities in the health care offered to children across the country.
CBS Baltimore: Festival of Trees Raises Festival of Trees Raises Over $650K For Kennedy Krieger Programs, 12/2/2020
Kennedy Krieger transformed its iconic holiday celebration, Festival of Trees, into a three-day virtual celebration this year and raised more than $650,000. Watch the segment.
Baltimore Sun: Columbia Family Pitches In to Help Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees, 11/26/2020
Jennifer Whiddon, the mother of a former Kennedy Krieger patient, discusses how she become involved in Festival of Trees and how she made her baseball-themed wreaths for this year’s event. Read what she has to say.
Frederick News-Post: Trees of Hope: Linganore High Teachers Design Christmas Tree for Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees, 11/25/2020
Two Linganore High School teachers continue a years-long tradition of designing a tree for Festival of Trees, highlighting the event’s reach across the state. Here’s their story.
WLIF FM: The Spotlight On Maryland Is on Kennedy Krieger Institute, 11/23/2020
Linda Schaefer Cameron, vice president of philanthropy, discusses the ways that Kennedy Krieger continues to serve patients in 2020 and what Festival of Trees will be like this year. Listen to the story.
98 Rock FM: Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees, 11/20/2020
Michele Mueller, director of special events, explains how Kennedy Krieger staff transformed its iconic event, Festival of Trees, into a safe and family-friendly virtual event. Listen to her remarks.
Baltimore’s Child: Understanding Depression and Disability in Children, 11/17/2020
Dr. Carmen López-Arvizu, medical director of Kennedy Krieger Institute’s psychiatric mental health program, discusses the risk of depression in adolescents with disabilities. Learn more here.
The New York Times: At 12, She’s a Covid ‘Long Hauler,’ 10/22/2020
Physicians now understand that “long Covid,” or lingering physical ailments after a bout of Covid-19, also can affect children. Here, Dr. Melissa Trovato, director of rehabilitation, talks about the ways that Covid-19 can continue to impact a child’s life and shares information about Kennedy Krieger’s post-Covid-19 rehabilitation clinic. Read the story.
Fox Baltimore: National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 10/18/2020
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and Stacey Herman, director of post-secondary services, discusses its significance, particularly this year. Watch her interview.
NBC Baltimore: Discussing National Bullying Prevention Month with An Expert, 10/4/2020
Even with remote learning, bullying can happen, according to Dr. Rashida Barner, a psychologist at Kennedy Krieger. Dr. Barner explains what bullying looks like online and how it can be prevented. Learn more.
PSYCOM: Tell Me All I Need to Know About LGBTQ+ Youth and Suicide, 9/30/2020
Teens are a stressed group, says psychologist Dr. Kathryn Van Eck, and this is particularly true for LGBTQ+ youth, who can be at greater risk for suicide. She offers both tips and resources for teens and their parents. Read the story.
Fox Baltimore: Hats and Horses, 9/22/2020
Hats and Horses went online this year for a virtually good time and a successful night of fundraising for the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury. Watch the segment.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Institute Helps Patients Fight Sickle Cell Anemia, 9/21/2020
Dr. Eboni Lance, the medical director at Kennedy Krieger’s neuro-developmental clinic, discusses what sickle cell anemia is and how it affects children. Watch the segment.
Fox Baltimore: Covid-19 and Mental Health, 9/20/2020
Dr. Luke Kalb discusses the ways the coronavirus pandemic has affected mental health and what kids and parents can do about that. Find out more
Baltimore Business Journal: Kennedy Krieger Opens Spinal Cord Injury Center in Howard County, 9/15/2020
Kennedy Krieger opened a second location of its International Center for Spinal Cord Injury. This one, in Maple Lawn, extends the center’s reach into Howard County and the DMV, where the institute has many patients. Here’s more on the center.
WYPR-FM: Suicide: What to Watch For in Young People, 9/10/2020
Dr. Carmen Lopez-Arvizu, medical director of Kennedy Krieger Institute’s psychiatric mental health program, describes the warning signs for suicide that parents can watch for in children. Listen here for her insights.
CBS Baltimore: Pre-Kindergarten Program for Children with Special Needs Makes Changes to Allow for In-Person Learning, 8/25/2020
Here’s a look at PACT’s Pre-K program, a full-day preschool for children with medical conditions that require daily nursing care and or who have developmental disabilities who require multiple therapies. Like so many programs, its administrators have adapted with the pandemic. Watch the story.
NBC Baltimore: CDC Warns Parents about AFM; Here’s What to Watch For, 8/6/2020
Kennedy Krieger Institute physicians and staff have treated the majority of U.S. children diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis. Dr. Michelle Melicosta, medical director for the inpatient rehabilitation unit, explains the rare illness and what physicians know about it today. Here’s the segment.
Children’s Hospitals Today: Caring for Kids After Covid-19, 8/4/2020
In early July, Kennedy Krieger Institute launched a COVID-19 rehabilitation clinic to help kids with continued symptoms. The clinic includes occupational and physical therapy, speech-language pathology, behavioral health and assistive technology. Find out more.
Carroll County Times: New Windsor Infant with Cerebral Palsy Seeing Positive Results with Telehealth Occupational Therapy, 7/17/2020
Meet Natalie, a 10-month-old Carroll County resident who receives occupational therapy through Kennedy Krieger’s telehealth services. Natalie’s mother, Crystal Dorsey, shares what that experience is like and how her daughter has progressed. Read the story.
FOX 45: Summer Safety Tips: Concussion, 5/30/2020
Dr. Stacy Suskauer, co-director of the Center for Brain Injury Recovery and director of the Brain Clinical Research Center, explains the symptoms of a concussion and what a parent should do if their child has a concussion. Learn more.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Receives Nearly $1 Million Grant to Expand Telehealth Services, 5/19/2020
A nearly $1 million grant from the Federal Communications Commission will help Kennedy Krieger provide much-needed therapies and other treatment to the institute’s patients during the pandemic. Watch the story.
ABC Baltimore: Children on the Autism Spectrum Cope with the New Normal of a Pandemic, 5/11/2020
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone’s day-to-day routines. Dr. Daniel Hoover, a clinical child and adolescent psychologist at Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, discusses how children with autism have reacted to these changes and how parents can help them adapt. Watch the segment.
Baltimore Sun: Distance Learning Can and Does Work for Special Education Students and Their Families, 5/8/2020
In this commentary featured in the Baltimore Sun, Dr. Bradley Schlaggar, president and CEO, and Dr. Nancy Grasmick, board chair, highlight the way that remote education can meet the educational needs of children with disabilities. Read their arguments.
CBS Washington D.C.: Managing Through a Pandemic When Your Child Has Autism, 4/22/2020
April is Autism Awareness Month, and Dr. Daniel Hoover, a clinical child and adolescent psychologist at Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, provided tips on handing the coronavirus pandemic when your child has autism. Here’s the segment.
NBC Baltimore: Those with Intellectual Disabilities Coping with Change During Stay-Home Order, 4/21/2020
There are multiple ways that people with intellectual disabilities are coping during the coronavirus pandemic. Oscar Martinez, a Project SEARCH intern, shares what life has been like for him. Here’s what he says.
Washington AFRO: COVID-19: What We Must Do for Ourselves and What We Must Do for Others, 4/15/2020
Dr. Harolyn Belcher, vice president, advocates for the ways that members of the Black community can care for themselves during the coronavirus pandemic. Read her commentary.
NBC Baltimore: Helping Children with Intellectual Disabilities Understand Coronavirus, 4/11/2020
How do parents of children with intellectual disabilities explain the coronavirus to them? Dr. Daniel Hoover, a clinical child and adolescent psychologist at Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, offers these insights. Watch the segment.
CBS Baltimore: Young Girl with Rare Brain Disorder Helps Raise $450K for Kennedy Krieger Institute, 2/28/2020
In honor of Rare Disease Day, an inspiring 11-year-old from Virginia named Ellie McGinn helps to raise $450,000 for research efforts at Kennedy Krieger. Find out more.
Spectrum News: How Abuse Mars the Lives of Autistic People, 2/5/2020
Children with autism face more bullying than their peers, according to research from Dr. Daniel Hoover, a clinical child and adolescent psychologist at Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress. In this comprehensive feature, Dr. Hoover and other experts discuss how prevalent bullying is. Read the story.
Baltimore Sun: Baltimore Violence: ‘Hope and Opportunity’ Can End It, 1/10/2020
In this commentary, Dr. Joan Kaufman, director of research of the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress, considers ways to reduce the high rates of childhood adversity in cities such as Baltimore. Read her suggestions here.
WBFF-TV: Summer Safety for Kids
Dr. Stacy Suskauer, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Brain Injury Recovery, discusses drowning and brain injury prevention, and how parents can help keep their children safe. Watch the segment.
The New York Times: What Should I Do if I Think My Child Has Autism?
Dr. Rebecca Landa is featured and discusses how autism spectrum disorder affects about one in 54 children. An early diagnosis can mean quicker access to the medical, behavioral and social services that a child may need. Read the full article.
The Baltimore Sun: Telehealth and its easier access to medical care should be here to stay
Joanna Burton, neurodevelopmental pediatrician, Jennifer Crockett, director of training of behavioral psychology and Jacqueline Stone, director of clinical programs, authored an op-ed piece in The Baltimore Sun about the importance of telehealth and tele-education services and accessible care for all. Learn more.
CBS Baltimore: Kennedy Krieger Joins Largest Genetic Study Into Autism; Researchers Looking for Families to Participate
Ericka Wodka, a neuropsychologist at the Center for Autism and Related Disorders at Kennedy Krieger, talks to CBS Baltimore about the Institute's participation in SPARK, the largest genetic study of autism in history that aims to help better specialize the treatment and medical care for individuals with autism. Learn more.
FOX Baltimore: Brain Injury Awareness Month
Dr. Stacy Suskauer, co-director of Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Brain Injury Recovery, shares what parents can do to prevent brain injuries this sports season as we mark Brain Injury Awareness Month. Learn more.
WBAL-TV 11: Couple donates thousands of shoes to children with special needs in memory of their son
In honor of what would have been their son, Xavier’s, 10th birthday, a Maryland family donated more than 1,700 pairs of shoes and socks to benefit children with special needs at Kennedy Krieger. Watch their story.
Reuters: More U.S. youth seeking help during psychiatric emergencies
The number of young people visiting U.S. emergency rooms with psychiatric problems is rising, driven largely by a surge in teens and minority youth seeking urgent help for mental illnesses, a new study led by Dr. Luke Kalb suggests. Read more.
ABC Nightline: Doctors race to find out more about polio-like disorder AFM before next wave of illnesses
Four-year-old Camdyn Carr began the fight of his life two months ago at Kennedy Krieger Institute, where he was first diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). The Carr family have remained steady in the battle as their child’s body fights a modern day medical mystery that left him mostly paralyzed and nearly killed him. Read Camdyn’s story.
The Baltimore Sun: After a rare disease partially paralyzed a Taneytown boy, his family shares his story to help others
Diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis, a polio-like illness that can bring on sudden paralysis in children, Elijah went from what seemed like a bad cold in late September, to being unable to move is right arm, sit up or lift his head by October. Read how our experts are helping Eli.
The Jewish Times: At 73, Influential Lainy Lebow-Sachs Retires
For the past few years, a rare polio-like illness has been striking otherwise healthy children, often after a mild respiratory illness or fever. Cases of acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, reached record-high numbers in 2018. Follow the rehabilitation journeys of three children and hear from experts at Kennedy Krieger Institute.
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PBS News Hour: Racing to understand the polio-like illness paralyzing kids
For the past few years, a rare polio-like illness has been striking otherwise healthy children, often after a mild respiratory illness or fever. Cases of acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, reached record-high numbers in 2018. Follow the rehabilitation journeys of three children and hear from experts at Kennedy Krieger Institute.
Watch the video
Science Magazine: Johns Hopkins Medicine & Kennedy Krieger named certified Mitochondrial Medicine Center
Serving as the Center’s Clinical Director, Dr. Hilary Vernon believes the new Mitochondrial Medicine Center – part of the Mitochondrial Care Network – will further the Institute’s mission to offer state-of-the-art medical care to patients and families who are living with Mitochondrial disorders.
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Baltimore Sun: Paralympic athlete Tatyana McFadden presents Kennedy Krieger trainers with Order of Ikkos Medical
More than two decades after her adoption from a Russian orphanage, Tatyana McFadden, 29, is a Paralympic athlete in wheelchair racing and the winner of seven gold medals. She credits much of her success to two trainers and the co-founders of Kennedy Krieger’s Physically Challenged Sports and Recreation Program, the Bennett Blazers.
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JMore: Making Headway
In the October issue of JMore, Dr. Suskauer and Dr. Slomine share their experience leading Kennedy Krieger’s Center for Brain Injury Recovery.
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Drs. Paul Lipkin and Roma Vasa discuss risks and solutions for suicidal ideation unique to individuals with autism.
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NBC Nightly News: ADHD a biological condition, not just behavioral, new research shows
Dr. Mark Mahone discusses research findings that reveal ADHD is a biological condition.
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The Hechinger Report: We’ve got to train special education teachers to be leaders as well as educators
Nancy Grasmick discusses the importance of training teachers so they are able to teach all of their students, including those with disabilities.
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U.S. News & World Report: A Child with ADHD Likely to Have Additional Behavioral Issues, Anxiety
Dr. E. Mark Mahone discusses some of the most common comorbid conditions with ADHD and the importance of early intervention. Read article

WJZ-TV: Kennedy Krieger Aquatic Therapy Helps Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries
Rachel Mertins, a physical therapist at the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury, discusses the benefits of aquatic therapy.
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WBFF-TV: Brain and Spine Injury Awareness
Kennedy Krieger's own Rebecca Martin and Dr. Stacy Suskauer discuss the importance of safety measures for avoiding brain and spinal cord injuries.
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WJZ-TV: Baltimore Toddler Recovering From Pediatric Stroke
WJZ-TV talks to Dr. Frank Pidcock to learn more about how Kennedy Krieger patient Brooke Wolcott is recovering from a stroke that left her unable to move her left side.
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U.S. News & World Report: Are Brains Different for Kids Who Have ADHD?
Dr. E. Mark Mahone offers expertise on the neuroscience of ADHD.
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The Huffington Post: Prevention is Key to Reduce Spring Concussion Spike
Dr. Stacy Suskauer offers expertise on the seasonal increase in brain injury seen during the spring.
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BBC Two: Life Now with Half a Brain
Dr. Amy Bastian, Chief Scientific Officer, discusses the brain and its plasticity in this BBC Two segment about Jody Graves, a former Kennedy Krieger patient who had half of her brain removed when she was three-years-old.

WBAL-TV: Stimulating Brain Can Speed Up Concussion Recovery, Doctor Says
Dr. Stacy Suskauer discusses how concussion treatment is changing as more is learned about the way young brains heal.
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WBAL-TV: Bennett Blazers Blaze Path for Athletes with Special Needs
Kennedy Krieger’s Bennett Blazers offers kids a sports program and Olive and Willow show there is nothing they can’t do.
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Baltimore's Child: Teaching Kids – and Adults - the ABC’s of Affection
Dr. Rebecca Landa and Dr. Kiely Law discuss the challenge that children with special needs have in learning how to give and receive affection at appropriate times.
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Washington Post: To get your kids to listen to you, try writing it all down
Expert from our Center for Autism and Related Disorders talks about why visual aids work.
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