These resources will help you prepare for an appointment at the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury at Kennedy Krieger Institute. For more information, you may also view our admissions flyer

White Marsh Location

425 Williams Court
Suite 116
Middle River, MD 21220

Maple Lawn Location

11830 West Market Place
Suite P
Fulton, MD 20759

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The Outpatient Clinical Program

801 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205

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The Inpatient Clinical Program

707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205

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For hotel recommendations and general assistance with your stay, please contact a care coordinator at (443) 923-9222.


Parking at the North Broadway Campus

Families and visitors may park in the Kennedy Krieger Parking Garage for free. To enter the garage, pass the Institute on North Broadway, cross Madison Street, turn right on Ashland, and turn right into the garage. Validate your parking ticket at the front security desk.

Valet parking is available from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for patients and visitors with mobility support needs. Valets are stationed at 801 Broadway’s front entrance (off of Ashland Avenue) and in front of 707 Broadway.

The Metro

The metro subway system has a stop on North Broadway directly across the street from Kennedy Krieger Institute. Convenient destinations from the metro include Penn Station, Baltimore’s major train station; Charles Center, in Baltimore’s downtown business district; the world-famous Lexington Market; and Hunt Valley and Owings Mills, suburbs in Northern Baltimore County.


  • BWI Airport: (410) 859-7111


  • Greyhound/Trailways Bus Lines: (800) 231-2222
  • MTA (bus and metro schedules): (410) 539-5000

Taxi Services

  • Red Ball Cab: (410) 675-2220
  • Arrow Cab and County Cab: (410) 327-0330
  • Yellow Transportation: (410) 685-1212


  • Marc Commuter Train: (800) 325-7245
  • Penn Station Amtrak: (800) USA-RAIL