A volunteer can make a world of difference in the life of a child with a disability.
There are many opportunities to volunteer at Kennedy Krieger, both inside and outside of the Institute, and we would like to have you as a part of our team.
Individual Volunteer
The Institute welcomes individuals and groups to volunteer their time. Volunteers assist staff with patient activities, including performing a special talent, crafts, games, and other fun ways to help patients unlock their potential.
If you are interested in making a difference, contact the Office of Patient Experience and Community Engagement at 443-923-2640.
Group Volunteer
Many community groups, companies, and organizations volunteer to help the children in the hospital by organizing food drives, participating in our Adopt-A-Family Holiday Gift Program, or visiting to play with the children. We also have a wish list fund, which allows our care teams to purchase the crucial supplies needed most—whether toys that bring joy, educational tools that foster learning, or therapeutic resources that support healing. To join us, contact the Office of Patient Experience and Community Engagement at 443-923-2640.
Special Events Volunteers
Join the fun and become a special events volunteer for any or all of Kennedy Krieger Institute's Annual Special Events. If you are interested in obtaining more information about these events, please contact the Special Events Team at (443) 923-7300.
If you are interested in helping Kennedy Krieger by organizing a benefit or by volunteering as a fundraiser, please visit our "Plan Your Event" page.
The Women’s Initiative Network (WIN)
The Women’s Initiative Network (WIN) is a volunteer organization dedicated to raising awareness of the Kennedy Krieger Institute by promoting and facilitating volunteerism that assists families who utilize the Institute. Learn more.
Foster Parenting
Children are waiting right now for a family. If you are interest in working with children with special needs, consider becoming a foster or respite parent. Families in the Baltimore metropolitan area are urgently needed to care for children on a full-time or part-time basis. To learn more, call (443) 923-3811 or go to our Therapeutic Foster Care webpage.